Ain't It Fun

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I haven't seen Mike since he told me he was leaving but we've talked back and forth. He was so busy with last minute stuff for tour that even when he would call it would be cut short for rehearsals or a meeting or something else that had to do with the band.

I was glad he was going on the road to do something he adored but this was really gonna be a test for the both of us. I don't know how he was thinking or what he was feeling about us being apart for that long but I was in a serious funk as the time we could spend together dwindled down. We have four days before he gets on that tour bus and goes to do his thing.

It's something I'll have to get used to and deal with if I want to be with Mike and I'm more than willing to but my mind just fucks me over. I think of all the bad things instead of thinking of the good. I guess that's just the down side of having trust issues among other crippling issues in a relationship with someone you once hated to love.

I called out of work today because I wasn't feeling good and you really can't be in a tattoo shop when you're sick so better safe than sorry. I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing and the urge to vomit was strong but nothing came up. As I walked down my stairs to make something to eat my head pounded with every step I took. As my tea steeped and my bread toasted, I checked my temperature.

I gasped at the thermometer when it read '101.4' and sighed. I was honestly sick and knew I would be staying in bed the rest of the day. I really hope this is just a twenty-four hour thing and not something I have for a few days.

I grabbed my tea and put a little peanut butter on my toast before weakly heading back upstairs.

I snuggled into my bed and surfed the channels for something to keep me occupied. I started to doze off when my phone started blaring making my headache a thousand times worse. I snatched it off my side table and my voice cracked when I went to speak.

"Hello?" I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID, I didn't really care who it was at the moment. I just wanted to sleep.

"Hey Jayme. You free today?" I glanced at the ID to see Ricky's name.

"I am but I'm sick. I don't want to come chill and get you guys sick." I croaked out before having a coughing fit.

"Damn, do you want anything? I'm actually at the grocery store now if you want me to pick something up." he said politely and I felt bad. I haven't hung out with any of them, except for Josh the other night.

"Yeah, actually can you get my some ice pops and cold medicine please?" I sniffled and grabbed a tissue to wipe my nose.

"Sure thing! I'll be over in a little bit with it."

"Thanks Ricky." I smiled even though he couldn't see it.

"No problem. Is your door unlocked?"


"Ok, good. I'll be there in a few. Take it easy."

"Alright, thanks again, Ricky." I coughed out and held my head in my free hand.

"It's seriously not a problem. I know you would do the same for me." he chuckled.

"Yeah, I would. I'll see you in a little bit. Bye Ricky." I said with a hoarse laugh and he hung up. Thank god for amazing friends.

"Jay, I'm here." I was shook awake lightly and turned around to see Ricky. I sniffled and smiled as he handed me an ice pop.

"Hey." I croaked out. My voice sounded way worse than before and he definitely noticed it.

"Damn, you sound terrible." He pulled up the chair from my desk and sat next to my bed.

"I know. I never get this sick so I hope it's just a short term thing." I sighed and took a sip of the hot tea.

"Are you gonna be okay all alone? I can stay if you want." He said with a little worry in his voice but I shook my head.

"I don't want to get you sick. You don't have to stay. I'm sure I'll be fine." I said with my raspy voice and I watched him slip his shoes off and get on the bed.

"Looks like I'm staying then." He smiled and got comfortable. I tried to laugh a little but it hurt a lot. We just stayed there watching whatever was on TV and talked about whatever came to mind. We had one really long discussion about aliens and if they existed or not. That was interesting to say the least.

Ricky stayed with me the whole day and took his chances of getting sick just to keep me company. Ricky was being more of a boyfriend than my own boyfriend right now. I totally appreciated it though.

"Alright, well I'm gonna head out. Do you want some more tea before I go?" Ricky said as he rolled out of my bed and put his shoes back on.

"I should probably get up anyways so you don't have to get it." I said with my voice barely reaching a whisper. I had gotten worse since he got here and I felt like a machete was ripping up my stomach.

I slowly got out of bed and followed him downstairs, clutching onto the railing so I wouldn't fall. I shuffled into the kitchen and made my tea. He watched me carefully mostly because I was shaking as I poured the hot water into my cup.

"Alright, come on." he smiled lightly and helped me up the stairs and back in to bed. I propped myself and let out a groan as a pain shot through my side.

"I'll see you later. Feel better, okay?" he said before giving me a small hug.

"Thanks, Ricky." I croaked and smiled. He smiled and nodded before leaving.

I drank my tea, went to the bathroom and soon fell asleep. I highly doubted this would be just a twenty-four hour thing but I guess I can only hope that I'll feel better in the morning.

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