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Chapter one hundred and thirty six

"A deal with the devil."

Sitting in a diner, Josie and Sabrina were eating their ice cream, as Beatrix sat between them she started at Seline across the way, where as her phone rang, Seline reached for it but Beatrix stabbed her in the hand with the knife first "ah!" Seline voiced, looking around them nobody even looked in their direction, as Beatrix grabbed the phone and answered it "Ric." she told him "Beatrix. Where are they?" Alaric asked, as Beatrix brought the phone down "say hi to daddy." she told the girls "hi, daddy." Josie and Sabrina said, as Beatrix put the phone back to her ear.

"Look, I know you can't talk, okay? So just listen. You called yourself their guardian angel, believing that the gemini coven put them into you knowing that you would protect and keep them safe. Where I know that whatever happened to you since the last time I saw you, whatever made you different. That if your sitting with them right now that you are there to do exactly that. And I could give a damn about their plans because I know you'll make sure that they're never gonna happen. Cause you're gonna kill them. Your not gonna discuss anything with them or let them plea for your sympathy. Cause this one came after your kids. And in all their scheming they haven't seen just how far you can go." Alaric shared, hanging up.

Beatrix threw the phone across the table, ripping the knife out of Seline's hand, Seline winced "hey, sissy." Sybil said, as Seline turned around her, Beatrix, Josie and Lizzie all saw Sybil and Damon "Sybil?" Seline asked "quite the family reunion you've sprung on us." Sybil shared, as Damon looked at Beatrix then to Josie and Sabrina "hey, little munchkins. Remember me?" he asked, and when he did, Josie and Sabrina grabbed onto Beatrix, turning and hiding their faces.

It was morning as they were still sitting the diner, Seline was glaring at Sybil while, Josie and Sabrina slept in Beatrix's arms "mm. Bacon makes a good case for the existence of god." Sybil shared, as Damon was staring at Seline "what are you staring at?" she asked "how do you go from island cannibal to naughty Mary Poppins?" Damon asked, as Beatrix chuckled, Damon looked to her having still be unable to remember her "and who are you? Because from where I'm sitting you look like a sad lap dog under the thrall of a psychopath." Seline shared.

"Um, pot, kettle, sissy. And for all you know, the last two hundred plus years that I spent in that vault has changed me for the better. Maybe I'm a reformed woman." Sybil shared "she isn't." Beatrix and Damon said, as the two looked at each other with furrowed brows "still, I had a lot of time in that vault to think and rot, and wonder what happened to my dear Seline, who escaped when was it, in 1883, that you slipped through the clutches of that idiot, Dalton St John?" Sybil asked "the armory was hunting me. I had to disappear, and then I had to blend in." Seline shared.

"Oh, you blended in alright. With your french manicure and preppy sneakers and your voice so American. Mm-hmm, I can see how hard you were working to rescue me." Sybil shared "I was trying to free you, Sybil. Not just from the vault. From everything. And I was finally on the verge until you broke out and blew my cover." Seline shared "oh, I'm sorry. Did my freedom ruin your idiotic plan for these two children?" Sybil asked "I'm sorry, I'm missing something here. How does an evil siren scheme, centuries in the making involve three year olds?" Damon asked "they're freaks of nature. Siphon twins who share a psychic link." Seline mentioned.

"We weren't much older when we met the devil." Sybil informed him, as Damon looked to him "it's obvious, isn't it? She want to offer them to Cade." Sybil shared, as Damon turned glaring at Seline, Beatrix ran her hands through Josie and Sabrina's hair trying to remain calm "child sacrifice is a little hardcore, don't you think?" Damon asked, as a women came over and refilled his coffee and them walked off "I'm not sacrificing them. I am presenting them to Cade. Offering them as our replacements." Seline shared, as Sybil and Damon raised their brows "obviously not right away. I didn't plan on having my cover broken three months into the job." Seline shared.

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