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It's been about three days since Vic told me I could go and visit Mike. I wanted to but, I don't know, my emotions kept me from doing so. I felt bad for not going because I guess, from what Tony said, Mike was asking for me. I finally decided that I would grow a pair and just go. He was stuck in the hospital for another week so I could really go at any time. Today was the day though. Nobody would tell me why Mike was asking for me, they thought it wasn't their place to say. It made me happy that we were starting to be civil, borderline friends if you will, but it made me sad that it had to happen over something so tragic.

I pulled up to the hospital and took a deep breath. Vic told me he was moved to a different room since he was no longer in critical condition, room 152. Thankfully it was on the first floor so if I had to book, I could just run down the hall and out the doors. I gently knocked on the door and heard him mumble something over the loud TV that was playing. I walked in and I could've sworn I saw a smile but it was dropped when I sat down. Maybe what Vic said was right. Maybe he did really like me.

"Hey Jayme" he smiled; it was a small one but a smile nonetheless.

"Hi Mike. How ya feeling?" I asked simply because I had no idea what to really talk about.

"Better. These meds they got me on work wonders but I hate it here." He chuckled then sighed. I was honestly expecting some sort of yelling but so far so good.

"Well, you'll be home soon but I guess you have to get better first." I sighed and the thoughts about how this, him being here and hating it, was still my fault even though everyone tried to convince me otherwise.

"I guess. How have you been?" he asked almost shyly.

"Fine." I sighed and he looked at me with sad eyes, the same ones I have been getting from everyone else.

A tense silence formed around us as our attention was turned to the television. It was an episode of Beavis and Butthead, a classic in my book. The numerous cornholio jokes were endless.

"I remember this show." I sighed happily.

"Yeah, I had Vic bring it over so I wasn't bored. I have all the seasons and the movie on DVD.

"Nice! I still have the old game for Nintendo 64." I chuckled at our nerdiness. It was nice to act like we were getting along but I chalked it up to the medications he was on.

"Wow, I haven't played on a N64 in forever! That's amazing." He smiled and continued to watch the show. Currently, I only had one question on my brain.

"Mike, can I ask you something?" he looked at me with droopy eyes. I paused as I nurse came in and put something into his IV tube.

"Why did you want me to come here? I could've sworn you hated me after our little yelling match." I waited patiently for an answer and I could tell he was searching his mind for the right words.

"Well, I love you, Jay." He mumbled before slipping out of consciousness. I was left, baffled and unsure. I stared at him as he slept, a peaceful smile gracing his lips. Part of me wanted to slap him but the to her half really wanted to cuddle up in his arms. I honestly couldn't help the way I felt but it killed me to be this conflicted. I placed my hand, lovingly, on Mike's limp arm before walking out to my car.

A sliver of me wanted him to scream at me, it's honestly what I deserved but a little bit of me wanted to just stay this way and see where things go. It's definitely gonna be a rough trip. I went to unlock my door but found it was already unlocked. I cautiously opened the door and all I heard was my TV blaring with my COD game going. I was scared to walk in any further for what might be waiting to kill me. I walked towards my living room but there was nobody there.

"Oh hey!" someone said from behind me and I squealing in fear as I fell to the ground.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Jaime, what the fuck are you doing in my house?!" I yelled as he helped me up from the floor.

"We were bored and wanted someone to hang out with and seeing as we're all gonna be close from now on, this seemed like a good idea." Vic said from the kitchen.

"So, you thought it was a good idea to break into my house, scare me half do death and raid my fridge?" I sighed and took off my shoes and jacket.

"Yup, besides, your door was unlocked anyway." Tony said as he tossed me a can of soda. I plopped down on the couch and watched as the boys toyed around with my game until they were satisfied.

"So, how's Mike today?" Vic asked.

"He said he was good." I sighed and replayed his final words in my head.

"Well, that didn't sound very reassuring." Jaime snorted and I glare at him, shutting him up almost instantly.
It was awkward being around Mike's older brother and best friends, I mean; they just came into my house and made themselves at home while I was gone. It was a civil but before I knew it, they had to leave.

"Can we come over tomorrow?" Tony asked with hopeful eyes as they all started towards the door.

"I have work tomorrow until five but, uh, if you wanna come by after you can, I guess." I shrugged. I honestly didn't know why they wanted to hang out with me, I'm a boring ass person.

"Cool, we'll see you after work." Vic said. I had to blink a few times to make sure I heard them all right. It was weird to me that people actually WANTED to hang out with me. Like, what?

"Uhh, okay." I said as they all made their way out of my home. I watched them walk down the street, Vic's truck being nowhere in sight but if I remember correctly, Vic and Mike didn't live too far from me.

It was weird how one tragic thing could bring people who hated each other, well not really hated, together. I pondered the thought as I made myself a cup of tea and walked up to bed.

As I snuggled up and got comfy, turning on my TV in the process, I couldn't help but hear Mike saying he loved me. I kind of hope it was just the meds he was on because I don't know how I feel about him. The internal conflict was so undeniably real.

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