Chapter one hundred and eight
"Maid of honor."
Sleeping in her bed, Beatrix heard a thud downstairs, as she opened her eyes, she noticed the balcony door to her room was open as she got out of bed and walked over to shut it, the curtains started to blow, but when she got closer, she saw Lily standing on her deck as she jumped back "hello again, Beatrix." she told her "Stefan said he locked you in the cellar." Beatrix said "he did, but prisons are easily escaped. You of all people should know that." Lily shared, as Beatrix shook her head "this isn't real." she said, running her hands through her hair, stepping away from the balcony.
Lily laughed "isn't it? I mean there's no blood rain but I'm sure they'll be lots of blood." Lily shared, showing her vampire face, Beatrix swung her hands, slamming the balcony doors shut knowing she couldn't get in thanks to the boundary spell, she turned around running toward's her bedroom door, she opened it and ran down the hallway and down the stairs, but as she made into the foyer, she slipped and fell and when she looked down, her hands were red, as her eyes went wide, where as she looked in front of her.
Bodies brutally murdered lied in front of her as she stood up, walking forward she saw Elena, Damon, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, Tyler, Liv, the entire gemini coven, Alaric and next to him was someone in all black hunched over Jo having stabbed her in the stomach, the person stood up and looked to her and when he did, Beatrix realized it was Kai "I saved you for last this time." Kai told her, smirking, he lunged at her.
"No!" Beatrix screamed, sitting up in bed, she was breathing heavy, looking at her chest, she wasn't stabbed in the heart and very much alive, huffing, she pulled the blankets off of her and got out of bed knowing she was having a nightmare before a wedding that wasn't even her's.
Arriving at the Salvatore boarding house, she was the first one there, where as she waved her hands everything they needed appeared, as Jo, Elena and Bonnie soon arrived "crap. They're not here." Jo shared "what's wrong?" Elena asked her as she poured champagne "my shoes. My gorgeous, ridiculously expensive, wear them once and then never again shoes. They are missing." Jo shared "relax. I had just put them in the freezer so they could stretch and fit nicer on your feet. Here." Beatrix shared, waving her hand and they appeared.
Jo let out a breath "and don't worry about your wedding dress I unwrinkled it before you arrived. And speaking of arriving my assistant should be arriving soon, she said she'd be here." Beatrix shared, furrowing her brows "I'm here!" Caroline voiced, walking up behind her, Elena walked up to her "Caroline, I missed you." she told her "I missed me too. Thank you for getting me back." Caroline shared "hi." Bonnie told her, as she walked up and hugged her "okay, now Elena stop pretending that now that your human you can't at least have one drink, you won't fall over. Bonnie you can join her seeing as everything else here has been done by magic." Beatrix shared.
Pulling her phone out "speaking of time to get the boys moving." she added on, sending out her set up text messages for jobs for Matt and Tyler, she looked to Caroline "and yes I will head over to the venue to work on everything there. So breathe, Beatrix. It's gonna be amazing." Caroline shared, walking out.
Bonnie furrowed her brows as she looked to Beatrix "speaking of your freak out, where is Stefan?" she asked, as Beatrix looked to her "um..according to my text that I got, he said, brother bonding see you at the wedding. So whatever that means. Now it's time for hair and makeup..." she shared, as someone banged on the door "who is that!" she voiced, turning around and walking off, Elena furrowed her brows "does she seem.." she was questioning "extra on edge? Yeah. But she did almost die last night and when Beatrix almost dies.." Bonnie shared "and there's the whole never wanting to see Damon thing." Jo shared, as Elena looked to her with furrowed brows "and other things. She's going through a lot right now." Jo shared.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...