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Chapter one

"Not a good sign for us witches."

It was the middle of the night and though many chose to be asleep during this hour, a candle light shined on the wall as someone ran through the hallway and down the flight of stairs and when she made it to the bottom, she turned heading toward's the back door which was opened, her white dress cascaded across the floor as she walked through the huge garden outside that had many different ingredients that ranged from just your average tomatoes and strawberries or flowers, she made it to the end, and as she did, a smile graced her face as she saw two silhouettes ahead of her.

As she ran toward's them, the youngest of the two standing there turned to her "your late, Beatrix." her mother told her, as Beatrix huffed "I know! And I'm sorry! I'm just excited." she told her, as her mother shook her head "this isn't something we should be excited about. If anyone found out about us.." she was sharing "oh, Cassandra, you used to be so much more fun when you were her age." her grandmother shared, as she pulled the axe that she had been sharpening as she looked to Beatrix "light the torches." she told her.

And when she did, Beatrix stuck the torch in her hand into the ground, where all the others surrounding them began to light up as well, revealing a healthy pig, making Beatrix's mother scoff "mother this is so olden times, can't we ever just wait and see what's to come? Why do we need a sign of what this year will bring?" she asked "because as one of the strongest witch lines we owe it to those who've come before us. One day you'll understand again and stop pretending like being some gardener and making your aliments is all you can do." her grandmother shared, as she held the axe out "speaking of, Beatrix, it's your turn." she told her.

"Mother, no." Beatrix's mother told her, making her grandmother scoff "as long as I am on this earth what I say goes, Beatrix." she said, as Beatrix stepped forward, she took the axe and stepped toward's the pig and when she did, she then held the axe up and swung it down, chopping the pigs head off, as it's body fell to the floor, Beatrix stepped back and joined hands with her mother and grandmother, as they all began to chant "venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis la force de la bene a moi."

Where the blood from the pig then began to come together and go toward's the bowl on the ground, but before it could, it shot up into the sky unknowing to them as their eyes were closed "venez sanguis. Venez sanguis. Venz sanguis la force de la bene a moi." they chanted and as they did, liquid then began falling from the sky and as it did, the three opened their eyes "rain?" Beatrix asked, with furrowed brows, although when they all looked at their hands along with their white dresses, they were stained with blood "not just rain. Blood rain from the pig." Beatrix's mother shared, as her grandmother huffed "and that? That's not a good sign for us witches." she shared, as their eyes went wide, looking up at the sky as the rain continued to fall down.

The next morning, Beatrix had ran downstairs dressed for school, as she grabbed her glass of orange juice and began downing it, her mother turned to her "whoa, what's the rush? I made you breakfast!" she voiced, as Beatrix shook her head "tired. Couldn't sleep. Running late." she told her, as she turned, running out of the house, her grandmother held her back pack in her hands "forgetting something?" she asked her, as Beatrix grabbed it "thank you." she told her, leaning up and kissing her on the cheek, as she ran toward's the front door "hey!" her mother called to her, but all she got in return was the sound of the front door slamming as she huffed.

A chuckle filled her ears "don't blame her, after what happened last night we should all be on edge." her mother shared, as Cassandra glared at her "she's sixteen. Is going into her junior year of high school has has had no boyfriends..." she was sharing, as her mother raised her brows "cause if she did, we'd string him up like a halloween decoration before he has the chance to burn us at the stake!" she hissed, as Cassandra huffed "mother!" she voiced "oh, don't mother me! That girl needs someone in our line of work, the humans around here aren't it." her mother shared as she sat down at the breakfast table.

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