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Chapter fifty seven

"Being a new vampire isn't easy."

The next day, Stefan was packing his stuff "you're making a big mistake." Damon told him "no, I'm not. If I can get Elena and Beatrix used to animal blood right out the gate." Stefan shared "you're reaching." Damon told him, as Stefan turned to him, grabbing more clothes from his closet "maybe they'll be able to by pass all the things we went through." he shared "delusional." Damon told him "and maybe they actually have a shot at this." Stefan shared, filling up his bag "wrong. You're just wrong, Stefan." Damon told him "she won't be able to handle it if she hurts someone, Damon and Beatrix already is feeling detached from her witch side. Elena's compassion is her achilles heal and everything is magnified right now and Beatrix is used to hurting things and people for a reason and now she has a new one to survive." Stefan shared.

"Then you better hope neither of them are a fan of Bambi." Damon told him, as Stefan rolled his eyes, Damon stabbed a knife into the table "they need human blood, Stefan, from the vein." Damon told him "oh, come on, you know what happens. You name me a vampire who didn't kill at least one person when they were new." Stefan shared, as Damon stood up "you name me one who went on the bunny diet and didn't kill dozens." he shared "if she kills someone, she will crumble and Beatrix was already in a broken state before. How much more pain do you think either of them can take before they shut off their humanity switch?" Stefan asked him "it happens to the best of us at least once. We get over it, Stefan. A hundred years or so." Damon shared, walking toward's him.

'Yeah, well, I think I'd like them to skip that part." Stefan shared, as Damon began unpacking his bag "they can't learn to control the blood lust if they've never actually experienced the blood lust." he shared "what are you doing? Knock it off." Stefan told him "it's like a cheat, it's like giving a kid a calculator before they know math." Damon shared, as Stefan grabbed his arm "I said stop." he told him, as Damon pulled his arm away, and as they did, Beatrix and Elena walked into the room "whoa. What's going on?" Elena asked them "looks like a fight's about to break out, should we come back later?" Beatrix asked, as Elena nudged her.

"We're just having a little disagreement about process, right?" Stefan asked "you're still not on board with the animal plan." Elena realized "nope. I say rip off the proverbial band aid and let it bleed. You're vampires. Be vampires." Damon shared "yes because murdering people for fun is what we should be doing with our new found life." Beatrix shared, as Stefan walked up to them "you two ready to go?" he asked "just waiting on you." Beatrix told him, as she turned following him out "vampires eat people." Damon told them, as the three stopped "it's part of the natural food pyramid." Damon told them "I'm done, listening to you." Beatrix told him, turning around and walking down the stairs after Stefan and Elena soon followed.

Having been in the woods, Stefan was leading the way as Elena and Beatrix followed after him "okay, so I'm not exactly a walk in the woods person but how are we supposed to know there's not gonna be any bears out here?" Beatrix asked him, as Stefan laughed "your a vampire and you're worried about a bear?" he asked her "so what you're saying is that you've taken down a bear before?" Beatrix asked him "no, what I'm saying is that out here we are the biggest threat." Stefan shared, as the three heard a twig snap, the three stopped and as they did, Stefan stepped forward quietly and as he did, Elena and Beatrix stepped up behind him where they all saw a baby deer across the way, eating a plant.

Stefan turned to them "close your eyes." he told them, as Elena closed her eyes, Beatrix did as well, as Stefan sped away from them, Elena opened her eyes while Beatrix kept them close as Stefan attacked the deer, Beatrix then heard the sound of a tree snapping as she opened her eyes and turned her head in the direction, she began walking away from the two of them, and as she did, she then found a black bear, as her eyes went wide, she saw it sniffing as it turned it's head, not looking at her but in the direction toward's the deer, and as it went to run toward's it, Beatrix ran toward's it first and tackled it to the ground, rolling around, she leaned down biting it in the neck, feeding from it.

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