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Chapter sixty eight

"The only people you can trust, are people like you."

Having gotten the stake pulled out of her chest by Silas, Beatrix was asleep for almost half the night until she woke up, sitting up, she looked around her and her eyesight was back as she saw she was still in the woods, someone put their hand around her mouth "shh. Shh." Silas told her, as he pointed across the way, Bonnie was lying there "she can't know who I am." Silas told her, as he took his hands off from her mouth, Beatrix began to remember everything especially from what was to happen after Bonnie got stabbed, as she turned to him "Kath..Katherine killed Jermey, how..how am I supposed to keep her from losing control if he's dead? I'm a vampire! I..I don't know what to do!" she voiced.

As Silas put his hands on her face "you are not a vampire! You and me? We are not like that. We don't call ourselves that. You're so much stronger, you just don't know it yet because everyone's had you playing pretend but now I am here, I am gonna help you and while I do? You are gonna help her and I healed her wound with some berries and things seeing as I was posing as you until you woke up, Now do as I say and go!" he voiced, as Beatrix turned going over to Bonnie, Silas disappeared, like he wasn't even there.

"Bonnie?" she asked her, running her hand through her hair "are you still with me?" she asked her, as Bonnie opened her eyes, she sat up "Beatrix, what.." she was asking her, as she reached toward's her back, Beatrix grabbed her arm "no, no, don't. It's healing, I didn't wanna risk giving you my blood so I used a remedy my mother learned of some berries that I had found around the island to help heal you." she shared, as Bonnie looked at her chest "how..how are you alive? You were staked, I watched you die?" she asked her "Silas. He got us out of there and he saved me so I could save you." Beatrix told her.

"He's in your head." Bonnie told her, shoving her away from her, Beatrix raised her brows "Bonnie, no..I am your friend, he's not in my head. But..I think once I tell you what happened, you'll..you'll think differently about his plan." she shared "what do you mean?" Bonnie asked her "you remember when I put my hands on Jermey's shoulders and was trying to tell him that things were gonna be alright and that Shane wasn't gonna get near Silas?" Beatrix asked her "yeah?" Bonnie asked her "well, I saw you go down the same way you did and I saw Jermey go down by Katherine feeding him to Silas. And I at first didn't say anything about it because I..I didn't think I was gonna go down so I thought maybe I could stop her but then I did at the same time as you.." Beatrix shared.

"What are you saying?" Bonnie asked her "Bonnie.." Beatrix told her "what are you saying to me?" Bonnie asked her "Katherine fed him to Silas and drained him of every ounce of blood he had and now he's dead and I'm sorry." Beatrix told her, as Bonnie looked at her with wide eyes.

Beatrix was then holding Bonnie as she cried "Jermey's dead." she told her, and as she did, the fire in front of them roared, as it made Beatrix's eyes flicker a red color, she moved her hand down her arm "Bonnie, Bonnie, hey, stay in control." she told her, but as Bonnie began to cry more the fire only got bigger "Bonnie, Bonnie, I'm here! I'm taking care of you like I told you! But I can't if your fighting me, Jermey will be fine, we'll bring him back just like what happened with me and just like what you've done with him before, all we need is his body. Remember?" Beatrix asked her, as the fire went back down "we'll see him again." Beatrix told her, although she wasn't so sure if her way was the way it was actually gonna get done.

Standing now, the two were walking through the woods "everyone back at home must be worried sick about us. But once we get there we can tell them what Silas did for us and what he's gonna do for the rest of us." Beatrix shared, as Bonnie furrowed her brows, pulling her arm so they'd stop walking "where is Silas?" she asked her "I don't know. I woke up, he was gone and you were there. I'm not worried about him right now, Bonnie. I'm worried about you, now come on." Beatrix shared, turning and continuing to walk "I don't understand, Beatrix." Bonnie told her, as Beatrix sighed "you know how some say you can be a witch or vampire but never both? Well I believe with my family heritage I am an exception to that rule, which is how I am not dead. But if I told you anymore then that about me, you wouldn't trust me anymore, you'd be afraid of me and that's..that's not what I need." she shared.

If only, Damon Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now