Chapter ninety seven
"A prison made for a serial killer."
The next morning, Kai now that he had been back with people seemed to have a problem with not talking "and of course, I broke into the oval office and took a picture of myself at the window looking all JFK, but then I was like, wait. How am I gonna get These photos developed." Kai shared "oh, my god! Just answer the damn question. How are we gonna get out of this twilight zone?" Damon asked "I got a question for you first." Kai shared "Beatrix!" Damon voiced, knowing he couldn't handle him on his own anymore.
"Why do you think we're stuck on a repeating loop of may 10th, 1994. Doomed to relive a solar eclipse forever and ever and ever?" Kai asked "how the hell should I know?" Damon asked, drinking from his glass "I heard you tell Beatrix this place was your own personal hell. I'm kind of curious why." Kai shared, as Beatrix walked in "I got everything you wanted. Can opener, shower drain, grinding wheel, jam, pocket knife, volume o of the encyclopedia, a nail, and a black marker." she shared, throwing her bag on the table "now can you tell me why I got you all this crap?" she asked.
"Can't show you with my hands taped." Kai told her, as Beatrix waved her hand, freeing him "thank you." Kai told her "ok. Fine. How's this pile of crap gonna get us out of here?" Damon asked "I'll explain as soon as you tell me what you did on may 10, 1994?" Kai asked him "what difference does it make?" Damon asked "put it this way. Beatrix's magic is one part of the equation. My as yet undisclosed knowledge is the other, which means you would be hitching a ride home for free. I just wanna know if you deserve to come along." Kai shared.
As Damon reached down grabbing the pocket knife, he walked toward's Kai and pulled him out of the chair "or I could just torture you until you say something useful.." he shared "if you torture me, I'll get mad, and then I won't want to help you." Kai shared, looking to Beatrix "what kind of person has to have that explained to them?" he asked "Damon does.." Beatrix shared, as Damon let go of Kai, Kai walked away from him, as Beatrix stepped toward's him "look I know we usually live by torture first ask questions after but this is really not the time or place." she shared "stop trying to impress the new guy." Damon told her.
And when he did, Beatrix smirked "impress him? Wow, Damon, I can't help but her a tone of..jealousy? I mean you kept hounding me for a way out and now that we potentially have one you won't take it because you won't tell him about whatever made you think this was your hell? I mean you didn't even tell me." she shared "maybe because I don't wanna talk about the worst thing I ever did, Beatrix." Damon shared "ooh. Now I'm listening." Kai shared, eating the jam.
Where Damon began the story on how he was trying to start over where he had come back here for the first time seeing Stefan and his uncle Zach after fifty years, Kai started using all the random crap to make something "I need to be entertained while I work. Hell story, please." he said, as Damon looked to Beatrix "remind me not to kill him." he told her "Damon, I love you, so would you please continue your story no matter how brutal it is so he could continue working so we can what I assume is move on to getting out of here?" Athena asked "fine. In may 1994, I was living here. I'd come home to walk to the straight and narrow." Damon shared.
And as Damon continued his story, soon Kai was asleep "perfect. Our saviors insane and narcoleptic." Damon shared, refilling his glass "no, no, no. I'm awake. Let me guess you killed the pregnant woman." Kai shared, as Damon walked back over to Beatrix "shut up, Kai. You weren't listening." he told him "I was listening in my sleep. You were hanging out with your distant nephew Zach, who you called uncle Zach because that's not confusing. Plus pregnant lady Gail, who had a big bullseye on her chest. Got it." Kai shared, sitting up, as Beatrix looked to Damon "maybe that's the story I remember my grandmother talking about. Cause you killed the pregnant lady next door!" she voiced.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanficIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...