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Chapter one hundred and ten

"Vacation cut short."

In Alaric's grief, Damon had decided to take him out of mystic falls and fly him to Europe for a drinking excursion but Alaric told him that since Beatrix was the one to kill Kai even though he nor anyone not even Beatrix herself new the truth of his death and were told that his heart was magically ripped out of his chest opposed to the truth of her turning into an angel and making Kai explode, that she needed to come on the trip and since she was going Bonnie decided to tag along for Beatrix's sanity.

Where the two were walking toward's a group of people "drinken! Drinken! Drinken!" they chanted "look, Damon hasn't been telling you the truth about what happened with Kai." Bonnie shared, as Beatrix chuckled "you think I don't know that? I can barely even remember killing Kai. I doubt it was done by a wave of my hand." she shared "then why do you keep letting him think you believe it?" Bonnie asked "because this trip isn't about me." Beatrix shared, shoving through the group of chanting people, Bonnie followed behind her, as Beatrix put a giant water bottle on the table "drinken now." she said.

They were in Amsterdam "I can't feel my cheeks. What are we drinking?" Alaric asked "no idea. Can you read German?" Damon asked "that's, uh, actually Dutch." Alaric shared, as he drank his beer "oh. Wait. Where are we?" Damon asked, where the two of them were sitting in front of Beatrix and Bonnie, where Beatrix had her sunglasses on and was leaning her head back while Bonnie was writing in her journal "that would be Amsterdam." Beatrix informed them as the two turned to her and Bonnie "dear Elena, yep, halfway across Europe and they're still drunk." Bonnie shared, writing it down.

"Is that really necessary?" Alaric asked "yeah, honestly Bonnie after I realized are time here would be exactly like the prison world where it would be the same day in and out of them drinking their lives away I stopped writing." Beatrix shared "well if she wakes up in sixty some years and finds out that RIc died of alcohol poisoning, she's gonna wanna know what happened." Bonnie shared "unless Beatrix tragically chokes on those cocktail peanuts. Then I can tell her myself." Damon said, as Beatrix hummed "remember when we were dying on you said you loved me?" she asked "nope." Damon told her.

"You know what?" Bonnie asked, reaching over and snatching Beatrix's sunglasses off of her "we're gonna rent some bikes and see the city like normal tourists." Bonnie shared "FYI. They don't wear helmets here." Damon shared, as Beatrix stood up "yeah, you know I think we'll ride on the tram and with our eyes closed!" she voiced, as her and Bonnie walked off, Alaric laughed.

The next day, they all were sitting around a table as Damon got a call from Stefan "listen. These bodies, they're not Lily's style. It's got to be the heretics." Stefan shared "reception went a little fuzzy, brother. It sounds like you said mom got her family of crazies back." Damon said, as Beatrix's eyes went wide along with Bonnie's "can I have some details?" Damon asked, looking to Alaric "one victim had neck wound and the other one was scorched beyond recognition." Matt shared "Matt found a house that's been in foreclosure for the last two years, and it had it's power mysteriously turned back on just days after Ric's wedding, so Caroline's there staking it out." Stefan shared.

As Alaric was drinking his bourbon "listen. i need Ric to tell me how to make a bomb." Stefan shared "oh. It's for you." Damon said, handing the phone to Alaric "hello?" Alaric asked "other side." Damon told him, as Alaric flipped it around "hello?" he asked "Alaric, I need you to teach me how to make a bomb." Stefan shared "ok. Great. Well, the party's over. Time to go home." Alaric shared "I am literally staring at a treasure trove full of your, uh, fancy little weapons." Stefan shared "yeah, exactly. Now go use one." Alaric told him "well, it's not that easy. I mean, if we want to take them out, we have to do it all at once." Stefan shared.

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