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Chapter sixteen

"Hunter versus prey."

A storm was rolling in and not just in the sky as Winnifred and Cassandra stayed with Stefan and Damon, as Damon boarding up the window the two jumped in through "I say we go to Pearl's, bust down the door. And annihilate this Fredrick guy who attacked you guys and took Beatrix." he shared, as he turned to them "yeah. And then what? We turn to the rest of that house of vampires and say oops, sorry, give me the witch that let you out of the tomb back?" Stefan asked, as Winnifred and Cassandra raised their brows "yes or else we kill all of them." the two said.

"I can't believe you three made a deal with her." Elena shared, as Winnifred turned to her "oh, this doesn't concern you!" she voiced, looking to Stefan "I mean why is she even here? She's useless! And doesn't understand anything about how our world works, I stood up to Pearl and she bit Beatrix and I chose to not revolt to do what she says and transpire peace but now my granddaughter is missing, again! So please tell me oh fortune cookie vampire if going to the house isn't the best way to do this then what is?" she asked him.

As Stefan ran his hands through his hair "I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires have been released from the tomb. And seeing as I'm one of the humans living in this town I deserve to know." Elena shared, and as she did, Cassandra turned her head toward's her "watch your tongue or I'll make you stop talking for the remainder of this conversation." she shared "easy.." Stefan told them, as Cassandra turned to him with raised brows "easy? My daughter is out there with a bunch of vampires who would love for anything to hurt and feet on her. I'm now back to that same feeling I had that night and if your not gonna give us a plan then fine I'm not staying here." she shared, walking out as Winnifred followed behind her  Stefan turned to them "where you going?" he asked "home. We have some cleaning up to do if were not gonna be finding my daughter." Cassandra shared, as she continued walking away with Winnifred.

Having woken up, Beatrix found herself in a basement and when tried to get up her hands pulled down as she turned looking at how she was chained to a pole, as her eyes went wide "no, no, no, no.." she mumbled realizing what was happening to her, as the door opened behind her, she jumped and turned around, noticing two guys dragging in Stefan as her eyes went wide, Stefan locked eyes with her "Beatrix.." he said, as the two stopped him in front of her "everything's gonna be fine." Stefan told her, as the stake was pulled out of his chest, he groaned, as Beatrix winced.

The two guys took his shirt and hoodie off, another one came in and tied ropes around Stefan ankles as he groaned, another one tied his wrist together with the same kind of rope as they then attached him to his pulley system, forcing him into the air where his feet only touched the ground by his tippy toes "vervain. You soaked everything you put on him in vervain! Are you crazy!" Beatrix voiced, yanking on the chains "Beatrix, don't.." Stefan told her, as the guy who attacked her and her family chuckled as he grabbed a tool off the tool bench "vervain on the ropes, yeah.." he said pulling on it and forcing Stefan more in the air as he groaned.

"That's got to sting." the guy said, as Stefan was breathing heavy "speaking of.." the man said, as he stepped in front of Beatrix one of the guys tilted his head back, and when Beatrix saw what was in the guys hand, she brought her hands up "no!" she yelled, as the vial flew toward's the wall, shattering, one of the vampires sped over to her and grabbed her by the hair "this isn't right!" one of them voiced, as Beatrix looked at the one by the door "your right. She is the one who killed Bethane." the man said, and as he did, Beatrix's eyes went wide "pull her up." the man said, as the one holding onto her, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her off the floor.

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