Chapter twenty one
"You can't trust everyone."
The next day, Beatrix had gotton dressed in her white dress and hair curled and half up, with her sash and crown, where the other miss mystic girls were wearing the same thing just a different design and hairstyle as she walked through the group of people waiting to get on their floats to her's and as she did, she spotted Stefan and Damon, although Damon looked at her first as his eyes went wide, Stefan turned around and looked at her furrowing his brows, Beatrix stopped walking and curtsied to them both "Mr Salvatore." she said, smirking, as Stefan chuckled, stepping toward's her "you look.." he was saying.
"Like I'm being courted? Because that's what my grandmother said." Beatrix told him, as Stefan chuckled "yeah, you do." he told her, as Beatrix chuckled "well then.." she told him, bringing her arm up, Stefan linked his with her's, the two of them began walking off, Damon eying the two of them, as Stefan sighed "so you know, we found out who Elena's birth father is or at least have an idea." he shared "who?" Beatrix asked him "her uncle John." Stefan shared, as Beatrix huffed "god, Elena must be crushed!" she voiced, furrowing her brows "that is if you told her, because if you didn't I should..' she said, going to walk away from him.
Stefan pulled her back toward's him 'no, no, no, I..I told her before you showed up. She's struggling to believe it, but she's happy I told her." he told her "good." Beatrix told him, strengtgening her hold on Stefan's arm "which means that I should tell you what's going on, on my end." she shared, as Stefan furrowed his brows "what do you mean?" he asked her, as Beatrix took a deep breath "I mean how my family thinks Bonnie didn't stop the device and is planning a contingency plan for when it goes off to save whichever one of us get's put wherever they are going to use as the make shift church like they did back in 1864." she shared.
And when she did, Stefan's eyes went wide "that's what your grandmother spoke to Damon about and that's why he handed over the device." he shared "they told me when we got back home and I knew that wasn't something to say over text and a phone call and I knew it was too late for you to come over.." Beatrix shared, as Stefan shook his head "no, no, you have every right to have not told me last night. I'm just glad you told me now." he shared, as the two made it to the float, Stefan stepped away from her and picked her up, putting her on the float, Beatrix chuckled as she turned holding her hand out to him and helping him up.
Soon the parade was going on as they headed down the block "let's give a big hand to the mystic falls high school marching band!" Mrs Lockwood voiced, as the crowd cheered, Beatrix turned to Stefan "oh because the marching band is such an accomplishment." she told him "well, I was mostly into football whenever I went to high school so I'd say no." Stefan told her, making Beatrix laugh "and for a little local history, Mr Saltzman students have recreated Virginias battle of willow creek." Mrs Lockwood shared.
As Beatrix hummed "yes, where the Salvatore brothers were big heroes and not shot down by their father and turned into blood sucking vampires." she said, as Stefan put his hands on her hips and leaned down to her "and that information stays between you, me and Damon." he shared, making Beatrix chuckle again "ladies and gentleman. Please welcome our stunning miss mystic falls court and their handsome escorts." Mrs Lockwood told everyone, as Beatrix moved Stefan hands off of her and motioned out for the two of them to look forward, as they waved to everyone, the crowd cheered.
"This is Beatrix Black, miss mystic falls." Mrs Lockwood said, as Beatrix noticed Bonnie and Elena standing next to each other, the three smiled down at each other and as they did, Stefan leaned down to Beatrix "for someone who doesn't trust her, your playing it off very well." he whispered to her, Beatrix turned to him "I'm a princess Stefan, smiling and waving is a part of the job." she told him, as the two missed how Damon stepped in front of Elena and Bonnie looking at the two's close proximity with furrowed brows, Stefan then spun Beatrix around and as he did, he put his arms around her, as her grandmother took a picture of them, her mother chuckled, as the parade continued on.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...