Chapter forty five
"Every time we say goodbye, I say hello again."
That night, Caroline knowing Beatrix was back in town had texted her and asked her to come with her, Bonnie, Tyler and Elena to do senior prank night, as the four of them were all placing down mouse traps in the classroom with the lights off, Caroline sighed "look, I know what happened last night but be weird for you but you have to understand he was hurting my dad." she shared, as Beatrix shook her head "I really don't wanna talk about it." she told her "well, I also think we should talk about how Elena might have feelings for Damon." Caroline told her, and when she did, Beatrix turned her to her "what?" she asked her.
"And I know..I know you just got back and I don't mean physically I mean also mentally and I don't wanna push you too far but I feel like as your friend I thought you should know." Caroline told her "thanks, Caroline. But according to the letter I got earlier, none of us will be seeing Damon ever again." Beatrix shared "what?" Caroline asked her, as the door opened, all their mousetraps activated, as the lights were turned on they all stood up to see Matt "oh, come on! Seriously? Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?" Caroline asked him.
"Forgot about senior prank night, huh?" Tyler asked him "clearly." Matt told them "how could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year." Caroline shared "yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this." Elena shared "I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this." Matt shared "Caroline's making us." Bonnie shared "we're about to be seniors. These are the memories that'll stay with us forever, and if.." Caroline was sharing "and if we don't create these memories now then what's the point of it all?" Elena asked "go ahead and make fun. I don't care." Caroline shared.
As Beatrix put her arm around her "nobody's making fun Caroline. I mean if your that upset about your prank being ruined all I would have to do is.." she was saying, as she waved her hand and all the mousetraps were set back up "well, seeing as Beatrix fixed this for all of us. I can go break the ten other classrooms I have on my list." Tyler shared, grabbing his bag and walking out, Elena began following him "hey! Where are you going?" Bonnie asked her, as Elena turned to them "to superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories." she shared, turning and walking out, Caroline turned to Beatrix and kissed her on the cheek "I love you and I'm so glad your back!" she voiced, as Bonnie and Matt chuckled.
Bonnie and Matt had gone off on their own to prank the gym, and Caroline had gone off to find Tyler, which left Beatrix on her own, she was walking in the hallway, and as she came across the one where she ran into Bonnie and Elena, a flash came into her mind of that night, recalling how she threw Klaus who was in Alaric's body into the wall and then sent him flying into the trophy case, having told Bonnie and Elena to run although unlike now where she knew she did it to keep them alive, at the time, she didn't feel anything.
As she shook her head, she continued walking down that hallway and as she made it to the cafeteria that had bunch of plastic wrap around the tables, she closed her eyes and thought back to the moment where she stepped away from Bonnie, and took her out, claiming it was to stop her from dying but in reality, she didn't care at the time if she lived or died and didn't feel anything when her body fell to the ground like she should've or that she did it in front of Stefan and Elena, having shut them out of the cafeteria.
"Hey." Bonnie said, and as she did, Beatrix turned around, seeing Bonnie and Matt "we're gonna go throw some toilet paper in the gym, if you wanna come with us?" Matt asked her, and as he did, Bonnie looked to him and then back to her "come with us." she told her, as Beatrix shook her head "look, I..I think I'm moving too fast with all of this. I mean, this entire place is reminding me of what I did when I.." she shared, taking a deep breath "when you what?" Bonnie asked her with furrowed brows, as Beatrix shook her head "nothing I'm bringing the mood down like I always do, let's..let's do what Caroline said and have fun and throw toilet paper around the gym or whatever." she told them, forcing herself to laugh as she walked toward's them, the three of them began walking off.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...