Chapter one hundred and thirty four
"Continuing the job."
Beatrix felt strange because killing Tyler wasn't exactly apart of the plan but her saving him wasn't either, where she felt like that one old memory that had slipped through had changed who she was, as her and Damon drove up to an auto mechanic shop and got out of the car, walking up to the man who had welding gear on "hey! Hey! Earth to planet redneck." Damon said, banging on the guys helmet, the guy looked up at them lifting his helmet up "are you Peter Maxwell?" Beatrix asked.
"No. Peter owns the place. I'm just the hired help. Name's Lou. What can I do for you?" Lou asked, holding his hand out "we really need to talk to Pete." Damon shared, as neither of them shook his hand "well, have it your way. He should be back in a bit. Hey, what exactly brings you out here?" Lou asked, taking the helmet off "you know, it's hard to say. To be honest, I'm not even the one who cars about finding your boss." Damon shared.
And before he could say anything strange that would put this man on guard, Beatrix spoke up "let's just say it's between us and Pete." she said, stepping toward's him "what's the worst thing you've ever done?" she asked, her eyes glowing red "I murdered one of my wives. Made it look like an accident." Lou said "now that right there is why we didn't shake your hand." Beatrix shared, as she looked to her left, she saw the gasoline as she kicked over the tank, the gasoline began pooling out around her and Lou's feet and as she stared at it, it caught on fire but Beatrix didn't move out of it, as Damon sped toward's her and pulled her out of it.
Where soon Peter drove up and as he did, he quickly ran out of his truck finding Lou's charred body, he ran into the shop and grabbed the fire extinguisher and went to run back out but Beatrix and Damon walked in "you must be Peter Maxwell." Damon said "who the hell are you?" Peter asked "two very long story's." Beatrix shared, as Pete went to hit them with the fire extinguisher, Beatrix's eyes glowed red "how about we put the fire extinguisher down because it's really not gonna do anything seeing as your buddy back there who murdered his wife and made it look like an accident is paying for it in hell as we speak." she shared.
As Peter put down the fire extinguisher, he then pulled out his cell phone "ah uh, before you make that phone call, I want you to ask yourself one question, if we just murdered your faithful manservant in cold blood, why would we have any problem murdering you?" Damon asked, as Peter stopped making the phone call, Damon leaned over to him "good boy." he said, taking his cell phone "although were not gonna kill you, Pete. Because we need something first." Beatrix shared "well, that's comforting." Peter told them "you ever meet a girl named Sybil? About yay high, hot as hell. Face rots off when she doesn't feed on human flesh?" Damon asked.
As Peter looked to Beatrix, Beatrix furrowed her brows "not me!" she voiced "we're gonna take that as a no, Pete. Then again, you could be lying to us." Damon shared, speeding toward's him, he slammed him into the wall "tell me the truth. Do you have any idea what we're talking about?" he compelled him "no. Everything you're saying sounds crazy." Peter shared, as Damon let him go "damn it." he said "well you have something we need." Beatrix told him "well take whatever it is and just go." Peter shared "well, the thing is, what were looking for is a Maxwell family heirloom. And seeing as we come from a town of really strange family artifacts. I'm sure we'll know it when we see it. So where is it?" Beatrix asked.
"I..I have no idea. Look, the only family I have is my son." Peter shared "we need you think real hard, cause your life depends on it." Damon shared, putting his hands on his shoulders "a couple years ago, my grandmother died, all right? She left me a box of stuff." Peter shared "sounds promising. What kind of stuff we talking about?" Damon asked "I don't know. I never opened it. Family's a bit of a sore spot with me." Peter shared "so is everyone elses, where's the box, Pete?" Beatrix asked "it's somewhere in the storage room. My son was looking for it a while back. Maybe he found it, all right?" Peter asked "oh good." Damon said, handing the man his phone back "call junior, get him over here. Now." he told him, as Peter looked from him to Beatrix and then down at his phone.
Standing in the storage room, Damon was playing pinball, as Beatrix stood next to him, Peter walked up to her "so, uh, what do you think?" he asked, as Beatrix grabbed it "this? This isn't an heirloom! This is a hood ornament that goes on a vintage rolls Royce." she shared, throwing it away "and your starting to annoy me because I have bigger things to worry about right now then you!" she voiced, her eyes glowing red "I'm doing what you asked." Peter told her, turning to walk away, and as he did, Beatrix grabbed him by the wrist "not good enough!" she voiced.
As Damon turned around, noticing the watch "where'd you get that watch?" he asked "my son gave it to me. What difference does it make?" Peter asked "considering that it's a family heirloom, quite a bit." Damon shared, walking up and taking it off his wrist but as he did his skin sizzled "aah!" he voiced, as the watch clattered to the floor, Beatrix and Damon's eyes went wide "you're on vervain." the two said "I don't know what you're talking about." Peter told them, as Beatrix grabbed him by the neck "it means you lied!" she voiced, holding her hand out and sending the sharp tool into his chest, she dropped Peter to the ground.
"And liars go to hell." she added on, as something hit her in the back of the head knocking her out and onto the ground, Damon furrowed his brows as he then got shot, he groaned, turning around "Donovan?" he asked, as Matt shot him again, Damon fell down next to Beatrix.
It was night time, as Damon and Beatrix woke up, the two were chained to chairs, as Matt stood in front of them, breaking a stick in half "oh would you please drop the tough guy act already?" Beatrix asked "cause we both know your not gonna kill us." Damon told him "why not? That seems to be your guys solution for everything. Maybe I should give it a shot." Matt shared "I'm sorry, Matt, I know this is supposed to scare me, but fear is an emotion, and ever since I flipped my switch. I'm kind of operating without them. All I'm getting from you is desperation." Damon shared.
"You're right, Damon, I am desperate." Matt shared, shoving the makeshift stake into Damon's chest, Damon groaned "and for once, I don't care about your drama. I don't give a damn if yo shut your humanity off. All I want to know is why you tried to kill my father." Matt shared "I'm sorry, how were we supposed to know some random auto mechanic was your father? I thought you were like a bastard or something?" Beatrix asked, as Matt stepped toward's her and grabbed her by face "I'm done playing games." he told her, as Beatrix raised her brows "I think Tyler would disagree. Seeing as he's on the verge of death." she shared.
And as she did, Matt let her go, as he turned to Damon pulling out the makeshift stake "not even your that stupid. Humanity or not, nobody'd forgive either of you for that. Especially Elena." he shared "well, that's the whole point, you idiot. Apparently you've been out of the loop for awhile Matt, so allow me to bring you up to speed. Elena and I are through. In fact, I've been seeing another woman." Damon shared.
As Matt looked to Beatrix "not me. I took a trip to hell. Came back and my brains all kinds of screwed up. But I know Tyler was in New York, and even more so that last night I watched as Damon ripped into Tyler's throat practically putting him on the verge of death, where he's now lying in the trunk of a green mustang across the border at the park n go off I-20. I'm sure if you leave now, you can save him." Beatrix shared, as Matt grabbed her by the neck "if you hurt Tyler, I swear to god, I will kill you." he shared "well, you can swear to god all you want. He's not the one listening." Damon shared, as Matt let Beatrix go and turned walking off.
Where the two were sitting there for awhile, as Beatrix huffed "okay, we can't stay here any longer." she shared, moving her feet toward's the shelf in front of them "why?" Damon asked, as he followed her "well let's just say Tyler wasn't bleeding out and dying but that I might've snapped your neck and stopped his heart from beating to where he was already dead." Beatrix shared, as she kicked her foot against the shelf, Damon looked at her with furrowed brows "your telling me this now?" he asked her "if she's in your head still she can't know my plan!" Beatrix voiced, kicking her foot up so did Damon, as the shelf began to come down.
The two turned away from it as it came down on top of them, Beatrix and Damon groaned, as Beatrix heard Damon's bone's breaking she looked in front of her and smirked, reaching her hand out, she grabbed the ball "I found what we came here for." she shared, as Damon got up and leaned over, looking at what she had in her hand, he furrowed his brows, having no idea what that was.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...