Ellis the BR Class 20 (Ex. BR No. D8069, Pres. NWR E6):

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Ellis is the 6th engine on the Peel Godred Branch line. He was brought to the line in 1999. In real life, the real D8069 was sold to a private owner. In this universe, Ellis is still sold off, but this time the buyer is Sir Stephen. It was becoming clear that the Peel Godred needed its own engine to carry goods to the mainland. Unfortunately, the current fleet could either only go where the power lines were or were too small to do the heavy goods works, so Sir Stephen made the decision to buy Ellis from BR. Ellis was glad to have a change of pace from his time on BR. He used to pull passengers but is glad to be able to pull goods trains. He and Elijah do not get along because of this. Like most of the engines, he tries to avoid Elijah as much as he can. Unlike Elijah, Ellis doesn't have any accidents on record. He is usually away on the mainland pulling goods train.

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