Neville the Ugly Engine (Ex. SR No. C20, Pres. NWR No. 19):

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Neville was a Q1 built in 1942 by the SR to pull heavy goods trains and some passenger trains. He did this even after the war ended. During the war Neville had an awful experience with an evacuation train. It was in the middle of a surprise Luftwaffe air raid. Neville had pulled the train out of the station and only got a few miles away before the brakes on the coaches jammed. The coach with jammed brakes was in the middle of the train, so Neville had no choice but to leave half of the train behind. As soon as he pulled away, a bomb struck the stranded half of the train. Neville could hear the screams until he entered a tunnel. This experience haunted Neville for the longest time. It wasn't until he met Rosie and John that he began to come to terms with it. Then the trio was separated for a while. Neville was transferred to other parts of the Southern Region. Neville was bought by Sir Robert in 1968 after he suffered multiple breakdowns. He was joined by John. After a short overhaul, they went to Ulfstead under their own power. By that time, construction on the line from Peel Godred to Ulfstead had been completed. When they got to Sir Robert's estate, they were repainted in the colors of their choosing. Neville decided to be painted blue with a black trim and his BR crest and numbers were painted over. John chose an interesting shade of malachite green and reclaimed his wartime service number. He decided to forego lining. Then they were both sold to the NWR in 1977. Neville was originally working on the main line, until Molly was given her own passenger service. Then he went to work on the Brendam Branch. He is still there. He helps Edward with passenger trains and helps Boris and Derek with goods trains. Neville does not have many significant accidents or incidents, so his section, regrettably, is rather short. It is interesting that he and John have both taken an interest in Sodor's supernatural history. No one really seems to know why...

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