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Chapter forty four

"One step forward, three steps back."

Seeing as Beatrix's room back home was destroyed, her mother had put her to sleep in her room as Winifred had bought her a new bed, this time it was a canopy bed, where the sun was shining in through the windows, coming into her eyes, making her wake up and as she did, she looked around her realizing she was back home, she remembered everything that she did even when her soul wasn't intact and it bothered her, as she climbed out of bed, she walked to the door and walked out, heading down the hallway and toward's the stairs and as she went to walk down them, her mother was coming up them with a tray filled with breakfast treats but stopped when she saw her "no your supposed to stay in bed." she told her.

As Beatrix raised her brows "I don't want to stay in bed. I've been dead for who knows how long and before that, I've been walking around without a real clue at what I was doing before that and I remember all of it. I'm not tired. I wanna move on." she shared, as her grandmother then walked out, standing at the bottom of the stairs "there's a pot luck at the Lockwood's, seeing as we were gone all summer i was thinking of showing face, so if you wanna get out of the house, put on a cute dress and come on." she shared, in which Beatrix smiled as she turned around walking back upstairs and to her room.

And as she did, her mother turned to her grandmother "mother, she just came back to life!" she voiced, walking back down the stairs "and the only way for a teenage girl like here to move forward is do things, not to be coddled in bed by her mother." her grandmother shared, as she took the tray from her and turned walking back to the kitchen, as her mother furrowed her brows "I wasn't gonna coddle her." she told her, following after her.

Wearing a red sun dress, Beatrix showed up to the Lockwood cook out with her mom and grandma standing next to her and as they did, Mrs Lockwood stopped and looked at them, almost like she knew what they were "you guys are here." she shared "we're here." Winifred told her, as Mrs Lockwood stepped toward's them and smiled "nice to have you back." she told them, walking past them, the three then began walking down the stairs to go get some food.

And when night time came, the three had walked back upstairs, having had enough "so..was that normal enough for you, Beatrix?" her mother asked her and as she did, Beatrix laughed "yes, mother, it was exactly what I wanted." she told her, as Winifred scoffed "well good cause I'm sure being back in this town, things are gonna speed up soon enough." she shared, and as she did, Mrs Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes walked up to them "thank god, you three are back from vacation." Mrs Lockwood shared "why?" Winifred asked her "it's my ex husband, he's trying to out Damon and put vervain in the town water supply." Sheriff Forbes shared "what?" Cassandra asked her.

"Wait..wait so you two.." Beatrix asked, motioning between them "know about the supernatural, yes." Mrs Lockwood shared, as Winifred shrugged "what do you want us to do?" she asked "my ex husbands impervious to compulsion at least from vampires but maybe not yours." Sheriff Forbes shared, and as she did, Beatrix saw Caroline walk down the stairs at the end of the hall "excuse me." she told them, walking around Mrs Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes, her heels were making her walk slower, but when she heard a crash, she started running, and as she made it into the doorway, she saw Caroline punch Damon and then as she sped toward's him.

Damon grabbed her and threw her onto the table, as he lunged onto her, grabbing her by the neck "I'm stronger then you, little girl." he told her "well, I'm angrier!" Caroline voiced, breaking his wrist and head butting him, she then kicked him off of her, and as Caroline sped over to her dad, she stopped seeing Beatrix, her eyes went wide, as she grabbed her dad and sped out of there "Damon!" Beatrix voiced, running over to him, she didn't notice Elena was standing behind her, having come to stop him "Beatrix?" Damon asked "it's me. It's me. The real me." Beatrix told him, helping him up.

"Your the only one who never wanted to keep me in check." Damon told her "your a vampire Damon, and I'm a witch who had her soul taken none of us are in check. You and I are both monsters Damon." Beatrix shared, as Damon ran his hand through her hair "I can't tell if I hit my head or if your really here right now?" he asked "come on." Beatrix told him, putting his arm around her, as the two began walking out of there, Elena was no longer standing there.

The next morning, Beatrix woke up in her room and as she did, the wind from her deck, blew in causing the curtain on her canopy to blow by, she looked at her bedside table and saw a folded up note, furrowing her brows, she reached over and grabbed it and as she did, it was from Damon, as she sat up in her bed.

Dear Beatrix

I'm not exactly the type to write letters, but I've left you a dozen of voicemails to the point where your mailbox is full so I felt like in my departure from Mystic Falls that you deserved to at least know why on your return back here why I am leaving.

I am leaving because everyone in this town who was with me the whole summer while you weren't around kept trying to change me from Elena, to Ric and by the night that you found me i had hit rock bottom when it came to Bill Forbes trying to put me down, after I had just helped bring you back, which was possibly one of my biggest accomplishments in my years on this Earth.

And I don't know if you know this, but that witch Gloria told me that me killing you actually saved you. Saved you. That was something I never thought I'd hear when it came to me killing someone. But I know deep down even after everything that I've done that once you have the time to fully think of everything that's happened between the time your soul was taken to you coming back, you'll realize just like I have that I don't deserve to be loved by you or deserve your forgiveness, the only reason your mother and grandmother gave it to me was because I was dying and then in the end they needed my help.

But now they don't anymore and neither do you, so this is my goodbye to you for how awful I've been to you, you said yesterday that we were both monsters, but truthfully I am the only monster in your story, so this is my goodbye to you, you won't be seeing me for a while seeing as the walls are starting to close in on me here.

So I hope you enjoy the rest of yours without me.


In which Beatrix's eyes went wide, having read the entire thing, she moved the letter down and turned rolling over onto her bed, and grabbing cell phone and as she did, she began clicking the buttons and going to her voicemails but when she did, her entire voicemail box was empty unlike what he said, as she then looked back at the letter, someone was written on the back of it "PS I deleted all those voicemails, thinks of it as a fresh start.." she read off, feeling tears well up in her eyes, she crumpled the letter up and threw it across her room.

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