Chapter thirty six
"A witch burial ground."
The next morning, Beatrix had gotten dressed, she had a bag filled with two capes, one for her and one for Bonnie as she walked to the front door "Beatrix." her grandmother said, as Beatrix turned to her "yeah?" she asked her "I just want you to be careful. If you and Bonnie are gonna do this together, it might divide the witches, where those who side with us will choose you and those who side with the Bennetts will choose Bonnie." her grandmother shared, as Beatrix nodded "i know, that's why I tried to tell Bonnie not to do this but she didn't want me to do it alone." she shared, as her mother walked out from the kitchen "be careful." she told her "I will." Beatrix told them, turning around and walking out.
Although when she did, she stopped, seeing that Bonnie wasn't alone but with Damon and Jermey "no." she told her, as Bonnie sighed 'I told you." she told Damon, as Damon scoffed "just get in the car." he told her "I'd rather poke my eyes out." Beatrix told him, as Jermey chuckled "she's not gonna get in." he shared, as Damon huffed "fine! I'm sorry for killing your boyfriend. And for barbecuing him." he shared, as Beatrix's eyes went wide "you what?" she asked him, as Bonnie and Jermey looked to him with wide eyes, Damon rolled his eyes "oh come on! He's fine! Just a little charred." he shared, as Beatrix huffed "whatever. Jermey you sit with him, I'm sitting with Bonnie." she told him "already on it." Jermey told her, climbing into the front seat.
The three then headed to the Martin's apartment, where Damon opened the door first and put his hand in, where there was no forcefield keeping him out as he stepped inside "yep! Everybody's dead." he shared, as Beatrix, Bonnie and Jermey walked inside "we should pack up the grimoires. They spent years collecting them. I wanna make sure they're safe." Bonnie shared "if you want we can put them at my house, we have tons of them in the room upstairs. I'll text my mom and grams to come pack them up." Beatrix shared 'good." Bonnie told her, as Damon leaned down to the two of them "you know we could just get another match and cremate him." he told them about Luca's charred body.
"Don't be disrespectful." Bonnie told him, as Beatrix sent the text to her mom and grandma and looked up at them "disrespectful? Him? That'll be hard cause it seems to be a part of his personality." she shared "oof, you wound me." Damon told her, as Bonnie and Beatrix looked at him with raised brows "fine, I'll bury him." Damon told the two, as he turned walking away, grabbing a blanket "what are we looking for?" Jermey asked "a spell that will allow us to harness the energy from when a witch or in this case witches die violently. I mean my grandmother said she knows the spell but she couldn't quite remember it, so when Bonnie told me about this grimoires I thought one of them should have it." Beatrix shared.
"And then?" Jermey asked her "and then we go to the burial ground and me and Bonnie do the spell and harness the energy, in which we can then use it whenever we want." Beatrix told him, leaving out the part where her grandmother told her that it was the exact same power that shot into her from the crystal that killed her "great! We'll have to put that on our list of things to do today. Harness ancient dead witch power." Damon shared, as Beatrix turned to him "nobody invited you, Damon." she told him, as Damon raised his brows "actually, Stefan told me how you're on a bit of whirlwind seeing as you not only stabbed Dr Martin to death but also happened to send him flying out of your house last night. So he suggested i look after you." he shared.
As Bonnie furrowed her brows "you what?" she asked her, as Beatrix scoffed "he wouldn't leave. Wanted to dig deep into my soul and keep apologizing about what he did and I warned him what would happen if he didn't leave and he didn't so I rejected his invitation into my house. But I see that my message got to you, Damon." she shared, as Damon glared at her "well seeing as you wanna know why I'm here, I happen to know where the witches were burned." he told her, as Beatrix chuckled "and so do I! So you're basically just a chaperone." she shared.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...