085. A LAB RAT

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Chapter eighty five

"A lab rat."

Waking up, Beatrix stared up at the ceiling, having been going in an out, she looked to her right and Enzo was no longer but instead an IV pole with a blood bag hanging from it, she then turned and looked to her left seeing a staircase, she began to realize where she was, although the last time she was down here it was on fire "subject 83182 appears conscious." Dr Wes Maxfield said, as Beatrix looked up seeing him standing above her "can't you bad guys ever come up with something better then creepy basement as your hideout?" she asked, looking to her right and seeing a machine.

"3182 resume prep for blood dialysis." Dr Wes Maxfield said, as Beatrix then saw a mask come down "not again.." she said "count from ten." Dr Wes Maxfield told her, as Beatrix began to breathe in the gas "nine, eight, seven, six, five.." Dr Wes Maxfield said as his voice once again began to fade away as her eyes closed again.

Meanwhile, Damon had headed back to mystic falls to get Stefan, leaving Joanna, Esme, Laura, Minnie and Elena at the college, knowing he needed back up as he walked upstairs to Stefan's room after running into Katherine at the front door, Stefan walked out of his bathroom dressed for the day as he looked at him "where the hell have you been?" he asked him "ah, you know, being held against my will. Rescued by a group of demon witches. Beatrix was then shot and now we can't find her. How was your evening? Anything out of the ordinary happen?" Damon asked, as he walked toward's him.

Stefan looked at him with furrowed brows "wait a minute. What do you mean you can't find Beatrix?" he asked him "I mean, she kicked us all threw a magic portal and when it closed all we heard was a gunshot and she hasn't comeback to the institute to grant us all an I'm not dead welcome. Which leads us all to believe that Dr creepy Ken doll has her somewhere." Damon shared "are you talking about the Whittmore bio teacher?" Stefan asked him "yeah, the one that operates on vampires and demon witches during business hours, yeah, that one." Damon shared, tossing him his jacket.

"Put your hero hair on, Stefan. Let's go get Beatrix." he told him, as he turned to walk out "you just said that neither of you know where she is." Stefan shared, as Damon turned to him 'we don't, which means we're gonna have to find us some leverage and I'm assuming the witches are already on it and I would like to not miss all the fun so come on." he shared, motioning his head for him to follow as he turned walking out of the room, Stefan followed after him.

Back at campus, Joanna, Esme, Laura, Minnie had all asked Elena where she thought Aaron would be, she told them probably in his dorm although when the five of them walked into the dormitory, before they could head up the stairs, they found Aaron on the couch, the three witches looked to Minnie who smiled, as she walked past Elena and around the couch, she sat down next to Aaron, she pulled one of his headphones out, making him look to her, his eyes went wide as he quickly sat up, taking the other headphone out as well.

"So somebody shoots your best friend and now you can't find her..do you go the police and have said person arrested or do you and your friends take it into your own hands and kidnap said boy and torture the information out of him?" Minnie asked him, as Aaron quickly stood up to run away, he ran into Elena, Joanna, Esme and Laura who all had their arms crossed, and as Aaron turned around to head into a different direction, Stefan and Damon were standing there "sit." Stefan told him, as he motioned back to the couch, Aaron turned and looked at Minnie who smiled at him.

Back in the basement of Elena's father's building, Beatrix woke back up "4.1 pints drained." Dr Maxfield said as he then shined a flashlight in her eyes "83182 still shows signs of consciousness. Note that fifteen years ago subject 12144 faded into consciousness after losing 2.9 pints. So does this make demon witches stronger then vampires? Mystery for another day." he spoke into his recorder, as Beatrix scoffed "you understand that my friends are gonna be looking for me, right? You can't keep me as your lab rat forever." she shared.

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