Overwhelmed PT 2

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The girls had the next day off as it was the day after a game. Katie let Caitlin sleep in as she could tell the previous day definitely wore her out emotionally. While Caitlin slept, Katie went and started to make breakfast, making sure to make all of Caitlin's favorites. She plated up their dishes and brought it back up stairs.

"Goodmorning baby" Katie said while rubbing Caitlin's back to wake her up. "Feeling better my girl?" Katie asked once she woke up.
"Yeah a bit, thanks for breakfast" Caitlin smiled as she noticed the tray next to her. They sat together and ate and talked about random little things before the conversation got quiet and Caitlin seemed to become tense.
"I um don't know how to really talk about yesterday kates"
"Do you know what caused it?"
"I was just thinking about everything and then the crowd made me feel really overwhelmed. I'm not sure why it happens sometimes and why it doesn't. But it really scared me."
Katie grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze, "would you maybe want to try a few therapy classes? I'd be happy to go with you if you want. I want to help you out but I'm not sure how to help before it gets to that point, so I would love to learn some signs to look for."

"You would come? It's not like embarrassing?"
"No it's not embarrassing at all Cait! And if it helps you out then that's all that matters."
Caitlin immediately leaned over and gave her a big hug, finally feeling like she didn't have to hide her feelings from people.

A few days later they both went to the first therapy session. Caitlin was able to express her feelings a bit more with the help of a professional asking the correct questions. Katie also got some tips for how to notice when Cait was having a hard time, even before Caitlin may even realize it. Both of them felt lighter as the first session was wrapping up, but before they left it was suggested Caitlin go on some anxiety medication to help reduce the up and downs her emotions go through. She agreed to try it out but was warned it may affect her feelings the first few days as she was getting used to it. The warning scared her a bit, but Katie assured her it was nothing they couldn't handle.

The first day at practice after taking the medication Katie kept a close eye on Caitlin but didn't notice anything different with her. It wasn't until after practice did she notice something different. They usually did something chill afterwards, maybe shopping, but usually just going to one of their homes and relaxing after working off so much of their energy. But right now Caitlin was bouncing off the walls with energy.
"Come onnnnn Katie let's go do something. We can go to top golf. You love golf! Or we can go do that pottery class we always joke about. I think it would be fun. Ooh! Ooh! I know we can go to the arcade again!  That was so fun should we invite some people? I can start calling."

"Cait! Baby take a breath! Where did all this excitement come from?" Katie asked, but really she was trying to get Caitlin to realize that this was abnormal for her. Katie was told the key to helping Caitlin was to get her to realize when things weren't normal before it spiraled.
"I don't know I just wanna do something you know. We always just come back and lay on the couch afterwards." Caitlin responded her energy turning from excitement to whining.

"We can do something baby! But how about we just stay home? I got a new Suduko book the other day wanna do some of those?"
"Not really I want to get out of the house. Why are you being difficult?" Caitlin said irritated. Katie was a little unsure on how to handle the constant change in emotion, it definitely happening quicker than the therapist said.
"I'm sorry baby. I'm really not trying to be. I'm just a little tired and I'd like to take nap first, then we can go do something?"
"Fine whatever"
Katie sheepishly retreated to her bedroom, thinking the best thing right now was to give Caitlin some space. But she was actually tired and a nap came easy for her. What she didn't expect was when she woke up Caitlin was curled into her side sleeping soundly too. Katie didn't want to wake her but as soon as she shifted, Caitlin woke up.
"Oh hey sorry didn't mean to wake you. But now that you're awake would you like to go do something now?"
"I uhh think I'm okay to stay and do the suduko books. Had some time to think when you went up for the nap and realized I might have been on overdrive a bit. Didn't realize it. I'm sorry for going crazy."
"What are you talking about that you didn't realize it? You just did! I'm so proud of you Cait."
"I didn't realize it until after I yelled at you. I don't consider that something to be proud of." Caitlin said a bit ashamed.
"Hey look at me. It's day 1. You're going to get better. You already took a huge step just now and you'll continue to take big steps. Don't discredit yourself yeah? I'm proud of you and you should be too. Now stay here. I'm going to get our puzzle books!" Katie said as she leaned in to get Caitlin a kiss.
Over the next week or so, Caitlin had a few moments but they become less and less as the days continued. And Caitlin even began to feel herself have less and less anxiety, her overthinking became more manageable and she didn't have any chest tightness for 3 days in a row. It made her happier. It made Katie happier. And in turn made their relationship somehow stronger.

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