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Chapter forty nine

"Who could ever learn to love a beast."

It had been a few days, but today was different then any other, because it was Caroline's birthday which they all always made a whole day of it, where Beatrix woke up, wearing a light blue dress and cardigan, she opened her closet grabbing her pile of gifts she had bought for her along with the balloons, and turned walking out of her bedroom door and down the stairs, her mother looked at her with wide eyes "please tell me you're not walking all that to school." she told her "no, uh..Matt's coming to pick me up." she shared.

As the front door opened "hey." Matt said, as his eyes went wide seeing the stuff in Beatrix's hands "um..did you buy the whole store?" he asked "well, I know Caroline's going through a hard time with Tyler and the whole not actually turning eighteen thing since she's a vampire so I thought I'd go all out, but I'm also forgetting the cake which is in my fridge." Beatrix shared, as Matt nodded "we can have cake later. I think the gifts and the balloons are enough for a school day and Bonnie has the sign." he shared, as he took the balloons from her "does someone have the tiara?" Beatrix asked her "yes, Beatrix, relax. It's all gonna work out the way it's supposed to." Matt told her, as they walked out the front door "have fun!" her mother voiced, as she swung her hand shutting the door behind them.

At school, Beatrix was decorating Caroline's locker, putting purple and pink streamers up, as Matt chuckled "shouldn't you wait for Elena and Bonnie?" he asked her, as Beatrix sighed "as one Caroline Forbes said, if you want something done.." she was saying "you better do it yourself, yeah." Matt told her, as the two chuckled, Matt then furrowed his brows "so speaking of Tyler, I saw you two the other day at homecoming, you seemed pretty close." he shared, as Beatrix turned to him "no, no, I..I would never do that to Caroline! I'm not like that!" she voiced "yeah, but you two never exactly worked out your problems." Matt shared.

As Beatrix raised her brows "what you mean, me killing his uncle because he tried to kill me and then his pack of wolves kidnapping me and then trying to kill me. I'm sure we're both totally over that." she shared, as Matt sighed "you know what I mean." he told her, as Elena and Bonnie walked up to them "sorry, I'm late, I, uh, I got held up." Bonnie shared "I just got here, too. And whoa, that's a lot of stuff." Elena said, not even being able to look at her after what she did with Damon and instead looked to Matt.

"Well, it's a big deal. And I'm not gonna even ask why your running late.." Beatrix shared, as she held out her hands Bonnie gave her the sign as Beatrix put it on the locker, she sighed "I'm gonna go look for Caroline." she told them, walking off and seeing the way Bonnie and Elena looked at each other, Matt raised his brows "I'll come with you." he said, putting the gifts and balloons down as he followed her.

The two walked outside, and when they did, Tyler walked up to them "Caroline left." he told them, and when he did, Beatrix's eyes went wide "she left? What do you mean she left!" she voiced "I don't know she drove in, I was waiting to talk to her seeing as things aren't exactly okay since I'm sired to Klaus, I apologized about how I can't put her first and she apologized to and then I told her happy birthday and as I walked my way over here, I heard her car pulling out of the parking lot and she left." he shared.

Beatrix huffed "then..then we have to go to her house." she shared, running her hands through her hair "Beatrix.." Matt told her, as Beatrix turned to him "no! Caroline's birthday isn't gonna be ruined because we're all vampires, witches and hybrids. It's Caroline!" she voiced, as she turned around walking back into school, Tyler raised his brows, as Matt scoffed "dude, just talk to her." he told him "I am." Tyler told him, as Matt shook his head "you know that's not what i'm talking about." he told him, turning around and following after Beatrix, Tyler sighed.

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