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Chapter one hundred and twenty one

"Magic siphoners."

Alaric was away for his job interview in Dallas, Texas, which meant Beatrix was staying at his apartment by herself, she had made herself chocolate chip pancakes earlier and then a sundae as she was sitting on the couch writing to Elena "Elena, last time I wrote I was trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with two babies magically put in my body but after rescuing Damon and Stefan from a soul altering hell dimension called the phoenix stone, I've realized that moving away from mystic falls is what needs to be done. And I'll be going with them because I've realized that the gemini coven put these babies in me because they know I'd keep them safe and protected and that's not gonna stop after I give birth to them cause like Alaric said, I'm they're guardian angel." 

She wrote down, as the door to the apartment opened, Beatrix furrowed her brows as she looked up from the journal seeing Stefan "hey." Stefan told her "hey, what are you doing here?" Beatrix asked, closing the journal "figured you were all alone and decided to bring you a thank you gift for saving our lives in the form of curly fires or waffle? So I brought both." he shared "you didn't have to do that." Beatrix told him, as Stefan handed her the bag "I'm fine honestly. You should be tracking down Damon. I mean coming back after losing your soul is not easy, all your emotions choose to be at a high in different moments." Beatrix shared, eating some of the fries.

But when she did, she then felt this pain "oh." she said, wincing "are they kicking again?" Stefan asked her "no, no, this.." Beatrix said, as she felt a surge of pain like when Kai would siphon her magic "ow!" she voiced, making the lights in the room flicker "Beatrix?" Stefan asked her "I think..ah!" Beatrix voiced, as the lights exploded "Beatrix." Stefan told her, putting his hand on her "I just..I just need to stand up." Beatrix told him, putting the bag down, she stood up from the couch, and when she did, she felt dizzy, as she fell over "Beatrix!" Stefan voiced, speeding over before she could fully fall over, his eyes went wide.

Lying in the hospital, Beatrix was sleeping as the doctor walked out, closing the door behind her "she's sleeping but she's okay. Her hearts a little weak, but the babies appear to be totally fine." she shared with Stefan "are you sure? She collapsed. That's not normal." Stefan shared "well, it's not abnormal, either. Her blood vessels have dilated, which can lower blood pressure. You know, it's best to keep the father in situations like this. Would you like for me to contact her boyfriend?" the doctor asked "I'm her best friend, the father's in Dallas for a job interview. I'll..I'll call him." Stefan shared "okay." the doctor told him, walking off.

Stefan then turned walking into the room, and as he did, Beatrix began to wake up "hey." Stefan told her "what happened?" Beatrix asked him "you passed out. It honestly scared the hell out of me." Stefan told her "are..are you still friends with that Valerie girl?" Beatrix asked him "yeah. Why?" Stefan asked her "because I need a second magical opinion on these babies." Beatrix shared, as Stefan furrowed his brows.

Soon Valerie had arrived "you wanted a second magical opinion?" she asked, as Beatrix hummed "because if I am right. We have a problem." she shared "a problem?" Stefan asked "may I?" Valerie asked her "yes." Beatrix told her, as Valerie put her hand over her baby bump using her magic, she then gasped, lifting her hand up in shock "what did you just do?" Stefan asked, as Valerie looked to him "I didn't do anything." she shared "what's that supposed to mean?" Stefan asked, as Beatrix took a deep breath "it means my magic freak out pass out this morning is because the babies inside of me are siphoners and they are siphoning my magic which is what keeps me alive." Beatrix shared, as Stefan's eyes went wide.

That night, Valerie had given Beatrix a bracelet "you really think this talisman is gonna be a beacon for these babies instead of the juice box full of magic that I am?" Beatrix asked "if it doesn't work, i'll find something stronger." Valerie shared "I am the something stronger? Don't you get that! You and your group may be heretics but I am a witch demon angel there's not exactly anything stronger." Beatrix shared "I won't let anything bad happen, I promise." Valerie shared, as Beatrix let out a breath and closed her eyes "I'll be back." Valerie told her, turning and walking out.

Later on, Valerie had come back in and woke up Beatrix to make sure she was still alive "I thought you'd like some terrible reading material and some real food. Seeing as your eating for three and jello won't cut it." she shared, putting the stuff down on the table "um, where'd..where'd Stefan go?" Beatrix asked her, furrowing her brows "he had to step out for a bit." Valerie told her, as Beatrix chuckled "let me guess he..he found Damon head first in a bottle of bourbon or feeding on a bunch of sorority girls." she shared but Valerie didn't laugh back she almost seemed worried.

"And your not laughing which means wherever Damon is he's in danger both of himself and someone else." Beatrix realized "Damon's got himself into some trouble with Julian." Valerie shared, as Beatrix scoffed "I can't..I can't believe this. I bring him back to life and he decides to throw his life away. Why?" she asked "I don't know. Stefan said he wasn't answering his calls. But I told him that he didn't have to worry. And that I would stay here and look after you." Valerie told her "no!" Beatrix voiced, making the lights in the room flicker "Beatrix.." Valerie told her "I need you to go to them. Now. Damon's gonna get himself killed and Stefan will kill Julian because of it so would you please go find them and protect them! I'm fine!" Beatrix voiced, making the lights flicker again, Valerie turned walking out of there.

Having gone back to sleep, the lights in the room flickered as the talisman in Beatrix's hands glowed from the babies siphoning the magic from it, where as it did, Beatrix's skin soon started to glow and the roots of her hair started to turn white, siphoning her magic again, as the lights in the room exploded, covering her in darkness.

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