With Love To Give That Leaves You Breathless.

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There was a knock at my door around noon and I got up from my couch, pausing my movie and answering the door. It was the FedEx man with a large box. He smiled and handed me the electronic thing to sign and handed me my box before wishing me a good day and leaving.

I shut my door and peered at the name. Scott Dawson. He did say to expect something today. I ripped the tape off of the large box and smiled like a mad man. Inside was a stack of CD's from my favorite bands, a giant teddy bear and a few shirts along with a case of my favorite soda from the East Coast.

I gasped as I really looked at the CD's because they were signed from each member of the bands. I was so baffled and when I pulled out the note stuck to one of the BMTH CD's and it said;

I know how much you love your music and how much every one of these bands has helped you get through rough times so I thought I would do you a solid and use my connections to get you some goodies. Some of the bands even said they knew you really well from Warped, way to tell your favorite cousin you went!? You'll be seeing me very soon, I'm being transferred out to the LA headquarters of AP so you're gonna have to see me A LOT!

Love you lots! –Scottie boy.

I instantly laughed and cried while I texted him saying thank you a billion times and went through every CD. He gave me full sets of BMTH's albums along with AA, MIW and Metallica. How he got Metallica was far beyond the depths of my mind but I was ecstatic about it. The fact that he did it all within a day was even more baffling. I pulled out random merch from the box too. I was so excited to see him after so many years. It was just a matter of when now.

I resumed my movie after I put the Foxon Park White Birch soda in my fridge to chill. I spent my day laying on my couch watching movies I hadn't watched in a very long time, varying from horror to Disney.

I must have fallen asleep because I was shook awake by Mike and it was now dark out. I had the giant teddy bear cuddled next to me.

"How ya feeling today, sweetheart?" he cooed as I sat up.

"Better." I mumbled through my still sleep filled voice.

"That's good. I brought you your favorite ice cream." He said as he sat next to me and handed me the pint of peanut brittle Ben&Jerry's ice cream.

"Thank you." I smiled and walked to the kitchen to put it in the freezer and grab a Birch Beer from the fridge.

I twisted the cap off and tossed it in the trash before walking back out, relishing in the delicious soda.

I cuddled back up on the couch with my teddy and could see the frustration on Mike's face.

"Why did you call me?" he asked suddenly and looked off in the distance in clouded thought.

"You were the only one to come to my mind." I said truthfully and he looked at me with shocked eyes.

"I thought you and Chris had something going on." he said in a hurt tone.

"No. Chris and I are just friends. I don't think anything else would go one between us." I said with a slight smile. As attracted to Chris I was, I wanted to just stay friends.

"Oh, okay." he said in a happier voice. I smiled at him and went back to laying on the teddy and watching the movie.

"Why was I the first to come to mind?" he asked a few minutes later and I looked at him as to ask why he was asking so many questions.

"You live the closest, I'm not close with anyone else in the area besides Priscilla and... I want to be civil and not bitter about everything. I knew you would make me feel better and, and you did." I said as I looked him dead in the eye and smiled slightly.

I watched as he slowly leaned in closer and hesitated before gently placing his lips on mine. The chaste kiss held a lot of pent up emotions between the two of us.

I knew in my heart that I wanted him. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted me too. Our eyes, for once, weren't clouded with lust and rage but love and caring for one another.

I pulled him up the stairs and slowly stripped down. He did the same and caught my lips in another passionate kiss and walked us over to my bed. He gently put me down on my back and ground his hips into my crotch. I let out a raspy moan and he smiled between the kisses.

I could feel that this time between Mike and I wouldn't be rough and full of hate. This is something both of us secretly wanted from one another; one chance to show the love we had for each other. Every move was tender and full of emotions. Maybe I was just using this as something to distract my aching heart but even if this broke my heart, I wouldn't care because this meant a lot to both of us and not just me.

I watched through slit eyes as he trailed down my body leaving little butterfly kisses everywhere until he reached my panty line.

"Tonight, I'll make you feel beautiful once again." I smiled as he quoted one of his own songs and gently pulled my underwear off and kissed the scars on my hips and upper thighs.

His skillful and always fast tongue now moved in gentle movements in my lower region. I ran my hands through his soft locks and tugged when he hit the right spot. He moved away and I watched him closely as he looked at me lovingly. I handed him a condom from my nightstand drawer and he slipped in on before slowly guiding himself in.

I moaned out and so did he. I pulled him down and latched my arms around his neck, capturing his lips as he gradually picked up his pace until it was a faster rhythm but still slow enough to keep it sweet. I smiled as we broke the kiss for air and I moaned out his name in a quiet voice.
The beads of sweat dripped off both of our skin but it melded together as our bodies moved to get in synchronized motion. I could feel the bubble begin to form in my stomach as Mike's thrusts got quicker and sloppier.

I reached my peak a few seconds before he did, screaming out his name in a raspy voice. I heard my name escape his mouth and it seemed to just roll off his tongue and sweetly climb its way into my ears. I smiled as he rolled off of me and pulled my close after throwing the used condom away.

"I think I love you, Jayme Ann Brooks." He said in a barely audible tone and kissed my temple. I wasn't sure what to say so I just smiled and curled myself closer to him and kissed him one last time before falling asleep.

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