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Chapter one hundred and seventeen

"Tell me that everything's gonna be okay." 

The next morning, Beatrix was sitting at her house, having pulled out her journal to Elena for the first time since the Euro trip "so..I know it's been awhile but I've been dealing with a lot of things, a lot of emotions. Including realizing that I'm an angel now which must've happened when my father came and saved me from dying in the prison world. Where the first time I realized that, I wasn't even conscious and made Kai explode at the night of the wedding. Then I never saw it myself till me and Damon were trying to take down a heretic which I blasted with light and he flew back into a wall, where Damon, in perfect Damon fashion ripped his heart out of his chest."

She wrote down, as she took a deep breath "but then in perfect Beatrix fashion I agreed with Alaric that I would bring his wife back from the dead with something called the phoenix stone, where Damon of course put another body, a heretic named Oscar onto my plate. And I brought them back to life or at least thought I did. Because it turns out that stone was full of vampire souls and I stuffed two of them into Oscar and Jo. Where Oscar may have gone a little crazy to where I made him explode just like I did Kai but don't..don't worry. I didn't do that to Jo, I actually told Alaric that night about how badly I screwed up and cried in my family's crypt where Damon who was all boastful and angry about finding out his mother was the reason you were under this spell decided to comfort me."

She wrote down, as she flipped the page "and now this is when things changed entirely and I tell you that I've become the new virgin Mary or at least the one for the gemini coven seeing as I am now the host for Alaric and Jo's twin babies because they decided that I could keep them safe and protected. And I know how much this means to Alaric but the fact that my entire life has changed not once but twice in the time you've been gone is really making my head spin and I feel like I am all alone because everyone is out living their own lives.."

She was writing as her phone rang, she put the journal down as she picked it up "hey." she said "breaking news. Remember all those people Julian was stockpiling? They disappeared this morning." Matt shared, as Beatrix sighed "where to now?" she asked "that's what I'm working on. You want me to come pick you up and help me get to the bottom of it?" Matt asked "I would love to but I can't because I am pregnant." Beatrix told him "wait. You're really pregnant?" Matt asked "there was a cloaking spell keeping them hidden. I found out last night. And since then I gave eaten all the ice cream that was in my fridge." Beatrix shared.

"I think you should talk to someone, Beatrix." Matt told her "if you mean Stefan..I haven't talked to him at all since we got back from Europe. And I think he's kind of busy.." Beatrix shared "Beatrix.." Matt told her, as Beatrix huffed "fine. I'll go talk to him. Sorry I can't be of any help." she told him "no problem." Matt told her, hanging up, Beatrix put the phone down as she closed the journal and got up.

Having gone to the Lockwood mansion, Beatrix went to knock on the door but before she could it opened, as Stefan was standing there "oh. Hi." Stefan told her "your..your making that face." Beatrix told him "what face?" Stefan asked her "the face you make when your pretending to talk to me but you really have somewhere else to go. I should've..I should've called." Beatrix shared, looking behind her and then back to him "I'm gonna go." she told him, going to walk away "no!" Stefan voiced, really fast, as Beatrix turned to him "I mean.." Stefan told her "ah, Beatrix unless your bringing your light show to the party. We're busy." Damon shared.

"Party? What party?" Beatrix asked "Nora and Mary Louise's anniversary." Valerie shared, walking out, Beatrix's eyes went wide "your here.." she said "uh, what are..what are you doing here?" Stefan asked, as Beatrix looked to him "I was coming to talk to you but I see you have plans. So like I said I'm gonna go..." she shared "or you can just tell us?" Damon asked, as Beatrix looked to him and laughed "you know what? Damon and I will go. Stefan can follow behind." Valerie shared "no!" Beatrix voiced "yeah, she's right. No." Damon told her "yes. Let's go." Valerie said, putting her hands on Damon's shoulders and walking him out.

"Uh..what was that all about?" Stefan asked her, as Beatrix looked back at him, she felt like she was gonna cry and for some reason anytime she was near him she always felt like she was gonna cry "I should go." she told him "what?" Stefan asked her "you have plans. You..you can call me later. I'm gonna go get a burger." Beatrix shared, turning and walking out of there.

That night, Beatrix had drove out of town and gotten a burger and fries along with an ice cream sundae and a large coke, as she was sitting in her kitchen eating her sundae, her phone rang as she looked at it, she saw Stefan's caller ID and let it ring for awhile before she picked it up and answered it "you're calling to ask why I freaked out earlier it's because my emotions are all over the place and every time I look at you I feel like I'm gonna cry. And even talking to you right now makes me feel like I'm gonna cry because my entire life has been turned upside down because the gemini coven seemed to decide that I was there virgin Mary and stuck Jo and Alaric's twin babies inside of me." she shared.

And as she did, Stefan took a deep breath on the other end "well I completely understand why you bailed and even more so why when Damon asked you to just tell us you laughed in his face." he shared "because I don't know what I'm doing! I've been putting on a brave face for Alaric because after everything he's been through these kids being alive is a big deal! And now that it's real, all I need is someone to stop acting shocked and tell me that everything is gonna be okay because I am really scared that I'm gonna mess this up like I've messed up everything else in my life." Beatrix shared.

"Remember when you told me that you didn't have anyone anymore and I told you, you had me? Well that hasn't changed because I'm not going anywhere. No matter how weird this all gets. I'm here for you. And like everything else we're gonna get through this together. Okay?" Stefan asked her, and when he did, Beatrix took a deep breath "okay." she told him, smiling.

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