Chapter one hundred and twenty eight
"Being kidnapped comes with revelations."
Having found out Bonnie was in danger, Beatrix walked into the kitchen finding Alaric looking in a box of stuff in the kitchen "if your looking for your crossbow bolts there in the mini van along with the crossbow, your shotgun, stake gun and vervain grenades. Leah's on her way to watch the girls and Caroline's already waiting in the car." Beatrix shared, as Alaric turned to her "no, you can't go. It's too dangerous." he shared "for you." Beatrix told him "it would be irresponsible if we both went." Alaric shared.
"Okay then you stay here and I'll go with Caroline. Because whenever Bonnie's been in danger I've been five steps behind her to save her life and that doesn't stop now. So your either coming or not but I'm leaving now." Beatrix shared, turning and walking out of there.
Making it outside of Lexington Kentucky, Caroline was on the phone with Rayna Cruz in the passenger seat while Beatrix was driving, Alaric was sitting in the back "now they're getting, they're about to.." Rayna shared "oh, nope. Yeah, I got it. No need to elaborate. Okay. Thanks." Caroline shared, hanging up "whew, that is five minutes of crazy I am never getting back. Okay so this is what I got from Rayna. The girls name is Ashlynn. The guy's name is Wyatt. The rest of her visions are just body parts." she shared.
"Killing spree?" Alaric asked "no, the body parts are Ashlynn and Wyatt's." Caroline told them, and as they did the car got really quiet, as Beatrix raised her brows "cause they're having sex. Probably intense mind blowing sex." she shared "yes, because Rayna was very descriptive." Caroline shared, as her and Beatrix laughed.
They soon made it to a tattoo parlor, as the three of them walked in "did you seriously get Ash tattooed on your arm?" Beatrix asked the girl in the chair, as Caroline hit her in the arm "don't be rude. It's probably shoot for Ashley." she shared, as Beatrix looked to the guy "he doesn't look like an Ashley." she shared "Ashlyn." Ashlyn told them "oh, so it's your own name? Yeah, that's not shallow at all." Beatrix shared, looking to Alaric "right, Ric?" she asked "yeah not at all." Alaric shared, bringing his stake gun up, shooting at Ashlyn, she sped out of the way.
And as she did, Caroline brought her's up shooting at her, and as Ashlyn caught it, Beatrix noticed Wyatt speed over to Alaric as she shoved her hand in his chest, Ashlyn sped toward's her, as Beatrix shoved her hand in her chest, her eyes glowed red as she pulled both of their hearts out of their chests and their bodies fell to the ground, and as they did, Beatrix dropped their hearts, as two people walked in through the back door while three others walked in the front "Beatrix Constantine." a man said, as the three looked to him "the three of you are gonna have to come with us." the man shared, as Beatrix huffed.
Having been taken to a building, Alaric was looking around at all the objects that were incased as Beatrix and Caroline walked behind him "so did Stefan show up at your door to?" Caroline asked "yes and I'm guessing you didn't talk to him either." Beatrix shared "nope. But I'm glad you didn't, you know? With everything that's happened me and you have actually become good friends." Caroline shared "oh my god." Alaric said, as Beatrix and Caroline looked to him "what?" they asked "I don't believe it." Alaric told them "what?" Caroline and Beatrix asked, walking over.
"Lapis de bello. Hmm, this was given to Charlemagne by his first wife." Alaric shared "yeah, that explains why he got a second wife." Caroline shared, as Beatrix chuckled "yeah, compared to the gifts I've been given that's ugly." she shared "legend has i this allowed him to conquer half of western Europe. You know, I spent three years searching for this thing. Through every tomb, every monastery throughout Europe, I couldn't find it. I gave up. I convinced myself it didn't exist." Alaric shared, scoffing "there it is." he said, as Beatrix's eyes went wide "Ric?" she asked him, as Alaric looked to her.
"You realize, if that is here along with all this other stuff then that means they have the ability to make us three disappear?" Beatrix asked him "what!" Caroline voiced, as Beatrix turned to her "shh." she told her "yeah which is why I am praying like hell that whatever it is they want, somebody's willing to give it to them." Alaric shared, as he turned and began looking at the other artifacts.
Where soon Bonnie arrived along with Damon and Enzo, where Beatrix, Caroline and Alaric were waiting for them to come back and as they did, Bonnie, Damon and Enzo came running up "go! Go!" Bonnie yelled, and as she did, Beatrix, Caroline and Alaric went running out the front door, as Bonnie, Enzo and Damon followed after them.
Although when they left, Bonnie after sealing the doors to the armory passed out so Caroline, Beatrix and Alaric headed back to the Salvatore boarding house with her, Enzo and Damon, where Caroline was in the kitchen making her soup, Bonnie was lying on the couch with Enzo sitting by her, Beatrix was sitting on the stairs by herself, Alaric walked up to her "I just remembered that tomorrow is the first rehearsal for the may day pageant. I wanted them to have both the human and witch life. Yet now I'm not even there and it's not like I can tell their teachers that we missed rehearsal cause we were off slaughtering vampires to save our friends life." Beatrix shared.
"We can get in the car right now." Alaric told her "but I can't. Not until I know Bonnie's gonna be okay. I've been there for every death of her's that's not gonna change now." Beatrix shared, Alaric walked up the steps "are you sure that's the only reason?" he asked, sitting down next to her "what other reason is there?" Beatrix asked, as Alaric raised his brows "I never wanna see Damon and Stefan again, you know that." Beatrix shared "I just want to know. You left things unfinished." Alaric shared "you mean with Stefan? Because you were there when I talked to Damon. And the only difference is that anytime I see Stefan all I ever wanna do is break down and cry." Beatrix shared.
"Which is what I mean. There hasn't been any closure." Alaric told her "I don't need closure. When I get closure people have the tendency to die." Beatrix shared "well I need closure because Stefan told me that you would never marry a human and that if you marry me, he'll be there to stop me." Alaric shared, and when he did, Beatrix furrowed her brows looking to him "he said that?" she asked him "see that?" Alaric asked her, standing up "that is what I'm talking about!" he voiced.
And as he did, Beatrix stand up "really? Because a relationship is a two way straight here! And let me remind you I haven't exactly been the best in the guy department! And today when we got kidnapped you were so infatuated by all of those artifacts opposed to the fact if we were gonna live or die! I'm not exactly looking to be the one to stop your from your Indiana Jones lifestyle, Ric! And this is exactly why my grandmother said a human will never be good enough for me because my life is far from normal! And if you're not ready to except that about yours then maybe Stefan's right and we shouldn't get married." Beatrix shared, stepping around him and walking down the steps.
Heading into the living room Caroline was there with her soup "you okay?" she asked her "I really don't wanna talk about it. How's Bonnie?" Beatrix asked her "still sleeping." Caroline told her, as Alaric walked behind the two of them, all three of them watched Enzo and Bonnie.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...