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Chapter thirty one

"No body, no crime."

Having woken up the next morning, Beatrix groaned "oh, my head.." she said, as Stefan sat up "hey, hey, easy..easy." he told her, as Beatrix looked around them, huffing "god, we're actually n here? I thought it was just a bad dream." she shared, as Stefan nodded "yeah. I wish it was too. Look, I'm sorry." he told her, as Beatrix furrowed her brows "for what?" she asked him "for getting you stuck in here. For even taking you down here in the first place. For not listening to you. The list goes on and on." Stefan shared, as Beatrix shook her head "shut up." she told him, shoving him away from her.

Katherine chuckled "wow, you two are so strange." she said, as Beatrix turned to her "when's Klaus coming again cause I would love for nothing better than for him to torture you endlessly." she shared, pushing herself up, Stefan stood up with her "I'm guessing we have no ticket out of here?" Beatrix asked him "well, Damon's on Bonnie duty trying to have her break the moonstone although he did take a page out of your book and trapped her in her house." Stefan shared "good, that and watching them seems to be the only way to keep them from dying." Beatrix shared, as Katherine huffed, turning and walking away from them,

Meanwhile Winnifred and Cassandra were back home, as Cassandra huffed "you know, I'm starting to think Beatrix finds some kind of joy in scaring us into wondering where she is." she shared "she's a teenage witch, with actual supernatural problems to deal with. If she's with anyone with fangs or sharp claws plus with her own magic, I'm sure she's fine." Winifred shared, as her phone rang, she picked it up "hello?" she asked "sheriff Forbes has officially declared Mason Lockwood a missing person." Alaric shared, as Winifred's eyes went wide "no, no, no, how the hell do they know about that?" she asked, sitting up.

As Cassandra furrowed her brows "some girls from Florida showed up on the Lockwood's doorstep looking for Mason." Alaric shared, as Winifred huffed "great, the puppy was probably panicking over his first full moon, he called head dog to come and help him out screwing everything we did up. Where are you?" she asked him "I'm at the grill. Just called Damon, he's on his way." Alaric shared "then so will we." Winifred told him, hanging up "Mason?" Cassandra asked her "yep. Time to worry about Beatrix later, we've got a she wolf to look out for." Winifred shared, standing up and walking out, as Cassandra followed her.

Having made it to the grill, the two walked in at the same time as Damon as they went over and sat with Alaric, seeing the blonde girl talking to Matt "mm. Mason's mystery women." Damon said "I know. Where is Mason anyway?" Alaric asked "decomposing in his truck." Damon shared "although his hearts in a jar in our house." Winifred shared, as the women turned away from Matt "so you think she's a werewolf?" Alaric asked "better to just go with yes then take any chances." Cassandra shared "or we could find out for sure." Damon shared, pulling out a bag of wolfsbane, as Cassandra's eyes went wide "are you crazy?" she asked him.

"Why? What is it?" Alaric asked, as Damon handed it to him "wolfsbane." he told him "yeah, a quick ticket that'll lead blondie over down vampire street and straight to witch boulevard aka the actually people who killed him." Winifred shared, as Damon rolled his eyes.

Soon the women was sitting at the bar, as Alaric went over to her, pretending to be drunker then he was "and I am here every night." Alaric said, as Damon then walked up "excuse me, is this guy bothering you?" he asked her "I'm not bothering anybody." Alaric told him, as Winifred chuckled walking up to them "how about you both scatter and leave us ladies to our drinks." she shared, looking at the bartender "three margaritas, please." she told him "oh no, I'm not.." the women said, as Cassandra raised her brows "don't fight it. Just drink." she told her, as the two sit down next to her.

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