The Beginning

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The dreaded sound of my alarm clock buzzing woke me up for another torturous day at Mission Bay. At least it was Friday and in another eight hours I'll be able to just stay in and be by myself in the sanctuary of my room for two days. I know, it sounds like I'm a real bore but if you went through the hell I go through every day, you'd rather be home for as long as you can.

I sluggishly got out of the comfort of my bed and trudged to my closet to pick out something presentable. I wasn't very girly in the clothing department, mostly just things I was comfortable in since I wasn't very comfortable in my own skin to begin with. I was a little over weight and I never liked the way I looked, the scars on my skin didn't help much with that either, even when I was little. The one thing I truly hated about myself was always brought forward as soon as I stepped onto school grounds by the lovely Michael Christopher Fuentes. He always finds a new way to embarrass me, whether it's about my weight, hair or my looks in general. He was just an all-around fowl person and he made my life a living hell even though I had done nothing to him.

I finished up getting ready; making sure everything was as perfect as I could so Mike wouldn't have another thing to make fun of me about. I laced up my Vans and grabbed my bag and keys before glancing at the clock to make sure I wasn't late. Thankfully, I wasn't so I took my time driving to school.

I pulled into the lot earlier than I had expected but not early enough for Mike and his little group of friends to be standing in front, smoking their cigarettes and laughing about god knows what.

I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out as I opened my door and got out, ready to face whatever torment he had in store for me today.

As I got closer to them, their chatter died down a little and short glances were shot my way. I
rolled my eyes and tried to pay them no attention, like I always did but that didn't last long once I walked past them.

"Hey Brooks!" Mike said, clearly happy. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"I said Hi, Jayme." He said bitterly.

"Hello Michael." I said plainly. I started going up the stairs to my first class, which was with Mike, and noticed he was following me.

"Can I help you?" I turned to look at him and he seemed to be taken back by my words but soon smirked.

"Well actually, yes." I couldn't stop a chuckled from escaping my lips and he got a sour face.

"Can I see last night's homework?" I looked at him as if he was crazy but I still pulled it out of my bag. Anyone would say I was crazy for even talking to him after all the shit he has put me through but deep down, I was infatuated with Michael Fuentes.

I watched as he copied down the answers he missed on our math homework then handed the sheet back to me. Without even a thank you, he left. He didn't go far, just to the bottom of the stairs but I stood there in shock because he didn't even insult me like he usually does before class.

I stepped into math class, the teacher was one of my favorites and I always bullshitted with him before the bell rang.

"Good morning Mr. B" I smiled and sat at the desk closest to his and closest to the window.

"Good morning Miss Brooks. Want some coffee or tea?" He smiled and I nodded going over to the pot of hot water to make a quick cup of vanilla chai tea.

The bell rang as I sat back down and kids started pouring in. to my luck, Mike sat in the desk behind me as opposed to his normal back-of-the-class seat.

Class and the rest of the day went by with lower than normal vicious activity and I was more than happy to get the hell outta this hell hole.

I walked out of the doors only to find my favorite fucking person leaning up against my car. I knew this day was too good to be true.

"Hey chunky, how was your day?" he smiled boldly and I wanted to melt but his words stung like a bitch slap to the face.

"Go away Mike, please." I scratched at the minuscule line I had made the previous night on my thighs and tried to get to the door of my car but he blocked it.

"Why? So you can go home and be a loner the whole weekend? Nahh, not happening." He laughed.

"Who says that's what I even do on my weekends? You don't fucking know me." I scoffed and he just laughed.

"What, you think I'm stupid? Nobody ever sees you out on the weekends. Do you not remember that Josh is your neighbor and a good friend of mine?" he moved away from my door and let me open it.

"So what. So I stay and relax in my house, god for fucking bid. Sue me." I shut the door and rolled the window down when he tapped on it.

"You know, I've been pretty nice to you all day but all you've been is a complete cunt." He scoffed as he leaned in my car.

"You made me this way." I started to roll up the window and he quickly backed up. I was on the verge of tears so I sped off away from him so he couldn't see me cry, he never sees me cry.

I pulled into my empty driveway, my parents were almost never home, and ran to my room. I looked for my metallic friend and when I found it, the pants came off.

One for being a loner, two for loving someone so cruel.

They were fairly deep cuts and I watched as the crimson liquid beaded up and seeped away from the wound. I stood up and felt like a deer fresh out of the womb, all wobbly.
I carefully made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up and thought 'at least it's not as bad as most nights'

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