Chapter twenty three
"Actions speak louder than words."
Taking her mind off of what happened between her and Damon, Beatrix had taken over running the carnival, as she had her hair up in a ponytail, having been giving everyone errands today, having told Bonnie and Elena to help get the prizes to the game booths, wanting to do a good job, as she walked down the hallway, where she noticed Jermey and Stefan as her eyes went wide "you two!" she yelled, walking over to them "hello, Beatrix." Stefan told her "Jermey, I told you to meet me when you were done." Beatrix told him "yeah, yeah, I set up the goldfish toss all three hundred goldfish. It's gonna be epic." Jermey told her, shutting his locker and walking off.
Beatrix threw her arms out "okay, I'm a witch and by a snap of my fingers I could have this all setup by myself but no..I needed to have actual students and workers help me out." she shared, as Stefan sighed, putting his arms around her "from what I recall, you said you took over being carnival director to keep us normal and distracted." he shared "I did, but doing all of this with everyone complaining about me, reminds me that being a normal high school student is overrated." Beatrix shared.
As Stefan hummed "yes it is. So, I was just wondering, how you're dealing with the whole Damon situation?" he asked, and as he did, Beatrix huffed, shoving his arms off of her as she walked down the hallway, Stefan followed her "okay, um, I thought Katherine showing up had put him in a little odd place, kind off kilter and dangerous but it seems it's rubbed off on you which is the opposite of what I wanted, Beatrix..brooding is my thing, you're supposed to be the one with inspirational speeches but if you start going off the rails I'm not sure if I can pull you back on the rails." he shared "then don't. I'm glad you were there for me Stefan but as a teenage girl who's never liked a guy before who just basically got her heart broken, I need to figure this out for myself." Beatrix shared, turning and heading down a different hallway, making Stefan sigh.
Later that night, the fair was a big hit, as Elena and Bonnie walked up to Beatrix "the ring toss is out of Bart and Homer dolls and team Jacob t's." Bonnie shared "okay." Beatrix told her, not even looking at her "I can grab some from the science club. And also we lost a speaker in the karaoke booth." Elena shared "got it." Beatrix told her, not looking at her either, Elena sighed "Beatrix, is this about Damon kissing me?" she asked.
As Beatrix stopped and turned to her "well, other then Katherine herself, you're the closest thing to it and seeing as I thought it was you, yeah it kind of hurts. And it's not something it wasn't me speeches can fix and you.." she shared, looking to Bonnie "you tried to kill me and my family, so I don't know when or if we'll ever be cool again." she told her, as she then looked between the two "so thanks for helping but no thanks to the check in." she told them, as she turned walking off.
And as she did, she then passed a popcorn stand as Jermey noticed her "hey, Beatrix!" he called out, as Beatrix turned looking at him "Jermey, haven't heard much from you since.." she was saying as she walked up to him "since Vicki tried to kill me." he told her "yeah.." Beatrix told him, as she then noticed the ring on his finger "so I guess you know everything." she pointed out, as Jermey looked down at it and then up at her "yeah. So your a witch. What does that entail exactly?" he asked her, as Beatrix smirked "if I told you, I'd have to kill you." she told him, chuckling, and as she did, Jermey chuckled back.
"Beatrix." Damon said and when he did, Beatrix stopped laughing and turned around looking at him "I've gotta go." she told Jermey, turning around and stepping around him, walking off, Damon went to follow her, but as he did, Jermey stepped in front of him "aren't you a little old for a high school carnival and to be chasing down sixteen year old girls?" he asked him "a hundred fifty years too old." Damon told him "oh, you're pretty funny cracking jokes when I could..I don't know, blow the whole lid off this thing by telling someone what you really are." Jermey shared.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...