Homeward Bound

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Once I landed and got my bags from baggage claim, I shot a quick group text to everyone to let them know I got home safe. I called a cab and was waiting for it to pull up when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and smiled.

"Long time no see." Austin chuckled. I laughed too and smiled.

"When was your guys' flight?" I asked curiously.

"We left a few minutes after you came on the bus so our flight was like a half hour after that. We've been waiting around for our rides for a while now." Alan sighed and checked the time on his phone.

"Damn. I just called for a cab." I said with a sorry smile. We stood around talking about how good it felt to be home until my cab showed.

"I'll talk to you guys later!" I waved and put my stuff in the cab and drove off.

After an hour and a half long drive, I was finally home home. I grabbed my things and paid the driver. I stared at my glorious house and marveled in the fact that I was really home again. I really don't know how bands do it, be away for so long. I was only gone for two months and I never wanted to leave again. Being away really makes you realize how good you have it at home.

I unlocked my door and stepped in. I breathed in the stale air and smiled. Home again, home again. I went straight for my cabinets to find my tea and made myself a cup. I had no intentions on unpacking at all or even doing anything besides relax and sleep in my wonderful bed. I brought my things upstairs and settled in for the night with my cup of tea and Disney movies. I missed being able to do this all the time, just laze around in bed.

I found myself drifting off rather early and in the middle of Pocahontas. It felt good to sleep in my own bed, not have to worry about being bothered or have to hear anything other than the TV in the background. It was peaceful.


I woke up the next morning before the sun was even up. I felt so unbelievably refreshed and worry free. I didn't have to stress about whether I was going to get into it with Mike nor have any sorts of drama throughout the day. Of course, I would still have that but I wouldn't be all paranoid about it like I was on tour.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, cracking and popping my bones in the process, before going downstairs and starting the coffee machine. An idea popped in my head and I smirked as I searched my kitchen for something I haven't done in a while; Wake & Bake.

I pulled the tiny baggie filled with the green substance and a Pink Vanilla ZigZag from the junk drawer. I rolled up two nice blunts and put the remainder back in the baggie and put it back in my hiding place. I poured a nice hot cup of coffee and walked out to my fenced in backyard to enjoy the sunrise. I lit up and inhaled the relaxing smoke. I curled up in the nippy morning air and took it all in. the nostalgia of waking up and watching the sun rise will never get old to me.

I stayed there until I was done with the second blunt and my coffee and went inside to tidy up and unpack. I had things to settle today with work so I had to be time efficient. I bustled up to my room and took everything out. I sorted it all and put all of my toiletries away and brought all of my dirty laundry downstairs and started a wash.

I finished that and saw that it was nearing eleven so the shop was open. I tossed on some running shorts and a tank top and shoved flip flops on my feet before grabbing my keys and left. I pulled my car to the curb and smiled as I walked into the shop. I could hear them all in the back talking amongst themselves and I obnoxiously hit the bell we had at the front desk.

"Jesus fucki-" Dave started to mumbled but stopped when he saw me standing there with an innocent but devilish smile.

"Jayme!" Casey squealed before she wrapped me up in a tighter that vice grips hug.

"I'm back!" I smiled and gave Dave a quick hug as well. I sat down in my chair and spun it around to face them.

"So, how was it?" Dave smirked and I groaned.

"Amazing, terrible, dramatic.... Eventful, yeah, eventful pretty much sums it up." I chuckled.

"Why do you say that?" Casey asked with a look of puppy dog confusion plastered on her pretty little face.

"Well, I punched someone in the face and got punched, I screwed around and got hurt and hurt the person I screwed around with, I made a bunch of new friends and got sunburned a few times." I smiled and shook my head. I was still peeling a little from my sunburn.

"Wow. Eventful is the right word. I'm glad you're back though, when did you want to come back?" Dave asked impatiently.

"Friday? I kinda want tomorrow to relax and stock my house up again." I thought out loud and he nodded.

"Okay, I guess we'll see you Friday then." He chuckled and I smiled.

"Okay, I will see you two nut jobs then. I'm gonna go kill myself at the supermarket now." I sighed and they laughed at me. I said goodbye and drove off. I hated grocery shopping with a burning passion but I split it in half with clothes shopping along with some movies to add to my collection.

I pulled into my driveway and as I was taking my bags out I saw Josh walk up.

"Hey Josh!" I smiled and struggle with my armful. He grabbed a few bags and followed me inside. I had just walked over to my answering machine and half listened to the first irrelevant message as Josh started talking.

Hello, Ms. Brooks. We're calling you to ask if you can come down and identify the body of your mother. Please....

"I'm so sorry about your loss. I read about it in the paper and I was gonna come by yester-" I looked at him in confusion and he gasped. I could feel the tears well up as the last bits of the message rang through my ears.

We're very sorry about your loss.

My mother couldn't be dead. I know I wasn't very close with her but she was in Florida, she couldn't be.... No, she can't be.

"Jayme..." Josh sighed and I pushed him away as he tried to comfort me. I ran up to my room and slammed the door, locking it too. I slid against the frame and sat there with a blank face and tears rolling down.

She was gone, she was really gone and I had to go ID her. At least I think I still did. Who even knows when that message was left? I stayed in that position until my whole body felt numb and tingly.

I got up slowly and crawled into my messy bed and cried myself to sleep, letting the crippling information sink in as darkness consumed me.

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