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Chapter fifty nine

"The truth about what you are."

Walking through the woods, Beatrix was standing there, looking around her for an animal, but as she did, someone sped toward's her and grabbed her, kissing her, Beatrix began kissing them back, as they sped her over to a tree, Beatrix then opened her eyes and when she did, she saw Damon, as her eyes went wide.

Beatrix gasped, waking up, she was breathing heavy "dreaming about me?" Damon asked her, and when he did, Beatrix screamed falling off of her bed and onto the floor "ow!" she voiced, as Damon chuckled "do you know easy it was to get in your head right now?" he asked her, as Beatrix huffed "well now I know where that other dream came from." she shared, pushing herself up off the floor and glaring at Damon "stay out of my head." she told him "will do! All you have to do is have some actual human blood and gain your strength and I won't be able to play around in that pretty little head of yours." Damon shared.

"The way I choose to live my vampire life is none of your business." Beatrix told him, as she turned walking to her bathroom, Damon sighed "right cause that's what Stefan said but since I'm taking Elena to college to learn how to feed, I thought you could tag along." he shared, as Beatrix scoffed "how thoughtful of you, Damon." she told him, turning on the shower, she turned around and he was standing there, as her eyes went wide "get out!" she voiced, as Damon raised his brows "are you sure you want that? Because from the first dream you had of me, you seemed to like me kissing you in the rain." he told her.

As Beatrix's eyes went wide, she leaned back into the shower and turned it off, walking away "where you going?" he asked her, as Beatrix walked in the hallway, she passed Stefan "can I shower in your room?" she asked him "yeah, why?" Stefan asked her "Damon's being a creep." Beatrix told him, walking away from him, Stefan huffed as he turned around, Damon stood in the doorway of her room "I was just showing her that your food habit, leads her open to certain tricks." he shared, smirking.

Stefan pointed behind him "you went in her head." he realized, as Damon shrugged "wouldn't be the first time. The last time I did it was raining, it was very romantic. She loved it." he shared, as Beatrix came walking down the hallway "that's it. I'm not showering." she told them, walking back into her room, Damon smirked "so is that a yes to you coming?" he asked her "get out!" Beatrix voiced, grabbing the door and slamming it shut, Damon raised his brows "I'll take that as a yes." he said, turning and walking off, Stefan huffed.

Having gotten dressed, Beatrix was in the car as Damon had driven, her, Elena and Bonnie all the way to Whittmore college, as he parked the car, all of them got out "are you sure that you're okay with this?" Elena asked Bonnie "if I could spell you two out of wanting blood, I would, but I can't, so better you two learn this now then at freshman orientation." Bonnie shared, as the three walked "something tells me college isn't in my future anymore." Elena shared "oh, stop with the pity party." Damon said, as the three turned to him "if I can go to college, you can go to college." Damon told them.

"You went to college?" Bonnie asked "sure. Plenty of times." Damon shared "what'd you major in hazing and hooking up with sorority girls?" Beatrix asked as Bonnie laughed, the three turned walking off again as Damon followed them.

Heaving made it to the right building and to the right classroom, the four walked up the steps to find empty seats in an occult studies class "when I say the word witch what pops into your head? Halloween costume? Villain of a fairy tale? Maybe an ex girlfriend? Well, whatever image it is, it's probably not Tonyall Soso of Montego." the professor shared, as the four of them sat down "is that him?" Elena asked "yeah." Bonnie told her "he's kind of.." Elena said "hot." Bonnie told her, as Beatrix shook her head "no." she told them, as Damon raised his brows and smirked "now, in reality, or in this reality at least witches appear across every culture in history. They're the architects of the supernatural. Responsible for everything that goes bump in the night. From ghosts to vampire to doppelgängers." the professor shared.

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