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Chapter one hundred and forty seven

"The ability to stop literal hellfire."

Stefan was then trying to give her CPR "Beatrix.." he told her, grunting as he continued pressing down on her heart, Caroline heard him as she ran in "what happened?" she asked "the magic was too much for her." Stefan shared, grunting as he continued CPR, Caroline bit into her wrist and bent down "here." she said, as Stefan leaned back, Caroline began feeding her blood to her but Beatrix wasn't drinking "Beatrix." she said, pulling her wrist away, her eyes went wide "no, no, no." Stefan said, moving back and doing compressions again "oh my god." Caroline said "no. Don't do this. Beatrix. Come on Beatrix." Stefan told her.

And as he did, Beatrix woke up in the dark room, sitting up on the floor and as she did, her grandmother and mother were there "am..am I.." she asked them "no, no, not yet." her mother told her "but it is time." her grandmother told her, and when she did, Beatrix looked down seeing her hair was white "the void." she said "if you let it out, it will cause a strong enough surge of power that it will attract even hellfire to you. You'll have the power to destroy hell." her grandmother shared "you just have to be ready to let go and come home." her mother told her, and when she did.

Beatrix looked up, seeing Lilith, Joanna, Esme, Flora, Minnie and Laura standing there along with her father "it'll hurt but you'll be okay." her father told her "you'll be with us all." Lilith shared, as they all smiled at her, Beatrix took a deep breath "I'm ready." she told them and as she did, this white light blinded her.

Gasping, Beatrix opened her eyes, seeing Caroline was crying "hey." Stefan told her, Beatrix sat up "I..I have to go." she told them "what?" Caroline asked her, as Beatrix stood up "I..I have to get the girls." she shared, running out of there.

Having gotten in the car with Bonnie and the girls, Beatrix drove them to her house, as her and Alaric had gone inside grabbing whatever they needed, Beatrix was on the phone with Stefan "she's not in the house. Damon's checking the grounds and the cemetery." Stefan shared, as Beatrix walked down the steps, wearing her black hood and white dress "did you try the high school? I mean that's where Elena ended Katherine's vampire life, right?" she asked him "that's my next stop." Stefan told her "good luck, Stefan." Beatrix told him.

And when she did, Stefan felt like she was saying another one of her goodbyes "wait, Beatrix.." he said, as Beatrix hung up on him, Alaric walked in "okay. Bonnie's in the car with the girls." he shared, as Beatrix handed him the bags "good then these are the last of the things." she shared, as Alaric took them "and everything else is replaceable. Let's go." he shared "I can't go." Beatrix told him "what? What do you mean you can't go?" Alaric asked her "I mean that when my heart stopped earlier. My mother and grandmother told me that I'm the only one who can destroy hell and in order to do that I have to conjure enough power so that the hellfire can come to me and kill me. For good this time." Beatrix shared.

"No, no, this town doesn't need you, your girls need you." Alaric told her "this isn't your choice, Ric." Beatrix told him, putting her hood up, she turned to grab the candle, as Alaric grabbed her arm "no. I don't need to remind you what it's like to lose your mother. Don't make me have to tell those girls you died because you put everybody else before them." he shared "then tell them the truth, tell them that the angel that was sent to protect them needed to fly home but that she will visit them when they go to sleep to bring them nothing but good dreams and to keep the bad dreams away." Beatrix shared, and as she did, she blew out the candle, where when she did, she disappeared.

Having walked to where the witches were sacrificed, Beatrix stopped in the place where her mother and grandmother had died, her phone rang as she pulled it out of her pocket, it was Stefan as she answered it "hello?" she asked "where are you?" Stefan asked her "you know. And this is the only way to fix this but the only problem is I need Katherine to be in hell when I destroy it." Beatrix shared "tell me what I need to do." Stefan told her, and when he did, Beatrix took a shaky breath.

Where she soon had hung up the phone and was holding the knife in her hand and as the bell rang in the distance, her hands started to shake as she brought the knife up to her neck, cutting it open, this white substance came out of it, as she fell down onto the ground, lying there and looking up at the stars in the sky and as she did, she took a deep breath "goodbye Alaric. Goodbye Josie and Sabrina. Goodbye, Elena, Stefan, Matt, Caroline and Bonnie. Goodbye mystic falls and Damon..goodbye Damon." she said, and as she did, the hellfire began coming her way and before it even engulfed her, she was already dead, where as it touched her, it circled around her mixing together with the void, the hellfire stayed around her, where when it went out, there was nothing there, she was gone.

The next morning, in the Black family crypt, next to Winifred, Lucy Grey Blackbird and Cassandra, there now stood a statue that looked exactly like Beatrix, which Alaric, Josie and Sabrina were all standing in front of, as the two laid roses down at her grave.

And after burying Stefan, Damon walked into the crypt, standing next to the three of them, where when he did, he knew he would love her forever, that in the end her sacrifice allowed him to have a life he never thought he could have, one full of peace.

Meanwhile in hell, Beatrix's hair was curled as she was wearing a red ball gown dress, the doors in front of her opened and as she walked in, her coven was standing there with dresses on as well as she ran up to all of them, they hugged her, as they all laughed, pulling away, they all turned, where her grandmother, mother and father along with Lilith were all standing up by the throne, as the girls began walking Beatrix up to it, Beatrix sat down in it, as all of them sat down next to her, it truly was peace.

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