Let Live And Let Go

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Two weeks; two more weeks until I go on tour to take photos for AA. I hadn't even looked at who else was going to Warped Tour because I kind of wanted to be surprised. Danny told me he and the guys were staying in Cali until the day before tour starts and then we can all fly out to Salt Lake City, Utah for the first show.

I was currently on my way to meet Priscilla for lunch since we both had some free time, me being on lunch break and her not having any shoots to do today. I was a little nervous as I pulled into the local diner's parking lot but it faded as I saw Priscilla's smiling face.
"I feel like we always do this; wait forever to meet up with each other again." She chuckled and gave me a tight hug.

"Yeah. Lately I've just been, I don't even know, figuring things out I suppose." I smiled as we walked into the restaurant. We were seated and gave our drink orders.

"So, what have you been up to lately?" she asked as she took a sip from her raspberry iced tea the waitress had just set down.

"Planning some things for summer. How about you, got any plans for this summer?" I took a sip of my mango pomegranate tea.

"Same. I've got my whole summer booked so far." She groaned then laughed. Our waitress came back and we ordered our food and when she left we kept talking.

"You look like you have something on your mind, what is it?" she inquired. She was always one to be quick on picking up on people's emotions. I, quite frankly, hated it sometimes.

"Well, I wanted to tell you something." I looked up with a half-smile and she tilted her head, much like a puppy does when you're talking to them. She nodded for me to continue so I did once our food came and the waitress left.

"I let go of Mike..." I said a little too hesitantly for my likings. She was wide-eyed and taking back.
"What do you mean you let go of him?" she gasped and took a bite of her food, her face blushing with excitement and confusion.

"I went to talk to him a couple weeks ago, about us, and I told him even though we both have feelings for each other we will, at most, only be friends." I moved my food around the decorative plate and glanced up at her. She looked so unbelievably shocked that I started to feel bad. I knew what was coming next.

"You shouldn't have! I know you and Mike are bad for each other but you two are perfect in the worst way!" she sighed and just looked at me.

"That's why I said the things I did! I can't be doing the same thing of fighting then confessing our love for each other over and over again. It's burning me out!" I whined and started to get angry. I knew she meant well but dammit, if she doesn't get that Mike and I will never EVER make sense then I don't even know why I am sitting across from her right now!

"I know but, just, just give him a chance. I've found someone I'm much more interested in than Mike so if you honest to god want him, go for him. we both need to be happy no matter what and I will respect your decision of just being friends with him but ten years down the road when you're married with a kid or two with Michael Christopher Fuentes, I will laugh my ass off and tell you I told you so!" she smiled.

"Wait! Who are you liking?!" I gasped at the new found information about my best friend.

"He's the guitarist of Pierce the Veil, Tony." She blushed and leaned her head down.

"No shit! I know Tony! He's cute!" I smiled and her whole head and neck turned bright red.

"You know him? Put in a good word for me because I'm working with them all summer." She smiled and I nodded. We chatted and finished up our meals before splitting the bill and walking out.

"So, I'll see you soon, yeah?" she said as we walked towards her car.

"Definitely." I gave her a hug before we got into our respective cars and drove off.
When I arrived back at work I noticed a familiar white pickup and I was so hoping it wasn't who I think it was. When I walked in they all were in there; All four of them. I knew Jaime had an appointment but I didn't think they would all join him.

"Hey Jayme." Tony said as soon as I walked in and the other three snapped their heads up. my eyes immediately went to mikes and I saw how sad he looked. I smiled weakly and waved before sitting at the front desk.

"What happened this time?" my head slowly rose to meet the older Fuentes' face. I sighed and just looked at him.

"I told him I thought it would just be best that we stay friends for now. I have feelings for two people, one being him, and I have to figure things out before I try for any relationship with him or the other guy. He didn't really say anything back so I left." I explained in a dull whisper. He looked at me with a deadpanned expression.

"You two are seriously too much. I'll be over after work to talk about this more because I want to know the full story." He whispered sternly and I nodded before he walked back to his friends and sat down.

Work was over all too soon but I was glad to be going home even though Vic wanted more information on the whole me and Mike situation. I wasn't sure why but I felt comfortable enough to talk to Vic about this even if it was about his brother and I, I mean if I can talk to Danny about me liking his own bandmate so why couldn't I talk to Vic about my feelings towards his brother?

I pulled into my driveway and I could see Vic sitting in his truck waiting for me. it seemed a little strange to me that he wasn't already inside but I brushed it off. While I was walking up to my door, he got out of his truck and followed me in.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen to make my tea.

"Yea, can I get some of your tea? it always smells so good." He smiled and sat in the living room. I made us two cups and walked out, placing the cups on the table to cool down a bit.

"So, tell me what happened." he sighed and looked at me with those big brown caring eyes. I explained everything in detail but left out James' name because I didn't feel like it was too important for him to know and he sat there pondering his words before he spoke and almost simultaneously we picked up our cups and took a sip.

"I know you and Mike have had a sketchy past but you can't count him out and friend zone him. The kid is crushed and won't tell any of us really why and now it makes sense. You walked out on him and told him you just wanted to be friends. Who is the other guy anyways? If you don't mind me asking." Oh the guilt trips this boy puts on me.

"I'm not counting him out, I just need a little more time to figure my feelings out. I didn't want to jump into something with Mike and figure out that I have feelings for James. That would just hurt everyone and I don't want to do that." I rambled and Vic looked shocked.

"James who?" he asked hesitantly though I knew he had a damn good idea of which James it was.

"Cassells..." I blurted out and he nodded.

"Well, you have about three and a half months to figure things out between the three of you. We'll be on warped and you'll have time to yourself." He sighed and finished his tea before getting up and walking towards the door. I sat there with wide eyes because of the pure shock value.

"You're going to warped tour too?"

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