You're Leaving Me Full of Hateful Regret.

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Three weeks has gone so fast. I'm glad I'm finally done with this shit hole. I've become a bitch in the last few weeks, mostly because of Mike and his little minions torturing me. I thought he had changed, even just a little, but I was so insanely wrong! It's like after that day I told him what everyone had been saying, he became worse. I've been jumped twice from people I barely knew, verbally abused but that's normal by now. All that I know is I am getting out of this state as soon as my principal hands me my diploma. I have everything packed up and in the back of my car so I can just go.

My mother doesn't even know that I'm leaving, it's not like she really cares either. I was glad that I didn't have to dress up or stay in school for the day today. All I had to do was pick up my diploma and go. It sucked that it all has come down to this but leaving is really the only option for me now.

I had cut a bit more because of everyone's words and actions towards me and I regret it but it always seems that, that shiny piece of metal can make me feel so much better, like it was the only thing to comfort me when I needed it the most. I had also been working out just to laughing in all of the people who had called me fat faces. I hadn't lost much weight but I was slimming down, just a bit. I still wasn't very comfortable in my own skin but I was making some type of progress.

I stepped out of my car, adjusting my shirt and yawning. I wiped the little bit of sleep that I had left in my eyes and began walking into the building, ignoring all of the ignorant comments and glares. I was suddenly pulled back and faced with the biggest prick I have ever met.

"What do you want, Mike?" I sighed, not really in the mood to 'chat'.

"I heard you're leaving." He looked almost angry.

"Yeah, and? Who told you that?" I rolled my eyes and fiddled with the keys in my hand.

"Josh did, he saw you packing boxes in your car this morning. Why are you leaving?"

"Why would I stay? Just so I can get fucking tormented outside of school? Hell no. now if you don't mind, I have to get my diploma and shit out of my locker so I can leave. Bye." I started to walk away but to my demise, he followed me to my locker.

"Oh come on, we both know you'll be back when you can't make it out there in the real world." He scoffed with a smirk on his face.

"Really, because I have an apartment, job and a car. I think I'll be fine." I packed my things into my bag and started to walk towards the main office. I may have fibbed about the job but I did already rent out an apartment in Santa Barbara so I could stay in Cali and be able to see my mom during the holidays if I wanted to.

"Interesting, Well have fun being a bitch to every person you meet." he said spitefully and with that, he walked away. His words didn't hurt as much as they used to since I was so used to hearing them but what he said three weeks ago still sent a sharp pain through my chest. There was still a part of me that like him, granted that it was a very, very small part but a part nonetheless.

I walked into the office with a smile, a fake one, and said hello to the administrators. They brought me back to the principal's office where he handed me my diploma and congratulated me. I don't think I've ever ran out of that school so fast. I bolted to my car to find a little note stuck under one of my windshield wipers.

I hope you enjoy your life, wherever you end up. Maybe we'll meet up again sometime down the road. I really did kind of like you but, regretfully, you know my reputation and I'm sorry. Xx

I knew just as well who the note was from but I felt no sympathy for him. he was the main reason I was leaving. I was gonna leave my whole life here; including every feeling I had towards Mike and if we do end up seeing each other in the future, so help me god, he will regret it.

I plan on leaving early in the morning so I could still pack up some things and get a good night's sleep before doing the long drive up to SB, I was looking forward to it; starting a new life and going to school and more importantly, getting away from all of the drama in this god forsaken town.

I arrived at my house and looked around at how empty it seemed now that I was getting ready to leave. I ran up to my room to finish packing the last two boxes up with all the little trinkets and things that I had around my room before plopping down on my bed and passing out.

I still had the note still in the back pocket of my sweats as I fell into a peacefully slumber, knowing that tomorrow my future really starts and I have a feeling it's gonna be a very bright one.

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