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Chapter one hundred and seven

"Best friends bachelorette party."

Even through all the ascendant craziness, Beatrix was still able to be the best maid of honor and plan a bachelorette party for her pregnant best friend, where a cop was walking up to Jo in the hospital "Dr Laughlin?" he asked "yes." Jo told him "I'm officer Baker. Is there somewhere private we can speak?" officer Baker asked "sure." Jo told him, turning and walking to the closest open room, she turned to him "what's this about?" she asked him "I'm here regarding professor Saltzman. I understand you two are engaged to be married." officer Baker shared "is something wrong?" Jo asked.

As officer Baker pulled out his baton "nope." he told her, putting it down on the table "everything is just right." officer Baker told her, pulling his shirt open and showing her his abs "whoa, whoa, whoa! Wow!" Jo voiced, as officer Baker took his shirt off "oh..oh, my god. No. I don't think so." Jo said, as officer Baker ripped off his pants, Beatrix, Elena and Bonnie came through the door "surprise!" they voiced, playing music, Elena was throwing confetti while Beatrix put a crown on Jo's head along with a mardi gra beeds, as her, Elena and Bonnie danced with the stripper, the stripper then danced with Jo "happy bachelorette!" Beatrix, Bonnie and Elena voiced.

They then headed out and to a diner, as they all were laughing eating "an entire diner to ourselves? Actual heaven." Jo shared "if Caroline were here we'd be planning a spa day." Elena shared "now she's MIA." Bonnie mentioned "understandable considering." Jo shared, eating her burger "well, I figured with everything we've all been through one stripper would be fine and then we'd just stuff our faces." Beatrix shared "your a genius." Jo told her "except aren't you a vegetarian?" Bonnie asked "Bonnie, she's pregnant." Beatrix told her "yeah and the babies not okay with the no meat thing." Jo shared.

"Which I knew, which is why we are here! Like you said, genius." Beatrix shared "I do wish this was vodka though." Jo told her, drinking her milkshake "right." Elena said "hey. I don't want to know what Ric's doing, do I?" Jo asked "probably at the movies." Bonnie shared "yeah, or..or mini golf." Elena shared, as Beatrix laughed "drinking bourbon by the bottle that's what he's doing." she shared, as Elena and Bonnie laughed "I need ketchup." Jo shared, getting up and walking off, and as she did, Beatrix turned to Elena "so, figure out what you're gonna do with it?" she asked her.

"Do with what?" Elena asked her, and as she did, Beatrix chuckled "oh, come on, who do you think got Damon the cure in the first place?" she asked, as Bonnie's eyes went wide "you brought the cure back from 1903?" she asked her "yes and even after I've told Damon we are not friends anymore, he still called me last night about his insane plan to take with you her." Beatrix shared "Damon called you?" Elena asked "well according to his freaked out voicemail after me and him had a stand off, he was all like," Beatrix said, furrowing her brows "my mother wasn't gonna destroy the cure she gave it to Elena so I could be miserable forever just like you said and when I told Elena I was gonna take it with her she just left without saying anything." she shared, making her voice deeper to sound like Damon.

"That's not exactly how it happened." Elena told her as she leaned back crossing her arms "Damon literally said when he called me back and left me another voicemail that she just stared at me and then blinked out of existence like you do and then went on to complain to tell me to answer the phone." Beatrix shared "Damon Salvatore stands in front of you and tells you that he wants to become a human again. Wouldn't you freak out?" Elena asked "yes but I'm me and your you." Beatrix told her.

As Elena sighed "I just..I needed some time to process. I mean twenty four hours ago, I didn't even think it was possible to become human again." Elena shared "but you wanna be human again." Bonnie said "yeah, yeah. Well, I did. Honestly, it's all just very complicated right now." Elena shared, as Jo walked up to them "you guys aren't full are you?" she asked "no." Beatrix told her, smiling.

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