Chapter one hundred and twenty seven
"Siphoning lessons."
Having gone back home, Beatrix was getting back into her old routine that didn't involve Stefan or Damon in their lives, which was teaching Sabrina and Josie about their siphoning, having wanted them to love their siphoning not to think of themselves like freaks of nature like the gemini coven would and teach them how to use it wisely rather then them going around and siphoning without even knowing, as the girls were sitting in the living room, they were eating from the plate of cookies Beatrix had given them.
As Beatrix walked in with a spell book "so.." she said, sitting down across from them "who can tell me what we learned so far?" she asked "we're magical like you." Josie told her "right." Beatrix told them "but our powers are different and are yours." Sabrina shared "yes. And?" Beatrix asked them "and our power can hurt people." Sabrina and Josie said at the same time "yes and no. Like yes because when you get really angry and you grab mommy." Beatrix shared, putting her hand on her wrist as hard as they would "it stings like a bee because your taking my magic and it hurts mommy. But it's no because if you do it to daddy you'll just be bruising him because.." she said, leaning toward's them "he doesn't have any magic." she whispered.
And when she did, Sabrina and Josie giggled and Beatrix joined them, as Alaric was standing in the kitchen watching them, he chuckled "now today we're gonna talk about.." Beatrix was saying, as she turned around looking at the front door, she reached over, putting her hands on Sabrina and Josie, making herself and them invisible, Alaric furrowed his brows, walking into the living room, but when he did, he then heard a knock on the door, as he turned around walking toward's it, he answered it and seeing Stefan on the other end, he understood why Beatrix went quiet and made her and the kids invisible.
"Hey." Stefan said "look, whatever's gone wrong. I really can't do another escapade today." Alaric shared "no. No escapades, no scar, no running from Rayna. And thank you for your help with that, by the way." Stefan shared "you should be thanking Beatrix, but it's not like she had a choice, visions and all." Alaric shared "speaking of which I was hoping to speak to her." Stefan told him "she's not here right now." Alaric shared, as Beatrix watched them from the living room invisible and making sure the girls stayed quiet, hoping he would just go away "ah. Do you think I could.." Stefan said, pointing inside.
"Beatrix actually put's a protection forcefield up so I can't let you in unless she puts it down." Alaric shared, looking to the living room, and as he did, Beatrix made herself and the girls visible as she brought her hands up and dropped the forcefield, she then grabbed the girls hands and disappeared again where he knew they were no longer in this house as he turned to Stefan "on second thought I think when she went to go get the girls ice cream she dropped it down. Come on in." he shared, as Stefan walked in, Alaric shut the door behind him.
Where when Stefan walked in, he noticed the spell book and half empty plate of cookies in the living room "I'll give you a tour. That's the living room." Alaric shared, motioning to it, he headed up the stairs, as Stefan followed behind him, there were four rooms up here "bedroom." Alaric said motioned to the one down the hall, he motioned in front of them "bathroom." he said, turning and walking down to the right where there were two room's "Sabrina and Josie's room." he shared, motioning to it and as he did, Stefan looked into it, seeing the two twin beds where one was purple the other one was pink.
And as he looked to the ceiling there were stars, as he looked to the outlet seeing an angel nightlight "okay, let's go back downstairs." Alaric shared, turning around and walking back downstairs, Stefan turned to follow him but when he did, he noticed the room right next to the girls, it was only left open a crack, he saw the canopy bed and he knew who's room this was, as he turned walking back downstairs, he met Alaric in the kitchen "Beatrix has been teaching the girls about their powers. They haven't done any magic yet it's mostly about what they are and how they could hurt people." Alaric shared.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...