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Chapter twenty four

"The moon is truly a mystery, in its magical ways."

The next morning, Beatrix was walking downstairs and as she did, the doorbell to her house rang as she furrowed her brows, she walked down the rest of the steps and as she did, Mason Lockwood was at her door "well, hello to you." she said, seeing as he was in a tank top and short, Mason chuckled "hey, I was just out for a run and kind of wanted to stop by and ask you and your family a couple questions?" he asked, as Beatrix looked back up at him "about what?" she asked him, as Mason smirked "about family secrets." he told her, and when he did, Beatrix raised her brows, as she stepped back and held the door open, Mason stepped inside.

The two were then sitting at the dining room table with her mother and grandmother "so, you know about us and who you are?" Beatrix mother asked him, as Mason shrugged "well, I know some at least from what you told me when were teenagers but I never expected it to happen." he shared, as Beatrix's grandmother huffed "none of you do. That's why it's become less of a ride of passage like us witches and more of a curse where you have to kill someone to trigger it and then every full moon you're forced to turn, speaking of turning have you before?" she asked him, as Mason nodded "yes, but it's always painful, no matter how many times I've done, it just get's worse rather than better." he shared.

"And you've tried wolfsbane?" Beatrix's mother asked him, as Mason nodded "and have chained myself up but now that I'm here since there aren't many of us, I thought the place on the old Lockwood property would work." he shared, as Beatrix's grandmother hummed "that is where they used to hold themselves up, but it's old, might not hold up like it used to." she shared, as Mason looked at them all "and that's why I came you guys for help." he shared, as Beatrix's grandmother raised her brows "we can give you some more wolfsbane and one of us could maybe use are magic to help ease the bone breaking process, and make sure you don't get out or if you do, then that you don't hurt anyone." she shared.

As Beatrix's mother scoffed "and who out of all three of us is dumb enough to choose to do that?" she asked, as Beatrix's grandmother looked to her "Beatrix will help you." she shared, as Mason nodded "okay then." he said, standing up "I'll come by and pick you up later." he told her "yeah." Beatrix told him, as her mother stood up "I'll walk you to the door." she told him, as she turned walking off after him.

Mason raised his brows "what? You jealous that Winnie is letting your daughter come with me instead of you? Thinking about old times?" he asked her "no, I'm thinking about the fact that I know you and I know my daughter and I don't want her hurt or for any funny business to go on between you two." Cassandra shared, as Mason chuckled, holding his hands up "I promise I won't do anything or have anything happen to your daughter." he told her "good. Now get out of my house, you smell like wet dog." Cassandra told him, as she opened the door, Mason winced "ouch, Cass, you wound me." he told her, as Cassandra raised her brows "you hurt me first." she told him, slamming the door in his face, as she turned around and huffed, looking at her mother and daughter staring at her with wide eyes "oh, stop it, don't you have anything better to do." she told them, walking off.

And as she did, Beatrix hummed "I actually do, Stefan texted me to meet him about making a day light ring for Caroline." she shared, turning and grabbing her purse from the dining room table, her grandmother turned to her "for Caroline? The Forbes girl? Her mother hunts vampires." she shared, as Beatrix sighed "I know. And I also know what you told me when you taught me the spell and in the discussion about it I will let him know." she shared "good cause we don't hand those out to anybody, cause if we did, every vampire would be walking out in the sun." her grandmother shared, making Beatrix chuckle as she walked to the front door.

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