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Chapter one hundred and thirteen

"One stone and two resurrections later."

Three years from now, a brunette haired little girl followed by a blonde were running down the hallway and giggling, where as they turned heading down the stairs and into the kitchen, Beatrix appeared in front of them "gotcha!" she voiced, grabbing them both and picking them off the ground, a bang could be heard behind her, as she turned around looking at Alaric and the toy baby doll "think we should call it doctor?" she asked "I think so." Alaric told her, as Beatrix chuckled "well, that's not good." she said "nope." Alaric told her.

As Beatrix raised her brows "speaking of not good." she said, putting the girls on the ground "I thought we pinky promised if we had two bowls of ice cream that we'd have brushed teeth, pj's and be sleeping so the angels could bring you good dreams and make all the bad dreams go away?" she questioned "no!" the girls voiced, shaking their heads "no!" Beatrix voiced, smiling "alright then...funs over." she said, turning around "Ric?" she asked "no!" the girls voiced, running off, giggling.

"Yeah? Well, too bad." Alaric told them, as Beatrix walked toward's him "I think we should just buy her a new one before somehow shock yourself into a coma and I'm stuck all alone with them." she shared, as Alaric sighed putting his arm around her "well if I wasn't around you three probably would've burned the house down." he shared, as Beatrix smacked him in the chest "if I wasn't around they would've burned the house down." she corrected him, as her and Alaric chuckled, but when they did, the gils giggles couldn't be heard, as the furrowed their brows "girls?" the two asked, but didn't get a response.

As Beatrix waved her hand, Alaric's gun appeared in it, as he took it, Beatrix began walking toward's the kitchen door as he followed behind her, making it into the hallway, the girls stood there holding each other's hands "girls get behind me." Beatrix told them, as the girls ran toward's her, they each other grabbed onto one of her legs, as Alaric then brought the gun down "Damon." he said "well, aren't you adorable? Heh. Your girls, too." Damon shared, as Alaric stepped in front of the three of them.

"Why so gloomy? Looks like you got everything you wanted. Both of you." Damon shared, looking past him and at Beatrix "the fact that you're here means somebody died." Alaric shared "no, not yet. But if you don't do exactly as I say, that could change real fast. So..you gonna invite me in?" Damon asked, as Alaric and Beatrix stared at him.

Three years before, It was five am, as Beatrix was with Alaric in the morgue, the worker walked in seeing both of them "jeez." he said, closing the door "you're here at five am. And you brought a guest." he shared "I'm gonna need the place to myself today." Alaric told him "oh, come on, man. Don't make me an accomplice to whatever weird stuff you're doing with your wife's dead body." the worker shared "trust me. What you thinks happening her is not even close." Beatrix told him, stepping toward's him, she put her hands on his shoulders, she looked into his eyes "you are gonna go get a coffee, get a breakfast sandwich, I don't really care. All I know is your not gonna be here. And when you come back tomorrow to start your job again, your not gonna remember Jo Laughlin or how much he paid you for all the time to spend with his dead wife." Beatrix shared, taking her hands off of him, she had used her magic on him, as the worker turned around and walked out.

Later on, Jo was lying on the table as Beatrix stood there looking at her, Bonnie was standing next to her "well, what better way to spend halloween, huh?" Alaric asked "Bonnie, again, you don't have to be here go to the dance with Caroline and.." Beatrix shared "and what? Leave you to do necromancy on your own?" Bonnie asked "I've never done this before. And this stone whatever those visions are, whatever's inside of it that makes it do this could end up going really wrong and if it does and it's not Jo, you have to let me end it." Beatrix shared, as the door opened, Damon dragged in Oscar "well I need you to put your halo on because we gotta bring this guy back to life. Now." he shared, as Beatrix sighed.

Where Damon had then put Oscar on a table, as Beatrix put the stone on his chest, she then began to chant as Bonnie, Alaric and Damon stood there watching her "phesmatos exaud mi, conjug spiritis et corpe. Phesmatos exaud mi, conjug spiritis et corpe." Beatrix said, as Oscar's body shook and he opened his eyes but then his eyes closed "Beatrix." Bonnie told her, as Damon slammed his hands down "hey! You're not the only one banking on this." Alaric told him "it's not for me, Ric. Why does everything have to be about me today?" Damon asked "shut up!" Beatrix voiced.

As Damon and Alaric looked to her, Beatrix opened her eyes "look, I have said time and time again I have no idea what this stone does or what is inside of it. I planned on resurecting one person with it to see how it goes but then you threw a dead guy onto my lap and told me to bring him back to life! Which means two resurrections and newsflash last time my grams did this she died and had to comeback to life herself! So sorry if I wanted to take a baby step toward's it but sure for your convenience I will speed it up for you!" she yelled, looking to Alaric and Bonnie "you two might wanna step away." she told them.

Alaric and Bonnie stepped around the table, Beatrix put her hands down to the stone and as she did, she began chanting, and as she did her hands started glowing white and as they did so did her eyes, as the wind in the room began to pick up, the lights crackled, Oscar then screamed as he sat up, Beatrix opened her eyes "oh my god." Bonnie said "Beatrix, you are officially the most terrifying person I know." Damon shared.

Where the five of them then walked out of there as they headed to Damon's car "easy there, buddy." Damon told Oscar as he dragged him along "where am I?" Oscar asked "you're on your way to mystic falls." Damon shared "Virginia? How did I get here?" Oscar asked "well, we'll talk about it on the way. Smile for mommy." Damon told him, taking a picture with him "yeah, ok." he said, as Alaric opened the passenger door for him "blood I need blood." Oscar shared "figured you might." Bonnie shared, handing the blood bags to Alaric, he handed them Oscar as they shut the car door.

"Either our friend still has the munches or this ravenous hunger is a side effect of resurrection." Damon shared, as they all looked to Beatrix "don't look at me for answers. Resurrections aren't common for a reason. The ravenous hunger has to be free from the stone. Which means if anything else happens you have to tell me, Damon." Beatrix shared "I will. But are you sure wanna do this to Jo?" Damon asked "look, it's now or never, Damon." Alaric old him "no offense, Ric, but I was asking Beatrix." Damon shared "if it goes wrong. I'll fix it myself." Beatrix shared, turning and walking off.

Standing in the morgue, Alaric and Bonnie were holding Jo's hands, as Beatrix held her hands over her heart, chanting, her hands began to glow white and so did her eyes, as the wind in the room picked up once more, the lights exploded and as they did, Jo opened her eyes.

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