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Chapter forty two

"A hike through the mountains." 

It was summer, which meant it was hot, where Klaus was having Winifred and Cassandra now hike through the woods in heals and dresses, as Stefan carried Ray on his back "couldn't you have at least allowed us an outfit change? We're not exactly dressed for a hike in the smoky mountains." Winifred shared, as her and Cassandra stumbled, Klaus chuckled "just be lucky I'm not having you carry Ray. Speaking of which, Stefan? Is he getting heavy?" he asked "I'm fine. But they are not. They're human Klaus, they need water, actual food, proper clothes to hike in." Stefan shared "we have been walking for quite a while now so if any of need some water or a little sit down." Klaus shared.

"Funny. Hilarious, Klaus." Cassandra told him "yeah, you know I get that we're, uh, stuck together but if we could maybe just skip the chit chat, it'd be great." Stefan shared "so much brooding. Your self loathing is suffocating you, my friend." Klaus shared "maybe its cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. I mean, we've been at it all summer, and you promised them that you'd help them figure out what's wrong with Beatrix and all you've done is have them help you." Stefan shared "well, thanks to our pal Ray. We found ourselves a pack. And once this is done I will help Winifred and Cassandra, they know that." Klaus shared, as they stopped walking, seeing a bunch of people getting ready to camp.

"There." Klaus told them, as Stefan began walking forward, the three followed after him, as the people started to notice them, Stefan threw Ray down on the ground as a women with short hair ran toward's him along with a man "Ray! Oh, my god. What's going on?" the women asked, as the two of them looked up at Stefan "who are you?" the women asked, as Winifred, Cassandra and Klaus made it over to Stefan "the important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus." Klaus told them, as the man and women stood up "you're the hybrid." the women said "you've heard of me. Fantastic." Klaus told them, as he smiled.

While Klaus was turning the pack into hybrids, Cassandra and Winifred were given a change of clothes and some food and water, as the two had put their other clothes in a bag, Cassandra walked out wearing boots, a pair of jeans and a white t shirt with a flannel over it as her hair was up in a ponytail "mother." she said, as Winifred came walking out wearing boots and jeans and a flannel as well, as had her hair tied up and a hat on "we look awful." she said, grimacing, as Cassandra chuckled "we looked like jokes walking around her in heals in dresses. It was time for a bit of a change." she shared, throwing her bag over her shoulder, so did Winifred as the two walked back toward's the pack.

And when they did, everyone was dead as the two's eyes went wide, seeing Ray was shaking "they're dead. They're all dead." he said, as Klaus and Stefan stood next to him "he's through his transition. He should be feeling better soon." Klaus shared "so is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asked him "no, not slaves. Soldier, comrades, my own coven even." Klaus shared as he turned looking at Cassandra and Winifred "you two look ridiculous." he told them, as Winifred and Cassandra rolled their eyes "for what war might ask?" Stefan asked, as Klaus turned to him "oh, you don't arm yourself up after war has been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick a fight." he shared.

"What makes you so sure they'll be loyal?" Stefan asked him "well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. That's something you'll learn once you shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulder." Klaus shared, making Stefan chuckled "so that's why you're, uh, you're keeping me around? To witness my attitude adjustment?" he asked, as Ray started bleeding from the eyes and spitting, as Klaus sat next to him with furrowed brows "um, Klaus I usually am joking when I call them rabid dogs but I think he might be actually turning into one instead of a hybrid." Winifred mentioned.

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