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Chapter one hundred and thirty eight

"Keeping watch over them."

Sitting in a group meeting, Beatrix, Damon and Stefan all sat together "hi. I'm Damon. And I have anger issues." Damon shared "hi, Damon." everyone one said, as Damon waved "why don't you tell us about what brought you to the meeting today?" the meeting leader asked "well, I got my brother this job.." Damon shared "actually, I asked for the job." Stefan shared "yeah. Through my connections." Damon shared "he means me. Where I asked my boss who's actually my grandfather if they would be a good fit and he said yes." Beatrix shared.

"Where he then gave Stefan new orders. And now, we're supposed to push people to make evil choices, and only then do we kill them and send their souls to the devil." Damon shared, as Stefan leaned toward's him "I thought we were going for like, a..a veiled analogy." he whispered "oh, they're all compelled. Clarity over cleverness. That's what I always say." Damon shared "you've literally never said that before." Stefan shared "anyway, let's just say Stefan's not exactly the best employee. He's very full of himself." Beatrix shared.

"Okay. They're just jealous that I'm better at finding new clients. For instance. Who would you say is the worst person in this room? Huh? Meg or Elizabeth? You both have said some pretty awful things." Stefan shared, looking to Damon and Beatrix "I'm sure that, given the right opportunity, one of them would make an evil choice." he whispered "small potatoes. I don't even think they make the cut." Damon whispered "uh.." Elizabeth said "uh! Elizabeth, quiet. You too, Meg." Damon shared, as Beatrix looked at the leader "you know all these people better then anyone if you had to pick one person to die? Is it Meg or Elizabeth?" she asked.

"Wait, stop right there." the leader shared "right. Right. I'm sorry." Beatrix told him, as her eyes started glowing red "it's between you and Meg actually. Would you want Meg to die instead of you?" she asked "yes." the leader said, as Damon raised his brows "I would want her to die instead of me." the leader shared "whoa." Damon said "so what if both Meg and Elizabeth had to die for you to live, would you still make that same decision?" Beatrix asked, her eyes glowing red still "yes, I would want them both to die." the leader shared.

"Whoa. What if we threw in everybody? Choose between yourself and these people." Damon told him "I want to live. I don't care about any of them." the leader told them "wow, what an awful team leader you are. Where I'm sure everyone can agree that they'd all love to just watch you die." Beatrix shared, standing up, Damon sped toward's him and bit into his neck feeding on him, Beatrix watched him but as Damon pulled away and looked behind them his eyes went wide, as Beatrix turned around, her eyes went wide as well as everyone was dead "what the actual hell!" she voiced, looking at Stefan.

"Yeah, I thought we were only giving Cade the worst of the worst, like this guy." Damon shared "Cade can have him. These are mine." Stefan shared, looking back down at the women's neck "what are you doing? Meditating?" Damon asked "it's called self control, Damon." Stefan shared, looking up at them "no dripping blood equals no temptation. I'm doing it right this time. Heads will remain intact." he shared "that's not self control! Self control is killing one person!" Beatrix voiced, holding her finger up "not the entire room!" she voiced, as Stefan stood up "you know your lack of faith in me is really starting to get on my nerves." he shared.

"She's just saying, you have a ripper history. Are you sure you wanna keep testing the blood soaked waters?" Damon asked "that's why it's called history. It won't repeat. I'm all good." Stefan shared, going back down and biting into the women's neck, missing how Beatrix and Damon turned and looked at each other with wide eyes "yeah. We can see that." Damon shared, as the two knew he was not in control.

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