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Chapter ninety six

"Grocery store trip from hell." 

Beatrix and Damon were walking through the grocery store, having put some things in the cart already, Beatrix reached over to drive it but Damon smacked her hand away "I got it." he told her "well, to go along with your attitude, we still need strawberries, eggs, milk.." Beatrix trailed off, looking to the shelf to the left, she grabbed a candle and threw it in the cart "okay, let's revisit Beatrix's life. She was a witch, got turned into a vampire.." Damon shared "technically Silas told me that me and him weren't vampires and he's not wrong seeing as I could do magic again." Beatrix shared.

"Yeah, demon magic which after you basically died and got brought back to life you had no control over, to where then you gave up your witch powers to the travelers and had to call forth hellfire last time you even wanted to conjure it so what makes you think you can do it now." Damon shared, as they turned left out of the aisle "and again we circle back to the part where I tried to send you back but destiny didn't allow it." Beatrix shared, opening the fridge to get the milk, as she turned to put it in the cart "and shockingly you and I aren't the only one's here." she shared.

As Damon ripped it out of her hand "first of all..." he told her, as he put it in "you seem to forget that I proclaimed my love for you" he shared "and you seem to forget that you've done it before and then you kissed Katherine then repeatedly told me that I was to powerful for you and that there was somebody else out there for me." Beatrix shared, grabbing a pair of sunglasses off the rack and put them on as she turned walking away from him "and clearly there was seeing as you dated four other guys and that includes my brother." Damon shared, taking a pair of sunglasses himself "and this proof, this mysteriously filled in crossword, could very easily have been you." he added on, as he followed her with the cart.

Beatrix grabbed the eggs "I already told you it wasn't me." she shared "no. You don't know you filled it in. Just like that you didn't know your soul was taken." Damon shared, as Beatrix walked up to the cart "so your saying that I no longer have my soul?" she asked, as Damon took his sunglasses off and looked at her "I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative." he shared, taking the eggs from her and putting them in the cart along with his sunglasses, as he continued down the aisle, almost running Beatrix down as she moved out of the way "you realize if I don't have my soul every conversation I'm having with you is pointless and means absolutely nothing, right!" she voiced.

As Damon looked at her pentagram necklace, as he turned and moved the cart to the left, Beatrix stopped at the shelf furrowing her brows "the pork rinds?" she questioned, seeing they were all gone, as Damon reached for their list "not on the list and eww." he told her "no, no, every time we've come in here there have been pork rinds on this shelf and now there all gone and if we're not eating them then someone is." Beatrix shared, and as Damon furrowed his brows, this sound of a child's musical ride filled their ears, as Beatrix began following it "Beatrix?" Damon questioned her.

But Beatrix didn't turn back, as she headed outside, finding the carousel that hadn't been moving in the past four months spinning around, as Damon walked out after her "you think this was me, too?" Athena asked, turning and looking at him, Damon scoffed, stepping around her, he walked up to the electrical box and ripped it open "it's got to be a short, faulty wiring, something." he shared "or maybe!" Beatrix voiced, gasping "my powers are no longer waining and I made it move!" she voiced.

As Damon turned to her "not funny. That's actually creepy now that I'm banking on the fact that you no longer have a soul." he shared, as Beatrix rolled her eyes, Damon stood up "all right. Let's just say there's someone here. How do you know we're gonna get out?" he asked her "well, if this is your hell as you believe it is. Which I highly doubt. Then whoever is here with us will either A be someone you need to apologize to which.." Beatrix shared, laughing "will never happen! And if it's not somebody you know then that means we were placed in somebody else's version of hell and if it is. Being a child of night there is always a way out." she shared.

If only, Damon Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now