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One more day to go until Mike leaves for tour. I guess we had plans for tonight but I had no idea what they were because he didn't tell me. I figured he would probably call later and tell me what's going on. I took my shower and got ready for work. I was running a little late today so I had to hurry my ass up and get going.

I fixed myself a cup of coffee and ran out the door and drove to work. I took a little time while I drove because, honestly, I didn't want to be at work today. I was a little on the cranky side because I woke up late and I fucked my makeup up this morning so my day was starting off amazingly. NOT.

"Hello, Jayme." Casey said cheerily and I just groaned as I sat down. She chuckled and continued fixing up her work station while I organized mine.

Soon enough Dave walked through the door followed by his first appointment, Chris. I forgot he had a few appointments with both Casey and Dave this week to finish two of his tats.

I gave him a hug and checked him off for his session as I heard the little bell on top of the door ring and vivacious people walk in. they were just straight walk-in's and wanted simple things so I called Casey over to talk to them, there were only about four of them. I wrote down their names and what they would be getting along with what Casey was charging them.

I watched Case take the first one back while the others chit-chatted amongst themselves. I busied myself to the sound of the tattoo gun and before I knew it all four girls were handing me their money and showing off their cute tiny heart tats. Cliché, yes, but cute.

I did that throughout the whole day; checking people in for their appointments, writing down the walk-ins and taking in the money. I was pretty busy until about the last hour when it started to die down.

"Why was it so busy today?" I asked with a slight whine in my voice as packed away my things.

"The boardwalk." Casey said as if I was dumb.

"Oh yeah! I forgot this week was free games and rides." I chuckled and sat back in my chair.

We sat around talking until it was time to close shop.

"Have fun with Mike tonight!" Dave yelled and I gave him a confused look.

"Chris told us. He also told us what Mikey has planned." Casey said with a devious grin.

"Don't even bother asking us to tell you because we won't. Have fun, Jay!" Dave said as he pulled Casey away, both wearing smirks. I shook my head and got into my car. I called up Mike as I drove home(not safe, I know.) so I could find out what I should wear since he hasn't called or texted all day but I got no answer.

I pulled into my driveway and unlocked the front door to a delicious scent. Now you would think I would be used to someone being in my house by the time I get home from work but I'm not. It was always a surprise as to who it was.

"Hey! I didn't think you would be home for another hour! Dinner isn't ready yet!" Mike whined and stirred a pot of something while mixing veggies that were in the pan beside it.

"Yeah, Dave wanted to close early. What are you making?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind but before I could look he swayed us away from the oven top and towards the stairs.

"Not saying. Go get dressed and I'll make you a plate." He smiled and shooed me up the first few steps.

"What am I wearing?"

"Something casual that you can just walk around in." he yelled as he walked back to the kitchen.

I ran upstairs and picked out a few outfits that seemed reasonably casual but definitely cute. I took a good fifteen minutes just picking an outfit but when I got it right, I did a little triumph dance.

I picked out a blue, gray and black Aztec print maxi dress that had a bright pink bow across the part that covers my boobs. It was by far one of my favorite dresses and I paired it with simple nude colored short gladiator sandals. I pulled my sun-bleached blonde hair up into a perfect messy bun before taking a last look in the mirror and heading downstairs to see what Mike had made.

I got to the doorway of the kitchen when Mike turned to see me and his jaw practically dropped to the floor and his eyes almost popped out of his head. I smiled sheepishly and sat down at the table. He smiled and shook his head before turning back to plate the food.

He put his plate down and then set mine down in front of me. It honestly looked delicious. He made spaghetti in meat sauce with sautéed carrots, cauliflower and potatoes.

"Looks great babe!" I smiled and twirled my fork through the thin pasta. He just smiled and ate his food. We didn't talk much because we were too busy eating. We were food junkies and if the food was good we knew not to talk until we were finished. I got up with a happy sigh and put our plates in the sink and sat back down across from him.

"So now what?" I asked curiously and he chuckled.

"Let me take a quick shower and get changed and we'll go." He smiled and got up from the table.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he reached the stairs. He just glanced at me with a smirk but didn't answer.

I patiently waited for him to get ready and a little under an hour later he came down smelling fresh. I got up and grabbed my wallet and phone and followed him out to my car.

We started driving to the boardwalk and found a parking spot on the beach. He grabbed my hand as we walked through the mass amounts of people and practically pulled me to the first game. This was such a cute thing for him to do. I loved when we did things like this, little things. The little things always got me.

"What prize do you want babe, I'll win it for you." He flashed me a cocky smile and I glanced at all of the stuffed prizes and smiled. I pointed to the stuffed tiger. He nodded and talked to the guy but I failed to pay attention to what he was saying. I watched as he flawlessly threw the pointy darts at five balloons in a row but missed the last two to win the tiger.

"Ehh, you were close, take it anyways." The guy happily handed the tiger over to Mike which he handed over to me.

"Time for me to win you something!" I smiled and we walked to the next game. A game I was always good at. Shooting. I found a prize that was cute and small enough for Mike to take on the bus with him before I aimed. Bang, Bang Bang! Three things down and I won the prize. I handed the cute little pink teddy bear to Mike.

"I'll spray it with my perfume so when you miss me you can snuggle with it and it'll remind you of me." I said shyly. I was never too good at being the cutesy sentimental type of girlfriend.

We walked around and played games and rode the rides but just before we got on the final ride, Mike pulled me back and sped walked through the crowd to the beach. The sun was just starting the set beyond the horizon and Mike pulled me over to the rocks. We climbed up high before sitting down.

We stayed in silence for a while just watching the sun set into the water leaving beautiful shades of red, pink and orange in the sky. The sunsets and sunrises would always be my favorite part of California. I was wrapped up in mikes arms as the cool sea breeze washed over us.

"You know, I've thought about it a thousand times; leaving you for a long time to go on tour and I hate it." he said but paused to look at me. I could see his eyes welling up with tears and then he looked out to the horizon.

"I honestly don't know what to say to assure you that I'll be good or you'll be okay for the time that I'm gone but I figured I would do something that would show you that I will always and forever be yours. You are my everything and after putting you through shit and everything else, I honestly couldn't be happier that you're finally mine. I love you so much and I want you to know that I will never do anything to purposely hurt you again." He said with tears in his eyes. I watched as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little red velvet box from his left pocket.

I gasped at the sight but I didn't want to draw to conclusions before he opened it.
He slowly opened the little box and inside it contained a sliver banded ring with my birthstone inset all along the band. It was on a thin sliver chain. He pulled it out of the box and held it up.

"I know how much you hate to wear rings on your fingers so I put it on a chain. This it to show you that I love you so much and promise to be faithful to you. I have one too." He pulled his chain up and out of his shirt to show me. "I had it engraved on the inside.

Always & Forever. I love you.

"It says the same thing inside mine too." He smiled through the small tear that fell from his beautiful brown eyes as he put the necklace around my neck and secured it. I was beyond speechless as I admired the beautiful ring. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I just grabbed his face ever so gently and kissed him with all the passion I could muster up at this moment.

"I love you so much, Mike." I said through happy tears which he wiped away and smiled. We stayed wrapped in each other's arms as the sun finally set below the horizon. Finally the light faded and he helped me climb off the rocks and we walked back to the car.

We drove home in a comfortable silence, holding each other's hands all the way home. We both walked up to my room and stripped and climbed into bed. We simply stayed in each other's arms until we fell asleep.

Tonight was more than enough for me to be happy and okay with saying goodbye to him for almost six months. I would be fine, give me a few days after he leaves and I'll be okay. I'll miss him like crazy but I know that he will come home to me no matter what. I loved him and he loved me; that's all that really matters.

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