Mike the Hot-Tempered Engine (AR No. 1):

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Mike is one of the original trio of steam engines to work on the small railway. He is the youngest of the original trio as well. Mike is very short-tempered and tends to snap at the smallest things. Two things that upset him the most are livestock and passengers. Mike seems to prefer goods work over passengers because of this. He often gets into arguments with Rex and Frank often. Mike has many incidents. One of his most notable incidents is when his whistle flew off into a field after he whistled at a cow for too long. The other engines never let him hear the end of it. In the 1980s, after Jock was built, the engines were given numbers. Mike was made No. 1 and bragged about it endlessly. Eventually he stopped long enough to do his work. He stills brags about it, but he is just that sort of engine. I wouldn't be surprised if he and James ever became friends.

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