Fall For You

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I had been laying wrapped up in his arms for at least two hours now and I absolutely loved the feeling. I felt so refreshed and for once in the past four days, I didn't have a nightmare. I could feel him stir slightly and groan as he started to wake up.

"Good morning, baby." He said with sleep coating his luscious voice and a dopey smile on his face.

"Good morning." I smiled and reached up to kiss his nose. He pulled me closer as I tried to get out of bed and I succumbed to his attempts of making me stay.

"Mike, we have to get ready." I turned to face him and he had a little smile on his face but his eyes were closed.

"No, it's only seven." He mumbled and kissed my cheek.

"No, it's eleven." I chuckled and his eyes practically popped out of his head. He was mumbling swears as he rushed around to get ready, heading straight for the shower. I chuckled and got myself up and went to use his bathroom downstairs. I washed up and got dressed and was ready far before he was. I made us coffee and waited for him to come down.

I could hear yelling from upstairs and I just shook my head and laughed to myself as the swears flew from his mouth as he got ready. He finally came downstairs all ready and graciously took the cup of coffee I made him from the counter and walked outside for his morning cigarette. I followed him out and sat next to him on his back porch.

"You look so adorable in that dress." He smiled and looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes as they wondered over my body. I blushed and thanked him. I was in a light peach colored, mid-thigh sundress that had lace overlay on it. It had three quarter sleeves and it was one of my few favorite casual dresses.

We talked for a little while and finished our coffees before deciding to head over to his parents' house. Just like the ride to his house last night, it was filled with us singing and making fun of pop songs until we got to his parents block which was fully lined with cars and you could hear the music from down the street.

"Don't get too overwhelmed. It's mostly neighbors this time." Mike smiled and grabbed my hand reassuringly as we walked into the house. I started to feel like a little kid as I clung to Mike's side the more we got into the group of people. I was never really shy but I never was too fond of being around large groups of people I didn't know.

Mike stopped us as we reached the kitchen and a short white haired women smiled bright.

"Mijo!" she smiled and hugged her son. She looked at me and pulled me into a caring hug.

"Is this the lovely girl you've been talking about non-stop?" she inquired with a coy look and Mike rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Ma, this is Jayme. Jayme this is my mom." He smiled.

"It's so nice to meet you! Everyone says you have the best food around." I sucked up a bit, okay! It was his mom and this was her baby boy, I had to be a little bit of a kiss ass.

"Ahh, thank you! From what I've heard, you take beautiful pictures." She gushed and I blushed.

"I would like to hope so." I smiled and Mike scoffed.

"You're pictures are amazing, now let's go. We still have to go meet dad." Mike chuckled and pulled me away from his adorable mother.

"She's so cute." I chuckled and he smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you think she's cute, she did make me after all." he said conceitedly. I hit his arm and before I could say something witty about his conceitedness, we stopped by a short salt and pepper haired man.

"Dad. Dad?! There's someone I want you to meet." Mike said to his father who was working away at grilling various delicious looking this on the grill.

"I'm great son, thanks for asking! How are you?" he chuckled and turned to look at the two of us.

"And who is this pretty young lady?" he added as he flipped a few burgers and turned back around.

"This is Jayme, My girlfriend." He smiled down at me and grabbed my hand.

"I's nice to meet you, Mr. Fuentes." I smiled and he laughed.

"Please, it's either Victor or Papa F. Mr. Fuentes was my father." I chuckled and nodded.

"Alright, you kids go mingle around, food should be ready soon." He shooed us away and we soon found Vic and the others around the cooler.

"Aww, look at the lovey dovey couple!" Jaime gushed and I'm pretty sure Mike and I both rolled our eyes. I don't think they will ever get over the fact that we are together. They never let it go; every time I've seen them they have made at least one comment about our relationship.

Mike made me a drink while cracking open his own beer and we stood around chatting with the guys and occasionally, Mike would introduce me to a family member or neighbor that would come up to say hello.

We were all soon called in for the food that had been prepared and we sat around at the various tables that were set up to eat.

"So, Jayme, what do you do?" Vivian inquired with a smile.

"I'm a manager at one of the local tattoo shops but I do photography on the side." I smiled as I talked about my work. Questions were being thrown at me left and right most of which I was happy to answer but once the question of something related to family came up, Mike quickly shut it down.

I think he knew it would upset me, which it did, and quickly put a stop to it. they were all happy enough to oblige the fact that I didn't want to talk family so they change the subjects to simple things and carried other conversations with the guys about an upcoming tour and their work-in-progress album.

It was a very nice afternoon and by nightfall, the music was blasting and he drinks were going around. Many of the neighbors had left so it was mostly family now. They had a little dance floor type thing set up and Mike and I were out there laughing and dancing on each other in our tipsy states.

Next thing I knew, a slow song came on; one of my favorites. Mike and I both looked at each other as Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade came on and we wrapped each other up in our arms and slowly swayed to the music.

We both just smiled at each other until the song ended and we went for our seats. Mike pulled me onto his lap as I went to pass him to sit in the seat next to him. We stayed like that, me on his lap bundled up in his arms and talking to friends.

"You ready to leave?" Mike mumbled into my ear and I nodded. I could feel the day's events dawning on me and making me drowsy. I got up and we made our rounds, saying goodbye to everyone as we made our way around the house and to his car.

The drive home was silent and comfortable. The night air was just starting to settle in and you could feel the air getting cooler and damp signaling a storm coming in. We got home just in time for it to start down pouring.

We ran inside laughing as we were soaked from the two second run into the house. I took my shoes off and followed him up to his room where I stripped out of my wet dress. Mike handed me a pair of boxer and one of his cut offs and I quickly changed and took comfort in the warmth of the sheets.

He snuggled up behind me and kissed my neck before saying his goodnight and falling asleep. I stayed awake a little longer than he did just thinking about everything and how it all happened so fast. It was nice but I was still upset because of my mother's passing. It killed me that she would never see me get married or meet her grandchildren or any of those major milestones.

I drifted off in a busy subconscious state but I still had a smile on my face. Life was good right now and was bound to get better with time.

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