Electric Forest

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The all too familiar pounding in my head struck bright and early in the morning. I groaned and moaned in attempts of making the throbbing go away. My valiant efforts had no effect on the blood pumping through my head. I craned my neck and looked at Mike curled up in a little ball and snoring lightly before I got out of bed and carefully made my way downstairs.

I could hear someone in the guest room but I didn't think much of it because people always ended up staying here when there was some kind of party.

I saw Balz and Devin passed out on the floor practically cuddling each other and I laughed to myself.

"Don't worry, we got pic's." someone whispered from behind me and I jumped a mile. I almost slapped Chris in the face when I spun around but if it was anyone else I would beat the shit out of them for scaring the shit out of me this early. That boy is fucking lucky.

"We? Who else is up?" I said as my heart returned to its normal beating pattern and I made a cup of coffee and grabbed a pain killer from the cabinet.

"Ricky. They we're spooning before, we got pictures of It." he chuckled deviously and I just smiled and shook my head. I followed him outside where he and Ricky were, drinking their own coffees.

"Sleeping beauty has awoken." Ricky gasped with a small smile underneath his hand and I smacked the back of his head.

"She's mean in the morning." He grumbled to Chris and he just laughed.

"She's not mean to me." he shrugged and Ricky glared at him.

"You made a comment, I needed someone to hit. Perfect excuse." I smiled and took a sip from my coffee while he stuck his tongue out at me.

We chit chatted about little things until everyone started waking up. I, being the good hostess, made them all a nice big breakfast. I was still a little fuzzy from last night and I was in deep concentration as I tried to clearly see the face that kissed me.

"Jesus, are you high?" Ryan tapped my arm with the back of his hand breaking me from my concentration.

"Not yet." I smiled and remembered I actually needed to pick up because I was almost out.

"Don't you have work today?" Jaime asked with a peppy smile.

"Nope, I'm off today." I sighed gratefully. After yesterday, I was more than happy to be able to relax.

"Nice, I'm stealing your girlfriend for the day then, Fuentes!" Ricky said with the slightest bit of seriousness but that was just him and pulled me into a side hug.

"No one could ever steal her from me. She's all mine, right babe?" he pulled me back to him and smiled down at me. it's like they were fighting over the new toy in the sandbox.

"Of course." I leaned up and pecked his lips. "Nobody could ever take me away." I smiled and went back to my breakfast.

"Unless someone kidnaps you..." Devin said and I threw a piece of my pancake at him, hitting him right on the nose. The look on his face was beyond priceless but I knew I was in deep shit.

He slowly got out of his seat and walked towards me while I, in return, bolted out the back door. I was laughing like a mad man as I ran back in through the front door, locked it and ran to the back door to lock that too.

I smiled at the guys as I caught my breath and Devin just stood at the back door looking at us. I waved to him as I popped a piece of pancake in my mouth. Mike chuckled and let him in and he tackled me off of my stool and started tickling me. I wasn't that ticklish, only in one spot and only Ricky and Mike knew about the one spot.

"No reaction, just like all the girls you've been with." Ryan laughed as did everyone else. He kept it up for a little while longer before giving up and helping me get back up.

"I will get my revenge." He pointed at me with a straight face and I laughed.

"I'm so scared." I faked terror and rolled my eyes. We continued eating and laughing over stupid shit.

After I washed all the dishes and Mike was out of the shower, I went for my own. I made it quick, just washing my body and hair and hopping out. I threw my hair in a towel in picked out a nice outfit for the day. I got ready in no time and made my way back downstairs.

"Damn, does it always take you that long to get ready?" Devin groaned and laughed. I went to slap him and when he flinched I smirked.

"No, I actually take at least a half hour longer than I just did." I smiled sweetly and raised my brow to see if he had anything else to say. It was fun to fuck with him and Ricky like this. We were so mean to each other but we knew what each person could handle. The only people who didn't really break my balls about everything were Brandon, Ryan and Balz. It was all in good fun though.

"I'll see you later!" I said to Mike and walked up to hug him.

"Alright, I'll probably be here all day, Vic and Tony are the only ones who have to go to the studio today. I'll see you when you get home, little one." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

"Don't kill my girlfriend, please!" he yelled as I walked to the door.

"No promises!" Ricky yelled as he closed the door. We got into their rental and drove off to wherever they were taking me.

We pulled up to their house and got out. It was really only a few streets down and pretty nice.

We walked in the door and I took in the beautiful home. The bright white walls seemed brighter while the sun bounced off of them, illuminating the whole place and it smelled faintly of vanilla and cigarettes.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked as I plopped down on the plush couch.

"We are taking showers and getting ready. We have to go to the studio for a little while. You, well you can do whatever." Chris smiled and wondered off. I watched as they all seemed to disperse and I wondered around the first floor. I gasped as I opened the fridge to see it almost completely empty as well as the cabinets and pantry.

"Why are you staring into the fridge?" I turned around to see a half-naked Ricky. Gotta admit, the man does have a nice body.

"Because you guys have next to nothing!" I gasped again and closed the fridge door.

"Yeah, we don't exactly know where the grocery store is so we couldn't do that yesterday." He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled.

"You should've just called me! We'll go after you guys are done in the studio. It's literally right up the street." I smiled.

"What's right up the street?" Devin said as he towel dried his hair then threw the wet towel at me.

"Apparently the grocery store." Ricky said with a shrug.

"Where's the grocery store?" Balz asked and sat at the table. I groaned, knowing just as well where this shit was going.

"It's down the street." I sighed and waited for Ryan, Chris or Brandon to walk in to continue the pointlessness. But they didn't. We sat in comfortable silence, a little talk mixed in here and there, until the three came downstairs.

"And you said I took forever?" I whispered to Devin and he just laughed. We made our way back out to the car and drove to their studio. We got there and they all told me I had to be quiet as soon as we entered.

"When am I not quiet?" I whisper yelled and plopped down on the cushy black leather couch in the studio.

"When you drink." Ricky said with a smile and I flipped him off. I watched as they all went to their respective places. Ryan and Ricky stepped into the booth, grabbed their guitars and talked for a second before a beat started playing.

I was intently listening and really liking it. The track finished and the next played; this went on for about ten more tracks and I was really impressed. Only one track had lyrics and it was amazing.

"So what do you guys have left to do?" I whispered to Devin as he sat next to me and Chris went into the booth.

"Now, just vocals and cleaning things up." he whispered back and got comfortable as the first track played again. My favorite part of MIW songs was the intensity of Chris' voice. No matter what the song you could just hear it and I loved it.

I hung on every lyric he sang, critiquing it in my head in case he asked for opinions. I made mental notes of things I liked and things I wasn't too fond of but other than those handfuls of things, everything was amazing.

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