Chapter one hundred and twenty five
"Unexpected guests."
It had been three years since then, and Beatrix with the help of Alaric and raising the girls got past Damon's I will always love you but I am leaving you letter, which is why when he showed up at they're doorstep that night, she was very shocked to see him, but things had finally started to cool down again, and Beatrix had put a protection spell over the house, where the only way for anyone to get in was if she dropped it, where as the girls were sleeping soundly upstairs, Beatrix and Alaric were cleaning the downstairs of the house.
Beatrix had picked up two of the girls toys but as she did, she felt dizzy, just like when she used to get those visions thanks to the phoenix stone, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, as she fell over
Flashes of a burning bus, followed by a man being arrested and a man running from the police and into the woods filled her mind
Meanwhile in real time, Alaric was crouched over her "Beatrix!" he voiced, shaking her, Beatrix opened her eyes, Alaric let out a breath "are you okay? What happened?" he asked her " was like one of those visions from the phoenix stone. I..I don't understand." Beatrix shared, as Alaric helped her up, his phone rang, he put her down on the couch "just relax. I'll get you some water." he shared, as his phone continued to ring "turning now to a breaking news story, reports coming in of an accident on route 70 near Glenwood Arkansa involving a Dallas student charter bus. At least four dead, with more injured.." the news women's voice filled Beatrix's ears as she remembered the bus from her vision.
She put her head in her hands, as Alaric walked up to her with the glass of water "here." he told her, as Beatrix took it and drank it, Alaric answered his phone "now's not a really good time." he shared "I'm calling to warn you." Matt told him "oh, it's a little late for that, don't you think? I mean, seeing as you seem to be working with that psycho causing Damon to show up on our front porch." Alaric shared, as Beatrix looked up at him "can you please stop yelling? My head is pounding." she shared "I'll get you a Tylenol." Alaric told her, walking to the kitchen.
"Now, listen to me, we were out." Alaric shared, opening the case to his dart gun "three years, three years, no stabbings, no vampires, no supernatural threat breathing down our neck, okay?" he asked, grabbing the bottle of Tylenol and opening it up and dumping two in his hand "we are getting married in a month. We have got kids that we need to take care of." he shared, walking back to the living room, handing Beatrix the Tylenol, she took it and downed it "look, Caroline was bait. To draw Stefan out. That's all." Matt shared "then why is my fiance having visions brought to her by the phoenix stone again?" Alaric asked.
"Because something bad happened. And I'm calling to warn you, I sent some visitors your way." Matt shared "no, no, listen, Beatrix put a protection spell on this house. We're not just gonna let anybody in!" Alaric voiced "this affects everybody, Ric, and I'm three states away." Matt shared "I'm hanging up right now." Alaric told him, hanging up, he crouched down to Beatrix who was holding her head in her hand, someone then rang their doorbell.
Beatrix stood up from the couch, walking out of the living room, she headed down the hallway to the front door as Alaric followed her, Beatrix opened it to find Valerie standing there along with Rayna Cruz, the huntress, Alaric sighed.
Having brought down the protection shield, Rayna was tied to a kitchen chair in there living room while Beatrix, Alaric and Valerie were in the kitchen "it's like what happened with Jo, only more random. All the vampire souls from the phoenix stone have fresh corpses to inhabit. Some vampires, some not." Valerie shared "and if Stefan's not with you that means his soul was in that stone when it happened." Beatrix shared "yes." Valerie told her "okay. Then what do we have to do?" Alaric asked "we have to hunt them all down." Rayna said "no, Stefan has to be our first priority." Valerie shared.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...