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Chapter one hundred and forty six

"A heavenly moment for when hells about to come to earth."

Bonnie and Beatrix had put up balloons in Stefan's bedroom all while Caroline was sleeping, as the two were lying next to her in bed, Caroline finally woke up and as she looked left and right she saw Bonnie and Beatrix 'surprise!" the two voiced "what the hell?" Caroline asked "well, speaking of hell." Beatrix shared "yeah, that conversations gonna need this." Bonnie shared, handing Caroline the bottle of champagne.

Where the three then headed downstairs to where Damon, Stefan and Enzo were as they were on a call with Alaric "all right, professor, how do we get rid of the queen of hell?" Damon asked "are you sure Katherine's in our world?" Alaric asked "seeing as when that bell rang eleven times it allowed anyone from hell including Cade and Kai to step through if they wanted to, I'd say anyone who has an axe to grind against us has been lurking in the shadows waiting to make their move. And Katherine Pierce is the one person who would jump at the chance to come back just like she did when she was dying and went into Elena's body." Beatrix shared.

"Then why haven't we seen her yet? I thought by now she'd be strutting around, making demands, or trying to get us all killed." Caroline shared "maybe she's biding her time." Stefan shared "or putting her own plan together." Damon shared "either way, you're gonna need a new weapon." Dorian shared "is that Dorian?" Stefan asked "yeah, I've asked Dorian to take point on our research front." Alaric shared "this doesn't mean you and I are cool. I still have those files on you, so I'm here to hold you accountable for the of your god given life." Dorian shared.

"I hope that you do." Stefan told him "okay so what do we need for this new weapon then?" Beatrix asked, putting them back on track "Cade was killed with a dagger that was made from his bones. It was fused into glass by a white hot flame. First things first, though, I don't suppose you know where Katherine's bones are?" Dorian asked "oh, who'd ever thought she'd have done us a favor? We've got every last one of Katherine's bones in the cave, underneath the old church, left over from a traveler barbecue she had when like Beatrix said to possess Elena." Damon shared.

"But fusing the bones into glass..how do we make that kind of weapon?" Bonnie asked "would putting the bone in a metal dagger do the trick? My parents are in town. I could ask my dad for help." Matt shared "parents, plural?" Caroline asked "unexpected family reunion, so now I've got two nightmares to deal with." Matt shared "gossip later, townies. Stefan, Enzo and I will go on bone fetching duty." Damon shared "Dorian and I will research an alternative to fight her." Alaric shared "see, if Katherine's back, that means hell still exists. We need to figure out a way to break her link to hell." Dorian shared.

"I might be able to help with that, from what I learned from Cade these psychic dimensions are tied to emotional trauma.  Cade created his when he was burned at the stake. And I created mine when I saw my mother and grandmother die in front of me. So I could possibly figure out a way to destroy the dimension itself. Cause if we destroy it then it destroys her and anyone else who's there." Beatrix shared "great. You guys are on hail Mary miracle duty, so how do the rest of us get Katherine to show herself?" Caroline asked.

"Easy. She's obsessed with Stefan and insanely jealous." Damon shared, as Stefan furrowed his brows "if she see's anyone making him happy, she won't be able to control herself. So she'll have no choice but to come out of hiding." Damon shared "your point?" Caroline asked "my point is we shove Stefan's happiness in her face. We throw the one party Katherine would never miss." Damon shared, as Beatrix raised her brows "a wedding." she said, as Damon smirked.

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