Chapter one hundred and six
"You don't wanna push me."
It had been a few days since Beatrix told Damon they weren't friends anymore so that's why it was so strange when she heard the sound of knocking at her front door, as she walked out of the kitchen, unlocking the door and answering it "hello." Damon told her, going to step inside but when he did, he couldn't like a barrier was there as he looked at Beatrix with furrowed brows "why can't I come inside?" he asked her "I, um, did a spell to keep out vampires. What are you doing here? I told you were not friends anymore?" Beatrix asked.
"I wanted to bring you coffee." Damon told her "I don't drink coffee. And again we're not friends, so.." Beatrix shared, going to shut the door "oh, come on! I need someone to talk to and Ric's busy becoming a father! I mean my mom's in town. I had to vampire proof a bab. Do you have any idea how many people I had to compel to make that happen?" Damon asked "which all of those things beg the question to how you had time to come bring me coffee?" Beatrix asked, opening the door "you ever hear of April Lyrids?" Damon asked.
"The comet? Damon why the hell are you asking me about a celestial event?" Beatrix asked him "because my mom thinks she's gonna use the stupid thing to pull her friends out of the 1903 prison world." Damon shared, as Beatrix laughed "but she can't do that because she doesn't have the ascendant. Because before I came here I specifically told you that it needed to be destroyed according to Joshua Parker." she shared "no you didn't." Damon told her, as Beatrix's eyes went wide "yes I did!" she voiced, as they both thought back to the moment they touched back down on earth.
As the white light vanished, they were back and standing in the living room, where as they did, Lily walked off to look at the house that was no longer from 1903 while Beatrix began to walk to the door with ascendant, Damon followed after her "whoa, whoa, hey, where you going?" he asked her "home. But um.." Beatrix said, looking to Elena and Lily, she put a spell up where nobody hear her and Damon talking "not only did a lie to you about my true intentions of going to the prison world, I also neglected to inform you that when I got in touch about Joshua Parker he said that the ascendant needs to be destroyed as soon as we.." Beatrix was saying.
As Damon ripped it out of her hands "yeah, papa Kai wants it destroyed. I got it. Go shower your all bloody and gross." he told her, as Beatrix turned walking out of the house, Damon shut the door behind her.
Beatrix crossed her arms "oh.." Damon said "oh?" Beatrix asked "oh as in I may have not destroyed it but instead gave it to mama Salvatore for safe keeping." Damon shared, as Beatrix's eyes glowed red "you gave it to her!" she voiced "let me in and I can.." Damon told her, as Beatrix held her hand up and dragged him into her house and forced him to her knees "what explain how you fully disregarded what I said and gave a crazy a women the key to Kai's prison along with her heretic friends which I'm sure you know are half witch half vampire. People that my family along with the gemini coven banished for a reason!" she voiced.
"But it doesn't matter because she still needs you to do the spell to open up the door to 1903, Beatrix." Damon shared "great! That means I should snap my fingers and go to the airport because that's the only way she's not gonna be able to follow me! Unless, you already taught her about the airport cause then she'll follow me!" Beatrix voiced "so we stall her. Look. Lily's like a bill collector. You dodge her calls long enough. She'll leave you alone." Damon shared.
"She got put into that prison because she was a ripper Damon. If I dodge her calls, she's not gonna leave me alone. I mean you remember Stefan, right? He had tasted my blood once and was practically stalking me! So how about before we get to that, you find a way to fix this!" Beatrix voiced, holding her hand out in front of her, Damon went flying out the door, he looked up at her "Beatrix.." he told her, as Beatrix slammed the door in his face.
Later on, Beatrix was working in the garden as she was holding vervain in her hand, her phone rang as she put the vervain down and pulled her gloves off, she pulled out her phone, seeing Matt's name as she answered it "hey." she told him "hey. Can I assume that the woman who looks like she's never been in a restaurant before is your lunch date?" Matt asked "she's there already?" Beatrix asked, grabbing the vervain, she began walking off and toward's the woods that lead to the Salvatore boarding house "so what do you want me to do?" Matt asked her "I'd say nothing because I'm afraid that she's gonna hurt people. But I also need her to be there long enough for me to check the house. Damon really screwed me on this one." she shared "okay." Matt told her, hanging up.
Rummaging through the boarding house, Beatrix couldn't find it, as her phone rang she pulled it out of her pocket and answered it "I can't find it anywhere!" she voiced "well she's gone." Matt told her "for how long?" Beatrix asked "I don't know but you better hurry up." Matt shared "hurry up? I've looked every.." Beatrix was telling him "so kind of you to bring me home." Lily said "Beatrix, are you ok?" Matt asked her, as Beatrix turned herself invisible "still I think your wrong to worry about the ascendant." Lily shared, as Beatrix hung up the phone, she opened a drawer finding it.
"Damon assured me all would be well." Lily said, as Beatrix heard their footsteps getting closer, she reached in and grabbed it, she then closed her eyes, and disappeared out of the house, reappearing in her's.
That night, Beatrix was sitting in her living room, having set up candles and put the ascendant in the middle, she waved her hand and all of them caught on fire, she began chanting and as she did, she heard the sound of someone banging on the forcefield "Beatrix!" Damon voiced, as Beatrix brought her hand up, Damon fell through the door but down onto his knees "ugh! Again?" he asked her "I'm not letting you near me, Damon." Beatrix told him "you don't know what you're doing, Beatrix." Damon told her "no, I do." Beatrix told him, standing up "I'm protecting myself! Jo and Alaric! They're baby! The gemini coven! Hell even all of you but you can't see that!" she voiced.
"Look, I'm all about keeping everyone safe, but just give me the damn ascendant and I promise you Kai will not get out." Damon shared "this isn't just about Kai anymore Damon! It's about the people who are in that prison world that probably have the ability to turn him into what they are! Which means they will help him get out! And if they do he along with all of them will be too strong and I don't even if I'm strong enough to stop them all! But right you don't care because if you did you would've listened to me and destroyed it when I told you too! So how about we talk about something you do care about because if they get out, your human Elena? She will die!" Athena voiced.
"My mom has the cure, Beatrix. If I don't bring her that, she's gonna destroy it." Damon shared, as Beatrix chuckled "well I guess we're all like our mothers then because I don't give a damn." she shared, closing her eyes, she began chanting, as the ascendant caught on fire "stop!" Damon voiced, speeding toward's her, Beatrix opened her eyes, bringing her hands up, Damon flew into the wall "we've been here before with my grandmother's crystal remember? Except this time I'm not some sixteen year old witch who's scared of you! So if you want it so bad? Your gonna have to kill me! Again!" she voiced.
As Damon got up "you don't want to push me, Trixi." Damon told her "you don't wanna push me!" Beatrix voiced, her eyes glowing red, Damon began choking on blood, the blood of all the people he fed on as he fell to his knees "my great grandfather was who the cure was made for. He was in my head. He lived in my house. His blood runs through my veins. So how about as you choke on the blood of all the people you've killed, I tell you what's really happening her just like I did to Stefan except I don't need to dive into your head to understand it." Beatrix shared, laughing "I mean seriously, my great grandfather didn't take it because he didn't want to grow old and die without my great grandmother. I mean that's why your mother has the cure right now and not Elena, right? Because you don't want her to do that either." she shared.
as Damon coughed up blood, he looked up at her "exactly. Even if you could speak you wouldn't because you know that I'm right. Because ever since you came back to this town we've spent a lot of time together and I've seen you scared a lot but not as much as you are now at the idea of Elena choosing a human life over living forever with you." Beatrix shared, as her eyes went back to normal, Damon stood there on his knees breathing normally again as he stopped coughing up blood "here's your chance. No more magic. You want the ascendant? You want to help a crazed psychopath and his heretic companions escape? Well then be the monster you've always said you were and get up, kill me and take it!" she yelled, and as she did, Damon pushed himself off the ground and turned around walking out of her house and as he did, Beatrix slammed the door shut.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...