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Chapter eleven

"Witchcraft is a girls best friend."

The next day, Beatrix walked down stairs and as she did her grandmother and mom were sitting at the dinning room table like everything was normal as she walked up "so, we're not gonna act like we're in search of an old grimoire that belonged to a lady you took under your wing?" she asked, as she sat down to eat breakfast, her grandmother shrugged "Damon said he knew where to look to find where it's located. I'm leaving it up to him since I unlike him knew nothing about the wretched witch who thought she could walk all over me like I was some housekeeper and not town royalty." she shared, slamming the newspaper on the table "nothing in here indicates anything about that vampire she saw." she added on.

As Beatrix furrowed her brows "which means they're smart, possibly not working alone following orders cause if they were really alone, they would be sloppy like Logan was, maybe even possibly the same people who turned him." she shared, as her mom nodded "we'll talk about it more later, you have to get to school." she shared, as Beatrix downed her orange juice, she stood up and kissed her mom on the cheek then her grandmother as she turned around walking out.

And then at school there wasn't much going on except for the decade dance coming up, as Beatrix was at the grill with Bonnie and Elena having dinner and sharing personal things "I can't believe you're adopted. I never saw that coming." Bonnie shared "and it get's weirder. I looked at my birth certificate, it lists Miranda and Grayson Gilbert as my birth parents. None of it makes any sense." Elena shared, as Beatrix sighed "Elena, your dad was a doctor, he probably forged it for whoever were your actual parents because they thought it was better off that you were with them instead and clearly from how things worked out they were correct." she shared.

"Or she could ask Jenna and get the real answer." Bonnie told her, as Elena shook her head "no, I think I'll stick with Beatrix's for now." she shared, as Bonnie tilted her head "oh, come on, the Elena I know would always want the real truth good or bad." she shared, as Beatrix raised her brows "she's not wrong I mean you found that we're witches, your boyfriend and his brother are vampires, and that you look exactly like your boyfriends crazy ex so I think finding out the truth about your parents is probably the least ground breaking thing of this year." she shared, making her, Bonnie and Elena laugh.

"Ah, okay, look, I have to go to the store. My outfit for the dance is severely lacking accessories." Elena shared "okay, I'll pay the bill." Bonnie told her, as Beatrix shook her head "no, no I told you since this was the first time we were hanging out since the whole seance freak out that I am paying." she told her, as Bonnie sighed "Beatrix.." she told her "I'll let you two.." Elena told them "yeah." Beatrix told her, as Elena turned walking off, Beatrix stood up from her seat "no, you are not paying!" Bonnie voiced, standing up "yes I am!" Beatrix voiced, turning away from her and as she did, she bumped right into Damon, and as she did, Bonnie reached her hand out and pulled her back.

"What do you want?" Bonnie asked "I think we need a fresh start." Damon told you "you almost killed her Damon." Beatrix reminded him "so did you. You threw a fire ball at her." Damon reminded her, as Beatrix's eyes went wide, Bonnie turned to her "what?" she asked, as Beatrix turned to her "you knocked me down the stairs, you weren't exactly playing fair either." she told her "you could've killed me." Bonnie told her "but I didn't." Beatrix and Damon said at the same time, as Beatrix turned looking at him "stop it." she told him, as Damon smirked "make me." he told her, stepping toward's her, and as he did, Beatrix stepped away from him, until her back hit the table behind her, as the two stared into each others eyes.

"Everything okay over here?" Ben asked, as he walked over from the bar and down to her and Damon "yeah, we're fine." Damon told him, keeping his eyes on Beatrix "I wasn't talking to you." Ben told him, as he stepped toward's them, Damon turned and looked at him, Beatrix sighed "yes, because I need to be saved by the guy who peaked in high school." she said as she turned and looked at him and raised her brows "let's go, Bonnie." she told her, turning and stepping around Damon and walking off as Bonnie followed her.

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