When Darkness Turns To Light, It Ends Tonight.

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I paced the room until I felt like I had run a rut into the floor. I was beyond nervous. I was taking a huge step in my life. I would be married in less than a half hour. I would be married to the most beautiful girl I've had the pleasure of knowing. Vic tried his hardest to calm me down but there was no getting rid of my jitteriness. I was far too excited to that this leap.

"Come on, Let's get you all set up." Vic said while laying a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I thought he would have had some bitter feelings about all of this today but he surprised me by being all about it for me.

I stepped out of the dressing room I was forced into when I arrived at the beautiful beach front cottage Jayme had picked for the wedding. I adjusted my tie before being engulfed by congratulations and bombarded with family and friends. It made me feel a little more at ease having more than my bandmates to see and speak to. Everything looks so amazing that I was baffled that Jayme had planned this all on her own.

"How ya feeling, bud?" Priscilla asked noticing the slight look of fear on my face.

"I'll be fine once I see her." I sighed. All I wanted to do was see her or even hear her angelic raspy voice.

"You will, soon." She smiled warmly and squeezed my suit clad arm. I smiled back at her and soon got pulled away by my mother.

"I can't believe my baby boy is getting married!" She said with her eyes welling up and a bright proud smile on her face.

"Ma, stop! You're gonna ruin your makeup." I said with a chuckled and hugged her. She laughed heartily and sighed.

She dragged me around to greet the copious amounts of family members that were here. I had just finished up when it was time to start getting everyone seated.

I stood at the end of the aisle watching everyone be seated. I was breathing deeply to keep calm and the pastor noticed.

"You'll do fine, son." He said with a smile. He had been through this many times I'm sure but this was my first rodeo and I was a mixture of energy, excitement and nerves all packed into one nicely wrapped package.

Once everyone was seated, Priscilla gave me a questioning look while holding her thumb up and I took a deep breath and nodded.

It was time.


I sat in front of this mirror just looking over my flawless simple makeup and beautiful dress while thinking about everything under the sun.

I wanted to be alone during this time to just reflect on everything leading up to today; the day every little girl dreamed about. I was happy, I have been for a while but sitting here kind of brought me down. Not in a bad way but in a crashing reality kind of way. I liked it.

I couldn't help but think this was a little rushed on both parts. I loved Mike dearly and I knew that he felt the same but we still had some things to work through. I didn't want married life to make things worse though.

I touched up my makeup before just relaxing into the chair. I rested my head on the back of it and sighed contently. I was getting married today. Maybe it was too soon but who cares! We were made for each other. Everyone said it from the beginning so if they had a problem with that today then they could go straight to fuck off street.

I looked at the clock and knew it was getting close. I was ready and not ready at the same time.

I wanted to run away and never look back but I couldn't.

I heard a soft knock on the door and told whoever it was to come in.

"It's time, babe." Priscilla said with a bright smug smile. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and panic coursed through my body.

"You'll be fine! Calm down." She cooed and hugged me.

"Mike is just as nervous as you are so don't fret." She said with a chuckle and I let out a sigh of relief knowing he was just as freaked out.

I watch as the bridesmaids lined up with the groomsmen. I had asked Damon to walk me down the aisle since I had no significant male figure in my life so he came up to me with a nervous smile.

"Are you ready, m'lady?" He asked in a ridiculous accent making me giggle. Damon was like my silly younger brother and he always knew how to make me feel better no matter how I was feeling.

The doors soon opened and each pair of people stepped down the aisle and lined up on either side of Mike. I could barely see him because we were just around the corner. I looked over at Damon and nodded.

We stepped out of the doors as Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder played lightly in the background. I didn't want the classic 'Here Comes The Bride' song; I wanted something truly classic, unique and beautiful.

I kept my eyes locked on Mike. He looked so amazing there in his suit and dark orange tie. I was a lucky girl to get such a looker like himself. I caught a good one.

I felt as though the world had been put on pause when I reach the altar. Mike grabbed both of my hands and gave them a light kiss.

"You look beautiful, as alway." He whispered before the pastor gave a loud cough to have everyone quiet down. We both looked towards him and smiled politely.
He smiled brightly and began;

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here today to join together this man and this woman, in holy matrimony. Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined. If any here can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let them now speak, or else hereafter forever hold their peace."

I cautiously looked over at Vic who stood just past Mike. I could see his jaw line tense up and his hands ball up into fists.

I let out a calm and quiet sigh when he said nothing. I know it was bad but part of me wanted someone to think the same way I did earlier. Thinking about it now made my heart hurt.

"Will you, Michael Christopher Fuentes, Take Jayme Brooks to be your lawfully wedded wife; To have and to hold Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health. As long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked with a peaked brow.

"I will." Mike said lovingly and looked into my eyes with a smile that took up his whole face.

"Will you, Jayme Brooks, Take Michael Christopher Fuentes to be your lawfully wedded husband; To have and to hold Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health. As long as you both shall live?" The pastor asked again.

"I will" I said, not breaking my loving stare from Mike.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, may peace and love be forever with you." The pastor said with a big smile and looked at the two of us.

Mike grinned smugly at me and pulled me close. He dipped me down and kissed me in the sweetest way. I could hear everyone cheering and whistling and we kissed. We pulled apart and I could feel the blood run up to my cheeks.

We walk down the aisle, hand in hand, a married couple.

Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes.

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