Backseat Serenade

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It's been about a week since the little run in with Mike and his 'girlfriend', Alysha. People have come up to me saying that she has started with their girlfriends too, mainly just the ones who were good friends with Mike. It sucks that she feels so threatened by other girls that she has to 'threaten' them to back off. Even if the result of hitting her ended up in me having a hairline fracture in my jaw, I was fine with it. My bruise was easy enough to cover but her face had a large purple-ish bruise from her right eye down her cheek. It was amusing to me how Mike thought he could sick his little girl to fight me.

I've decided that if there is going to be a party of any type, I will be with someone at all times or just stay home. I also decided that I'm not gonna drink a lot because clearly, it never ends too well on my part.

I was walking to the PTV bus to steal Priscilla away for breakfast because I haven't gotten any us time in a long time. I was a little nervous because I didn't need another run in with Alysha but I think I heard something about her only staying for the week but who knows, maybe I'll end up with a broken jaw for breakfast instead of waffles.

I knocked on the bus door and stood there until it opened.

"Hey, Jayme. What are you doing here?" the shorter, friendlier Fuentes said with a smile and let me on the bus.

"I came to take Priscilla to breakfast, girl time you know?" I chuckled and could smell something good cooking.

"You could always eat with us. Alysha went home yesterday so you're safe." He chuckled but I declined the offer.

"As fun as that sounds and no matter how much I miss hanging out with you, Tone and Jaime, I don't want to piss off the other bitch." I chuckled and saw Priscilla come out of the bathroom, almost ready.

"That's true. We'll have to hang out when we get back to Cali." He smiled and I nodded but before I could answer, the devil himself popped out of his bunk.

"The fuck is she doing here?" he said after a long chug from the milk bottle they kept in their fridge.

"She's going to breakfast with Priscilla, just go back to sleep." Vic sighed and continued cooking his food. Mike grumbled something under his breath as Priscilla walked by him but he went to the back room before any of us said anything, slamming the door and undoubtedly waking Tony and Jaime up too.

"Call me when set starts, I'll probably be back before but just in case." Priscilla said to Vic as she laced up her vans.

"Hey Jayme." Tony smiled tiredly as he entered the front lounge.

"Guess that's why Mike slammed the door. Hey, Jay." Jaime smiled and grabbed some OJ from the fridge.

"I'll probably see you guys at your set later, by guys." I smiled and pulled Priscilla out of the bus. We were walking to a diner down the street.

"So, how are you?" she asked with a hesitant smile.

"Good, other than the hairline fracture, I'm good. How are you?" I smiled back at her as we walked into the quaint place.

"Good. I've been hanging out with Tony more since you two put in the good words but other than that everyone has had to deal with Mike and Alysha for the past week. It was the most annoying and agonizing thing I have ever had to endure." She groaned as we were seated.

We gave the menus a quick glance and ordered.

"So, what was so terrible about her?" I laughed and sipped on my piping hot coffee.

"She was just a bitch to everyone when Mike wasn't with her but sweet and nice when he was. And her voice just pissed me off. I'm glad you hit her. Sorry I didn't do anything but you know how I am with confrontation." She sighed.

"I know, I didn't expect you to do anything. She did throw a good punch though, I'll give her that." I chuckled. The fracture wasn't totally healed but it was basically and there was no more swelling so I was set.

"I saw, it was a pretty powerful hit though." she chuckled as our food was brought out. We stayed quiet for a while as we dug in but she broke the silence.

"So, what's going on with you and James?" she smirked and I blushed.
"We've hung out a few times but it's nothing. He's just really nice and sweet to me." I blushed harder as I talked about him. He and I have been getting ever so slightly closer but we never said anything about it, everyone else in the band saw it but never said anything and I was happy with that, though Danny has broken my chops about it a few times.

"How are you and Tony?" I caught her slightly off guard and she blushed hard.

"Almost the same as you and James, except we're together a lot and cuddle at night." I let out a very audible 'aww' and she blushed a little redder. I was glad her and Tony were working out so far.

We ate and chatted more about what has gone on since tour started until both our bands called us to be back. We parted ways as we got into the bus lot and I soon arrived at the AA bus. I could hear yelling, very loud yelling and I was hesitant to get on because I wasn't sure what I would be walking into. I punched in the code and slowly walked up the stairs and into the madness.

"Hey Jayme!" Danny said loudly, stopping the yelling that was going on between Ben and James. I stood there staring at all of them and they had innocent but guilty smiles plastered on their faces.

"I don't want to know, do I?" I inquired. Thye exchanged glances with each other before Danny answered.

"Probably not." He smiled and I sat down next to him only to be sandwiched between him and James. I sighed but settled in and listened to their playful witty banter, adding in every once in a while. These guys could seriously put me in a great mood no matter what and it was definitely a bonus that they were all very good looking.

"You want to go out tonight, Jay?" same asked with hopeful eyes and I thought back to the last time I was out.

"Sure, I'm down." I smiled and the guys cheered.

"Someone's getting laid tonight." Danny yelled and we all cracked up at the blunt but vague statement.

We laughed and talked for a little while longer before it was time for their sound check. I grabbed my camera and followed them to the stage.

I watched them jump and bounce around and skillfully played their instruments making the crowd go wild. I got so many amazing action shots of the guys and the crowd. You could feel the energy just permeating the humid air.

I took the last few, sweaty, shots as we walked back to the bus so the guys could clean up and go to their signing.

"Did you see that crowd today? They were going fucking berserk!" Ben exclaimed as we got on the bus and Danny ran to the shower first, much to the guys dismay.

"They were, you'll have to take a look at the shots I got because they are probably the best I've gotten so far!" I chuckled and uploaded them for the guys to looks at. They pointed to the ones they liked the most and I made a note to send them to them so they could post them to their various social media accounts.

"We'll see you in like two hours, be safe!" one of them yelled as they walked off the bus and to their signing. I started editing the pictures the guys like the most and emailed them to their phones and just relaxed. I laid my head back on the couch but my moment of peace was soon interrupted by loud violent knocking at the bus door. I groaned and got up to answer it.

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