Chapter forty one
"Months full of chasing leads."
It had been two months now since they left Mystic Falls and it was full of never ending chaos and following Klaus wherever he wanted to go and doing whatever he asked, which meant Beatrix still wasn't back to life, as Cassandra was running across a farm yard in Tennessee with Winifred's arm over her shoulder "come on, mom, come on." she told her, as Winifred was holding her stomach that was bleeding, while she had a head injury, the two walked up the steps of the porch, and as they did, Cassandra leaned toward's the doors and opened the screen banging on it.
As she stepped back, the door soon opened, revealing a blonde headed girl "may I help you?" she asked "hi, yes, um, we got in a pretty bad car accident, a few miles back and we didn't have our phone on us, your first house is the one we came upon, so we wondering if we could us your phone?" Cassandra asked her, as the young women looked at her and then her mother "yeah, oh my gosh, you two seemed wrecked, come..come inside and wait, maybe I could give you some first aid." she shared, moving out of the way "thanks." Cassandra told her as her and her mother walked in.
The women let the door open behind them "you two haven't seen a dog outside by chance did you?" the women asked them, as Cassandra shook her head "no, no we haven't." she told her, as she looked seeing a women in the kitchen, where Cassandra's leg then gave out on her, where she dropped her mother in which the blonde caught her, as the one with the curly hair ran over to Cassandra, and as they did, the two put their hands on them "who's Ray Sutton? We're told he lives here." Winifred told the girl holding her, as the one holding Cassandra shook her head "he's almost never here. He's on the road mostly." she shared.
"Oh, but we are sure he comes home once in a while..or more accurately once a month." Cassandra implied, as neither of the girls said anything "exactly. So how about you girls tell us where he is before this get's a whole lot worse for you two." Winifred shared, as the girl holding Cassandra tried to run "imunto pupulus." Cassandra and Beatrix said and as they did, the two stood up straight, as did the girls, the two then backed up toward's the front door and as they did, the girls followed them, and as they looked their left, Stefan and Klaus were standing there "oh, but I love it when they run." Klaus shared.
As Cassandra raised her brows, looking to the girl who started it "now tell us where he is." she told her "he's in Tully, it's near the border. A bar called southern comfort. It's off highway 41." she shared shared, while the blonde was staring at Winifred "thank you, my love." Klaus told her "now, you two let invite our friends in." Winifred told them, as the blonde and the curly haired girl, looked to Klaus and Stefan "you can come in." they told them, and as Stefan and Klaus walked in, Winnifred and Cassandra looked at the girls, and dropped the mimic spell.
And as they did, they began to walk away from them, as Klaus grabbed the blonde, shoving her toward's Stefan "kill this one quickly. Make that one suffer. We'll be in the car." Klaus shared, as he followed, Winifred and Cassandra out, the two picked the bottles up on the porch, drinking it and it might've tasted disgusting a few months ago, it was now old hat to drink the blood to heal their real injuries that they were given, incase anyone they were trying to talk to got suspicious, where as they walked off after Klaus, they heard the girls screams behind them, seeing as Stefan had gone full ripper now, killing without even thinking about it.
The next day, the four had made it to that bar they were told about off highway 41, called southern comfort, where Stefan had compelled the whole bar, where Cassandra and Winifred were drinking margaritas at it "hey, Ray." the bartender said to the man who just walked in, and as Cassandra looked around, Klaus motioned with his head from a table he was sitting at for her to go over to him, as Cassandra hopped off of her stool and walked over to him, sitting next to him "can I have a refill, please?" she asked, as Ray looked to her "oh, a margarita girl, huh?" he asked her, as a beer was put in front of him, Cassandra was given her refill as she shrugged "it was my mother's drink of choice so it quickly also became mine but um, I saw you walk in and something about you just seemed extremely familiar to me, if you'd like to tell me your name to help job my memory?" she asked him.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...